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 May 2016 Epic Monkey
I know it's hard to touch the clouds
when memories
hold you down
I know you cry a lot inside
when no one is
I know it is hard to wake up
when breathing cuts so deep.

and the birds, they sing
you cannot hear
and the sun, it shines
you cannot see
and there's a lot of warmth around
you cannot feel.

I know it feels so hard
to live
with so many scars


light will shine and you will
and birds will sing and
you will hear

It's just a dark path
you have to walk
and I will be there
to walk along
don't hold your breath
don't give up yet
keep your hope
and you'll find one day
that you can fly again
for you deserve
the highest clouds
the purest air
the deepest love.

and I'll be here for you,
you, dear soul,
the sweetest lyric
of them all.
for lyric, <3
She's in the hospital for suicide watch because we couldn't help her.
We keep telling ourselves she'll be okay and not to worry about her.
Is she okay?
Yes she is.

I've seen what the urge can do to someone.
I've seen bow bad it can be to their minds.
Is she okay?
                She'll die
Yes she is.

I know how bad it can hit you.
You feel like everything is falling apart because of you.
Even when it's not.

Your parents take some fault.
Just because you're their child doesn't mean they care.
Especially when they blatantly show it.

                Thinking you should go die.
                Thinking you're worthless.
                Thinking you want the attention

Are you okay?
                She's going to--
Ye- Yes you are.

We're worried for you
We're worried you won't make it through society.
You continued to lie to us so we wouldn't worry.
We're always going to worry about you.
No matter if you don't want us to.

You'll be okay
                I won't

You'll b- be okay.
                I won't

You will be okay.
                I will not.

You can't leave.
You will not leave us.

Please be honest and tell us how you feel.
Don't make us feel worthless because we never helped because you said you "were fine".
Another dedicated to Kim...

Written May 23rd 16
 May 2016 Epic Monkey
No more worries, no heartaches.
You let it go and it's okay
Let's just put it this way,
the sea is too big for only one fish and who knows?
Maybe you'll catch a much bigger one next time!
So regret this action a little, or for a bit,
or for a while,
but not for the rest of your life.
if everyone answered
when they were asked
how are you
I wonder
how many lives would be saved

how many friendships made

as for me,
I'm depressed
but still smiling

and one of a million

I'm asked this question
at least two hundred times
during work
maybe it's better
we aren't honest
rhetorical question
generic response
maybe it's better
we hide
 May 2016 Epic Monkey
Stefania S
morning arrives
and i am angry
i feel the acid pouring through my
veins, cold at the
back of my throat as
it burns its path
through my rushing
fawn response and
am left to run, as
far and as fast as
my legs will allow.
avoiding the fallout
of a promised war.
looking in the mirror,
a never-ending
karmic battle between
past and future. good
girl gone bad, or just the
opposite? not really mattering
the roses die, the
water stagnates and
my heart is pretty much
the sun's arrival,
generally potent,
flaccid this dawn
as i curse the slumber-filled
night, silent and empty.
dreams muted, the
result of a chemical
sleep, intended to silence the run-on
so what, how to
retract this flawed
refraction? summer
bounces nearer and the
night's heat will intensify,
raising the potential for violence, the
streets of my soul
quickly clogging
with unexpected
acetylcholine bursts,
moderation necessary
as i begin to drown
in my own
apocalyptic undoing.
 May 2016 Epic Monkey
Drop it
 May 2016 Epic Monkey
I was hollowed
I was shattered
I run before but I couldn’t run away.
You were there
Watching me from afar
You tried to catch me but you didn’t try actually.
We were lost
And we will never meet again
Like a parallel lines that will never intersect.
They can give us new life
They make us happy
But not as the happiness we had before we drop it all away.
 May 2016 Epic Monkey
Luisa C
I'd like to dissolve in legends and myths,
Including the cosmic swirl within.
My fingertips, with light they rage,
I spin the planets at a steady pace,
My skies a canvas of gleaming futures and hopes.
I am mystery, I am beautiful;
No tearing comet will brings me tears,
And I know many things without the existence of fear.

This is all I know:
I know this is a tale.
I am devoid but of a void,
An empty black hole
******* up all that shines.
The stars are dying and burning up early
And the world, I cannot control.

Because my sun's days end too soon
And quickly sets to rise the moon,
And the golden rays meet their doom.
The universe is not mine to keep.
It is merely there to show me all
I cannot do.
 Feb 2016 Epic Monkey
S Smoothie
Movement and thoughts at the speed of light
The others can't hold on to the train
Not my fault
Built different
Explain it to
Blank stares
Bad decisions
irksome stupidity
Hold breath,
Protect the light
Shine on the inside
Dumb it down,
They don't understand
Mediocrity is fine for them
It's their holy grail
Don't be different
Don't push
Just hide
I am who I am
And I do it my way
Because it works.
Gritted teeth
Wrapped in smiles
They don't know
A thing
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