Hot summer nights have come around again.
With them my memories of you.
The way you squeeze me close
The smell of your clean sweat and aftershave
The way you look after a hard day at the office
The way you forget to get a haircut
The way you run your hand through your hair
The way you twist your fingers in my curls
The way you taste after a beer
The way you howled in pain at putting our dog to sleep
The way you always know I'm feeling bad
The way you calm me after my rage has taken hold
The way you never argue
The way you dress me, wash me, love me
The way you deal with me, my moods, my MS
The way you'll stay with me until the end
This I'll know, even when I start to forget
I have primary progressive Multiple Sclerosis. In the 15 years of knowing my husband (10) married, he's seen me lose a lot of abilities we take for granted. He's still here, I take him for granted. I love him. X