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 Aug 2016 Edward Alan
I have compared my love
to the lazy, the no good
and to crazy girls of the past,
to my first truck, to a spell,
a moth and a bottle, to the hell
bending moon, if you could tell,
and to a Captain - if not a ship,
and to ways you'll come to know
too soon, but I have never, ever
compared my love for you.
 Aug 2016 Edward Alan
 Aug 2016 Edward Alan

Just a word like any other,
you spew it into the dark air
and hope that it will stick.
After all, shouldn't we all
be marrying our high school sweethearts
and ******* in the dark
to settle into bone numbing
missionary pleasure,
just like the good book says?

And if you're not married,
shouldn't you be knitting
or biding your time
silently *******
in an empty house,
willing God to shut the **** up
as you ******?

I'd rather be *******
in the moonlight,
in dimly lit offices,
on cliche sunset strewn beaches;
dancing naked in rivers
and sprawling over
sun-streaked sheets
ripe with leftover love.

Radiant heat seeps
from my wide eyes
to my long fingers
to my small *******
to the arch of my spine
to my uneven toes,
and, my god, isn't this
what it feels like
to be alive?

You can take your Sunday best
and your mewling children,
your whitewashed walls
and your plastic sofas.
I'd rather
be wholly, phenomenally
woman- shedding eons
of contempt,
laughing like Caligula
over the power that something
as simple as this body
that I carry around
can wield.
 Apr 2015 Edward Alan
 Apr 2015 Edward Alan
skin breathes
your scent envelopes me
i'm choking on every word that
i've never said and i begin
to spit shattered shards
of thoughts into the
palms of my
and this is
when you notice
me heaving and you
roll over onto your other
side facing the steady walls
so you can be a 33 year old man with no
attachment to an 18 year old who mistakenly
emptied herself into your salivating, ravenous
mouth and you inhaled me with such
pleasure it almost had me thinking
that perhaps i mistook your
distance for sadness
as soon our time
holed up in the
of your home town
would come to an end
and maybe your feelings grew
much taller than even our abhorring of
love and strings being tied to you and
anyone else but i think now i understand
that inside of you is a tragic, drafty cavern
filling it all the way up with every thing you're
not has become such a habit that when your wolf-like
eyes rested upon something youthful and impressionable
it was simply second nature for you to devour all of me and
then leave me with a cavern of my own, you know i've seen
a mirror since we had to part ways and if i hadn't known
any better i would've said that i've started to grey
around the edges and my teeth looked rather
sharp, if i looked a little closer i may have
even said there was a canine-like
resemblance that now suits me
beautifully, naivety is dead.
I am back
to that blank space
to that black hole
eating me whole
like crawling flame
to my paper soul
Who is it to blame?
Still I'm running in shame
away from my shadow
of filth and rot
Even my skin
have scorned itself
but to flay my being
is not enough
Have I forgotten how to love?
And if my body is to live
but the soul is dead,
Will I ever forgive myself?

-Dying Star, Margaret Austin Go
I saw you swimming
in my teacup
I sipped and tasted
so much bitterness
in this teabag,
Pieces of my heart
crushed and dehydrated
As I hear the raindrops
continue to dance
in the same puddles
they created
Promises that we have broken
I have to add sugar
and a little bit of tear
In my cup of tea,
I saw you floating
I took a teaspoon
and shove you deeper
into a whirlpool
that reminded me
how much
I was a fool
for you,
I have to finish it all
Lined my throat
in bittersweet guilt
Swallowed them all
and ah!
a sigh of relief
I must be dreaming

-Tea, Margaret Austin Go
Will you turn me into a song?
With shades of purple as beautiful as the dawn
I will creep slowly with the glinting rays of the sun
Sprinkle me like dew in the green meadows
Hide me in the flowers while busy bees halt for nectar
I'll be like pollen spreading free in serene breeze
Allow me to dance in every eyelids I meet
Pluck a lash and wake them from sleep
Before the day's toil,
I'll be the song of the day's hope

Will you turn me into a song?
Tuck me in the sheets of clouds that swathed the skies
Just before twilight while the mourning sun bleeds
It's lips caressing the foliage of leaves
As the cold wind of winter greets,
I'll be the itch in their filcrums pushing in dimples
creating smiles after long days of hard work
Reminding everyone that everything is worth their effort

Will you turn me into a song?
I'll be the fleeting silver lining in every sad teardrops falling
Even in the rain, I'll be hidden in the frayed clouds
To drizzle you courage to face tomorrow's challenges
I'll be the song of all the hearts; exhausted and crushed
My melody will never turn into dust
Will you turn me into a song? I ask.

-Last Wish, Margaret Austin Go
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