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David Sep 2015
The river of vile
that streams through the main living room
your bile
and into crowded basements
now a flood plain
it doesn’t compare much to your smile
and as your body lays heavy
contorted, distorted
reaching for boulders
that erode quickly into sediment
hapless in attempt
your parents disinterest now retorted
hapless self directed contempt
with pants shackled at ankles
o’keefe sweet lips flower showing
you drown
and sink

and crickets chirp
and fish swim
Aug 2015 · 4.2k
strawberry milk
David Aug 2015
your body, the drain plug,
that climactic days of a day
murky sweet strawberry milk water
ebbs and sways
around, surrounds, and surmounts you

Your body the dumping ground
for pretty poppy seeds
seep, steep
seeded somewhere deep


synthetic stinging metaphor rain
pours on your mistreated singing skin
spotted, dotted, synaptic rule
akin to lemon poppy seed muffin tops
your head- a top
spins round
and mimics
never-ending bath drain whirlpool

ambulances and ambivalences soundtrack
this nocturne
night of a morning
mourning already
my poor lost sister
a little less than intact
lost in her head
I'm loosing her

and she's nodding

            and she's nodding

                          and she's nodding

                                    and she's nodding
and she nods
and grumbles,
fumbles for words that aren't there
four words that aren't there
forward isn't there

because what do you say
about matters
when your high
and breathing last breaths overlapping
in humble showers
in heart crumbling nakedness
your faithlessness trapping
murky sweet strawberry milk waters.
Jun 2015 · 927
caffeine and unkempt hair
David Jun 2015
Couldn’t sleep last night
so I did the next best thing
and quaffed caffeine until
cerebral vasoconstriction
set in
I think
I know I have always been embarrassed to be me
but I guess
if nothing else
Humiliation breeds diffident dissonance humbly so
so foggy up here
a tad bit soggy,
saturated with my diseased anatomical atoms
my dendrites retreating
softening like rotting fruit
so much potential so little actualization
synapses overloaded
with drugs
that I didn’t know

Like the lone tree in the farthest forrest
dendritic pestilence is high and corrosive
I’m high and corrosive
I sigh for the lovers that never knew I loved them.
I miss the lovers that I never knew I loved.
I love the lovers who didn’t don’t and wont love me.

Couldn’t sleep last night
so I did the next best thing
and mirrored the rain until
pillows were
I think
I know I have always wanted to be caressed slightly
but I guess
if nothing else
creation breeds ****** succulence cunningly so
so sticky down here
a tad bit rickety,
saturated with my diseased anatomical atoms
my elevated coronary coronated erosion
sputters like a misused Porsche
so much beauty so little left
arteries caked
with yesterday’s cigarette
that let me let go.
Jun 2015 · 763
Gems in Jeopardy
David Jun 2015
Each raindrop explodes
into millions of tiny oceans
that I can’t see.
As if written in code.
I know of their existence
they mean the world to me
but I wish I could feel and know
without emotion
that one of the millions of oceans
was bigger than the sea

from which the raindrop first appeared
and was lifted upwards just to fall again
again, against all agony an aging raging storm
dropped its first few bombs.
Signalling to the rest it would soon be time
for their own demise,
surmised from the fallen
they form the same sea scenically placed
where we will first meet
they are chastised for their ability to
reconstruct from their own destruction.

I shake in my bed thinking of all the millions of oceans forming over head
and all of the oceans they have been and will be
all the seas they were a part of then
and now that they can’t and won't be
Jun 2015 · 542
On making desires known
David Jun 2015
Social ineptitude
summarized as “self-solaced in solitude"
becomes nightmarish
in late night fright
I worry I will never make my desires known
Sewn into the fabric so even the
sharpest seam rippers
do little to nothing to repair
my inability to tell the truth,
my lips have been sealed, healed and sealed again
To the Yous
I used to call
You're gone and
I am reminded of your presence in this world
and your absence in mine.
David Jun 2015
I'm uncomfortable  

And always tense
In observational
From my corner coffee shop
I see simple embrace
One for which
my body aches.
My body breaks
I realize
I'm alone and
In doing so actualize my own fate.

People are aliens
Foreign and speaking a language which seems eerily  
familiar but forgotten
years ago.
It seems I am not getting
better at conversing
just daily Rehearsing
The same rhetoric
Stoic lows
recycled and recited
to a new day, a new ethereal face

Inadequate Inadequacies
Inadequately Inscribed,
,described and, imbibed.

Please, oh Lord,
Let me imbibe
before subscribing
to speak to you, me, every and anyone.

Send Help!
Send Anyone!

A person
to make my lips feel
a little
less caustic.
Casual conversation
by the wayside
I want what I had
Not what I can or could have.
I don’t want love.
I’d rather have a dog to put to sleep
than no dog at all.
Jun 2015 · 716
Something about a cigarette
David Jun 2015
Something about a cigarette and a cappuccino
gives me solace
but not more than the layers of my bed.
I know it’s all “in my head”
but when did
losing you
become worse than
losing myself
I drag on
I drag on
I drag on

like the dragons breath
out comes the
smoke and flame
and with it
my dignity
and affinity for you, myself, and everyone else

Something about a cigarette and a cappuccino
keeps me at bay
but not like you did
its not the end of may anymore
but the beginning of June
and with it I come out of ruin
ashes fall out of my lungs
I don’t know it now
but my eyelids
won’t close tonight
and instead
in fright and flight
I fight with myself
I plead with my psyche to think about all
the infinite world of nothings
that seem to ease my mind
I should come with a warning:
be kind
I’ve been hurt before
and wouldn’t find
it terribly wrong
if you would,
or could
find it in yourself to
love me
one time more

Something about a cigarette and a cappuccino
gives me solace
but not more than the layers of my bed.
I know it’s all “in my head”
but when did
losing you
become worse than
losing myself
selfishly I
drag on
drag on

I quit.
May 2015 · 447
Ambiguous You
David May 2015
********* are so tired.
Enmeshed in your
silk of lies and loved lovers loved while loving me.
How can you say a love shouldn’t be loved
How can you lie about your lover
Especially if you (n)ever loved me.
let it be
what even is "meant to be"

Not tired in the way
you can shut your eyes
and wake up
to a new day

But tired in the way
you no longer
sulk and skulk.
just continuously
walk around
hoping no one
“How are you”

because your answer
has evolved to some effect of:
I am great!
I am good!
I am alright.
I am fine
I am
I exist

and you resist
you just keep reading
you feel your smile
is not as misleading
as it used to be.
Everyone can see your
eyes are lost
consumed looking for
the reason
for you to lie and love lovers while loving me.

******* are so tired
tired in the way
your tenacious tensity
is palpable
to the point of exhaustion
at this point you are just venting
So ******* go away.
David Feb 2015
This morning was one of firsts
and one of fists.
My lashes tied together
untwined the way they always do.


For the first time in six years
I had forgotten the date.
I pushed my feet through the maze of layers
as if I had someone to wake up next to
My optimistic attitude wished they were not there
because they were running a little late.

I threw on an outfit...if you can call it that
and went to the store
The violent red that attacked me at the front
brought me the realization that it was in fact
the same day
just a year ago
that I would have prepared for
weeks ahead instead
I made myself a meal and poured a glass of wine
as the white outside made
all of humanity disappear.
...and it was beautiful
I bought myself flowers, and lit candles
I snuggled and rubbed my feet together under a red blanket
and listened to songs about loving yourself.
I feel a little bad
I feel a little good
but most of all
I feel
I know
that before loving all of those lovers all those loves ago
I must be loving to the mornings
when there are just my feet in the bed.

This morning was one of firsts
and one of fists.
My lashes tied together
untwined the way they always do.
...and for that I am grateful.
David Jan 2015
I turned water into coffee this morning
and sat by the four corner light box
while reading a book
that taught me not to judge it by its cover.
The twisted crooks
that the story entails
the end trails of coke heads
that still drop slowly down the walls of
East Harlem.
I turned water into coffee this morning
and sat by the four corner light box
and all of its massive holiness
creating a halo around my entire body
without fearing a bullet would come rushing in
and **** me dead
I sat and read of another universe where
life and love still exist
but in a way I could not bring myself to condone
I turned water into coffee this morning
and sat by the four corner light box
with a dark shadow created by the backlit room
safe and in place
just wishing I was one of the twisted crooks
the story entailed
with my end trails in a little more danger
than when
I turned water into coffee this morning
and sat with the purity of my whiteness,
by the four corner light box
while reading another universe
and doing nothing about it.
Dec 2014 · 966
when puppies w(sl)eep
David Dec 2014
when puppies weep
while all else is asleep
and i lie awake
i wonder
what you are running away from

your entire life spent with us
never exposed to the terrors of the world

if your dreams are projections of what you know
what demons do your legs scamper away from
while your body stays still.
is it us.
David Dec 2014
Waiting for this Leary to bake.
I am baked.
I finally have time to reflect
on last night.
Like a kite
up in the air I flew
confused and okay
just simply being with you.
Dec 2014 · 630
David Dec 2014
endlessly refreshing the page
grades mean more than knowledge
grades mean more than time
the red dot notification cages
my inner peace
until further notice
F5 is my life
David Dec 2014
Ridding our teeth of last nights, now rotting food.
Ingesting toxic pastes to put on a facade of pearly whites.
Pretending not to judge myself too harshly for the haggis I still taste
always stuck between #4 and #3
I forgot.
To brush my teeth.
David Dec 2014
dictions (diction's) lost
my addiction's dictions (diction's) lost conviction
excuse that last part, it was intrinsically self-involved
because advertisements
tell me to want.

all my addictions
then divide by whats left.

Chandler says you can't divide by nothing.
Word Study #3
Dec 2014 · 2.1k
Watercolor 6:46 am
David Dec 2014
you see,
well rather ironically
you dont...
or at least i dont
( mistake)
(that was my perception/projection of "you" based on "me" because we (again sorry or/ sorry again) can only see the world egocentrically)
i lost my glasses last week
havent seemed keen
on finding them on the streets of
O, (Oh) (OH) how i keened after them (IO)
driving on a mirror this morning, mourning, before the sun, a rose, arose.
i finally noticed them gone.
the acid lined upper middle class road from my
(socially speaking)
lower class acid ridden
(economically speaking)
upper middle class mind
had dis(re)appeared^(infinity)

all time was lost

and for the first time in my driving career
i found myself, spending more time looking at the street than at the road
shooting stars of red streamed after taillights
as if always trying to catch up
  greens joined in from lights above
...but did not muddle the stars  
like the perfectly controlled watercolor artisan

what Virtuoso, what Perfectionist, what Letter-dash-letter of a being
could create such an immaculate emasculating picture (lack of question mark)
i am humbled.

i gave up looking for my glasses
my vision seemed perfectly clear
so was yours (Sorry)
Word Study #2
David Dec 2014
Randomly Running
at the "new" old asian restaurant...or was it the "old" new
new "old" or old "new"
or a combination there of
"I'll take combo #2"
(i.e) (ir)Regardless

Randomly Running
I trip over a boulder
which upon further/farther insp(dis)ection
seems to be shackled to my leg
I open it:
"You are unlimited"
Word Study.
David Dec 2014
the work of breathing exceeds my ability.
i think i smoked a little too much.
it doesnt feel like thats it.
i think its our hostility.
its just
*Seven-Hundred-And-Sixty Millimeters of Mercury
Dec 2014 · 387
David Dec 2014
final exam in less than seven hours.
and I cant sleep study or settle
maybe its the (what seems like gallons)
of coffee finally adding up
or the kettle
that i wait for night after night

"A watch *** never boils"

but i never looked
and it still never boiled


anticipation grows inside
and winged insects fly
i start to wonder when the morning light will shine
but realize quickly the night never began.

i wait for it not to hurt
but understand (not quite fully)
that the pain hasn't even started.

— The End —