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Don't get angry if a balloon
blows up in your face


you are the one who blew it till it popped
The sunshine dabbles on my skin.

Pale with wistfulness. It somehow reminds me of bitten back lips and swallowed words. The sharp edges of each letter paper cut there and here.

I stay a little longer, motionless, in this hazy light.

I'll come back alive.
I will be living once more.
Just give me a pinch of time.
That will do.
Hey hey hey you brilliant soul! :')
How are you?
P.S Sweets, if you're reading this,
I love love you
When Moonlight wens upon the moore
And Starlight knocks upon your door.
When thrums the hum of Faerie Wings
And the Harpen sound of Elfen strings.
Accompanied by dark Dwarven drums
The music of the night doth come.

A Shaman tends with Force of Night
A Silver Sword of fierce Light.
The wounds flow. The battle bounds
Thunder of Hooves upon the ground.
Tirelessly on the battles fight
But fades away in Mornings light.

And now that morning light is near
I arise from sleep with vision clear.
And the webs of tiredness
Fall from my eyes.
My new day begins
Under the skies…...JMF 11/9/14
Self Explanatory...You can't see miracles if you don't believe in Magic

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
I'd be consoled
for rain to fall on my face
because right now
I feel nothing
about anything

Soaking wet
in a rainstorm
might wash me clean
and maybe tomorrow
I’ll feel again
That's what she always has been.
Hard to find, difficult to be seen.
Her words are enough
to **** me.
"You're just a friend and that's all it will be."

"But no, I don't want
my love for you to end.

"Then you better catch me if you can."
You're scared to put yourself
Out there now
You don't open up to anyone anymore
You don't let alot of people in like you used to
You've changed
You're more guarded
Your mindset is different now
You're not the same person you were before,
Just because of one person
When you're fast asleep and dreaming
Head lain upon my heart
I feel our beats and breaths together
Like they were right at the start
It's just us two in this moment
Bodies, hearts and souls entwined
I'll hold these moments in my heart
Keep them treasured for all time
I crawl unnoticed
into your bed,
having done so many times before.
I know you.

Familiar is always inviting.
The warm sheets, welcoming pillows
bound reflexively around you.
I am that inch of the bed
you never knew.

Darkness and discomfort rapidly infect
the free-spirited bliss that befriends you daily

Toss left.
Toss right.

Your brain in my hands,
a black slab of clay

Open your eyes,
all that seemed so clear, now
clouded like a stone dropped
into still shallow water.

I decide to unchain you,
for you may manage your physical existence, but

I am the puppeteer of your alternate reality.
the rooks glare at him
his pawns are all dead
on his neck roars the queen
crown trembles on his head!

smells his fall the neighing knight
hangs on thread his fate
crown would go and so his might
war over the bishops trumpet!

his army of pawns are nowhere seen
the king feels so alone
his chosen war he failed to win
about time he leaves the throne!

victory at last the pieces sing
we have the king checkmate
behind the new face the same old king
readies to wear the crown’s weight!
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