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 Aug 2015 Dred Erive
It's not who you are or who you know,

What you wear or where you go.

It's not your friends or family,

Its words on a page,

In this community.

The words we use can settle scores

or open doors.

So hear a heartfelt plea from me,

Let's stop the wars and do poetry.
 Aug 2015 Dred Erive
It is an oppression to keep me alive,

a mercy to let me die.

 Aug 2015 Dred Erive
Your eyes.
Your laugh.
Your smile.
Oh, how I miss it all!

Is it selfish-
     to want you all to myself?
Even if you were never truly mine... but I was *always yours?
these are the thoughts that plague my mind when I miss you
 Aug 2015 Dred Erive
A Watoot
I'm in love with a certain type of mess.
The idea of living your life on the run for the fun of it yet you are securely stable.
Weird enough that I am still drowning myself in my own insecurities.

*Oh, what a mess I am!
I'm a mess. I'm a mess of mistakes.
 Aug 2015 Dred Erive
A Watoot
There. You saw me- my weaknesses, my strengths, my vulnerabilities.

My love, you are no longer "my love".
You kicked me out of the door
After all these years of me giving love to you.
Thanks, I needed the exit long ago.

My love that's no longer my love,
You never went out of your way for me
and I always covered you for it all these years.

You know what I could do
But I choose not to
Because I will NEVER stoop down to your level.

Thank you.
Thank you for the memories.
Thank you for the lessons.
Thank you for for raising my standards.

I will never settle for anything less than what I deserve.
from the lady who loved you so much that she'd climb mountains for you but you'd never do the same, who realized that she's worth more than how you treated her, who helped you go where you are now, who gave so much love to you without expecting anything in return except your ******* time, who you kicked out of your life without pain in you heart, without any regret.

PS. I will never settle for anything less than my value.  Thank you for making me realize all these things.  

I do not deserve the treatment you gave me, you worthless *******.
 Aug 2015 Dred Erive
A Watoot
Candle lit room
Illuminated by moon light
A faint smile from the unknown lady of the night

I found her wandering in the boulevard
She's smiling for a person with unsatisfied carnal desires

She undresses and starts spreading sheets above us
Faint scent of her hair
A beauty, no doubt

I listened to her stories with a lit cigarette
How she used to be an honor student

She undresses me and kisses me
She knows where to lead her mouth and hands
She moves- making me quiver with her damp thighs

I will never know your name.
Only the shared cigarette and your story

She slides it in- Moaning, scraping, pulling, tugging.
I lost myself in ecstasy falling in my vivid dreams in the hedonist dimension of the universe.

*She grabbed my wallet and ran.
She opened it; and saw a picture of herself in my arms as a toddler.
heart break makes me disturbingly weird.
 Aug 2015 Dred Erive
A Watoot
I cried, bent, and got burned but I stood up and spoke my mind.

I never deserved to be treated like trash
Because I **** you not when I say I am a diamond.

I am a diamond that you threw away.
Guess what?
I'll ******' shine my luster so that you'll go blind.

I'll ******' shine.
 Aug 2015 Dred Erive
b for short
I caught lightning in your bottle,
and I swallowed it whole.
So torrid and treacherously lit,
I became the kind of something
you taught yourself to run from.
Skin tight and white hot,
I radiate light from all angles;
buzzing with fluorescence.
With my fingertips brightening
the curves of your lips,
I trace that familiar fine line
between your fear and fascination.

In a single crack across the sky,
I will set your darkness ablaze
and leave you with
a deafening boom of clarity.
Jolted and stunned, you take in
an infinite illumination,
devouring every inch of
the unknown color and wonder
once shadowed by your thick,
murky doubt.

Blink, and it disappears
as quickly as it came to be.
What you see, you can’t forget.
As the spots dance, staccato
in front of your eyes,
you run, just as you taught yourself,
fast and far, away from the light;
disenchanted once again,
as you recall the fact that
lightning never strikes
the same place twice.
the same place twice.
© Bitsy Sanders, August 2015
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