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1.9k · Jan 2016
Honey Pickle
Honey Pickle.
  I can't let you go alone, into the night.
  Leaving me here bathing in fright.

I didn't mean to not listen with more care
  Oh Honey Pickle I will not even let dare
  Thinking of my life continuing with you not there.

Dearest wait and please please slow down.
  Speak once more and I beg you to turn around.
  She stopped. And then she slowly fell to the ground.

My darling Honey Pickle wept so loud into the night
  Minutes of anguish and sobbing were sounding her fright.
  I would stay with you if paying more attention you might.

I dared not turn away and let her go
  I put other things first and she seemed to know
  My attendance to her was something I did not show.

Her sobs they fell from her mouth to the earth
  Sad sounds revealed betrayal from me was what she heard
  I flew down the stairs and out the door like a bird.

I ran to the spot where she crying laid low
  I then realized complete attention to Honey Pickle I should show.
  That was the only way a life long love could ever grow.

I stared at Honey Pickle to the skin of her neck above her back
  I lovingly saw the birthmarks that reminded me of my lack
  Of attention to the details of of speech that I had seen as black.

When you love someone like my Honey Pickle focus on words
   Make sure you hear properly and respond right to what you heard.
   Listen. Listen and Listen, and remember them even if slurred.

If you have your own Honey Pickle nothing else matters.
   If you want your future secure and you heart not to be shattered.
   Keep your lover's heart intact, don't leave memory in tatters.
1.8k · Feb 2016
I wrote a jukebox program
  For the computer
  I find music on the intenet
  It helps me program
     More programs for the computer

I see people in Ibiza
  I watch them all moving
  To the sound and they smile
  It helps me focus on what
     I can't do. But wish to.

My mind's sight is drawn
   Into focus as they bounce
   Their dresses flipping
   Their arms beating the sky
      No reason. I don't ask why

Together they are moving
   Do they imagine I see
   Their smiles across the miles
   Through time and space.
      I sit, in the dark.

     And dream of dancing.

dr. mgmorrell 14-Feb-2016
I'm old.
The man gets old,
as he has been told.
The woman is older still, and though looking so young,
She is in pain a lot and knows that.

The man is just an old, silly linguist, not even real
Just a computational linguist.
The woman is a sexto-grammarian and an expert and teacher,
She loves it, and still teaches people everything.

And although their love is unquestionably strong and true,
Their time together is all too short,
Their all too short "conjugal visits" are
More about "conjugation" than anything else.
946 · Jan 2016
Phone Life
She answered and said
   "Don't call me 'til five"

I thought she'd be glad
   To know we're alive

Long distance love depends on phones
   I wish we lived in one home

Wrong timing is often a big mistake
   One that I always seem to make
893 · Mar 2016
The Apron and the Gun
The Apron and the Gun

I see an Apron around your waist
  And its ******* about your breast
    It is Keeping you from spills and splats
       and it's keeping you from the mess

Is there a machine gun at your side?
   Or something just as strong?
      What does it take to care for all of them
          and Protect them from what's wrong?

I know your mothering and all your care
    I know your life's gone up and down
        You've shunned tears and ignored despair
            Your strength shows us how to hold our ground

The strength that is in you my dear
    Is a power not often mentioned and not seen
        But it Keeps our lives safe and without much fear
            Makes us who we are and keeps us safe and clean

When you hang your apron and put aside your guns
    When you loose your hair and lay you down
        You still have time for me and some
            Love, and hugs and kisses and fun

You are the perfect woman, the mother of all living
    You are my wonderous friend and spouse,
        Your comfort and all of your daily giving
            Make you my warm and safe home and house.
819 · Jan 2016
Reconciled Sky and Sea
many people look to the sky,
gaze upon the milky way,
and wish upon a star.

i tend to look to the sea,
dream of mermaids,
and wish upon a starfish.
guess that’s why i love rainbows,
they are where
the heavens and the waters reconcile.
by Leslie Anne Morrell
733 · Jan 2016
warm black leather
warm black leather

surrounds each leg
surrounds each thigh
tight across your *******
tight up and down the rest

such soft leather
it isn't creaky at all
when you stand
when you fall

how are you doing
under that leather
warm and tight pushing out
against the leather in this weather

your hair's short
its soft and doesn't touch
the leather just your head
which is on a pillow in our bed

just keep it on such hot black leather
I love you as well in any kind of whether
you are dressed or ****
and the leather is not as crude

oh on second thought take it off
we'll lay it on the chair
if you can dare
to put it down

now you just have on your hair
another moment i won't spare
to hold you tightly here
next to your leather on the chair

we married with your dress of leather
hugging your body to show whether
a marriage in black would be as good
as a marriage of plant fibers would

Like the leather we have clung
to each other sometimes apart some
through times of cloth and times of leather
our hearts and home keep us together
701 · Mar 2016
3 AM
When you got up at 3 AM.
and you are all alone
the house is dark.
you wear a frown.

Finally dawn begins a little bit now.
It's 6:30 AM, and work is soon.

You realize the night's ended
And you were alone again
Your love and romance partner is thousands of
miles away.

One rule please remember
One thing never forget
Don't get onto you tube
and listen to abba.
656 · Jan 2016
How small of a toss
  Can create such great loss
  The wrong words to a boss
  Showed meaning with cost  
A tiny young boy
  Misuses a toy
  States things that are cloy
  On food too much soy

An older girl rants
  She needed new pants
  The seeds that she plants
  Itch like some red ants

You can't find your ring
  Shouted words in a string
  Accusations that sting
  ... You sat on the thing

How much did you gain
  In time of long pain
  Heard the howling of rain
  No songs had you sang

Life gave you pleasure
  Though Lacking in measure
  Like clinging a tether.
  Than none it was better.

How fun has dwindled.
  Love that sloped downward.
  Loss casts And it shadowed.
  'Til no more has remained.


Words. Lost.

mgm 1/10/2016
651 · Jan 2016
evil words
I was told by those who should have held.
Their evil words all to themselves.  

That I'm weird and old but I don't dwell
On words of haters' speech very well.

Most folks have little self control.
Of their words, or of their hateful soul.

Since Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street
Taught them to always vent and weep.

On to sports their tongues developed
Cursed their opponents and crushed each other

It is all a part of the American way
Using hate as the basis for what they say.

I  wish they'd be quiet and in retrospect
Plan their thoughts with love and respect.

Till then I hear the bad words and speech,
They want something like some ******* leech.

And when I sleep it all goes away.
The two more hours holds their spite at bay.

Friend, try silence on for just a day.
And when you speak, think before you say.
650 · Jan 2016
Another Hobby Destroyed
Another hobby has been destroyed
    By my lover, my wife, my best friend
    I won't be annoyed.

I decided to read and watch a number of works
    but have been made to feel guilty, I hate that
    and it completely *****.

We only can talk for a few minutes each day
    Then it's time for the national news, I am hanging up
    I hear her say.

Over half my salary gets transferred to that bank
    My emotional energy stands up in our talks every day
    Then the proverbial rug, out from under me is yanked.

I am accused so often having made a big choice,
    In the past and now -- in the future
    That is what ends our conversations, silences my voice

Why continue? Promises are made to me of a "for all time".
    Pain and suffering are projected back at me,
    How can I live like this, how can she? The fault is all mine.

Earlier in life, I never spoke. I dared not reveal,
    To friend or acuqaintance, distant orclose.
    My pain inside, how everything made me feel

So with this last long relationship, right from the start
    I explained how I felt each step of the way
    I poured forth a flow of words from my heart.

Now I do hear, that the novels, and movies, and author I chose
    Makes me feel guilty, and I hate the, "SOUND FAMILIAR????"
    So the videos can stay off, and each book I must close.

Is this what my life is, and how it will end?
    Confusion and heart pain, they happen each day.
    Using technology or words and sight our feelings we send.

What am I doing tonight, this weekend, for all of each day?
    see you later, is what she will say, See you tomorrow,
    You Love me in your own special way.

I guess

mgm 1/22/2016
614 · Jan 2016
A visit from the professor
Twas the day before classes
and all through the school
Not a student was stirring
but few hardcores with parasols

In strolled the boss with something to say
Who seemed happy enough hi to say
My coworker professor strolled in with a TA
I did not know about ‘til introduced to her today

Looks like this semester will be good
Unless kids come in to whinge like they often do
Be nice to me and we’ll be nice to you.
Follow that rule an do your work to

A sucessful term means you learn about what I say
Grades are degrading remember I tell you each day
Learn what I want and use it right and
I’ll give you an A… OK?

A succesful Spring 2014 to all and to all a good time!
600 · Jan 2016
Weak Poem
Weak Poem

"All of my friends they now are dead"
Bare and Blatant I suddenly said
I said its true in the middle of a party
They just all left and went home to bed

Back in the time when it was previous
I talked and I forgot to be devious
I had many friends with which I could be
It ****** People off who were jealous of me.

They wondered how it was we could be so close
And made remarks that it would just not last
But my friends didn't mind and neither did I
Was just living my life and they all were kind.

But time it passed and the future would unfold
My brother died in a wreck and that sure foretold
Like a flashy neon sign of things to come
I drove fast, not home, but to a certain someone

I said my brother had died in an airplane wreck
She said she cared but the others didn't say.
So then I went home and I felt blue that day
Crying and dying's what I remember it's true.

That was a sign my life would start to unwind
Passing then killing all of my rhymes
People who should have been there for me
Their memory is now buried under some tree.

My future wife had a niece that away just passed
My business friend's dad got cancer and passed.
Jim's Agent Orange poisoning killed his ***.
Another Jim died from the sun cancer on his scalp.

As bad as that was were every last friend
My marriage ****** them all off bad in the end
They hated on me and said that now I was dead
They never woudl speak to or see me again.

I could go on and on about my church going friends,
Most of them I never did see again.
Try as I might to regain my life
All die you see and all that's left is fright.

Night after night when you're always alone.
Not much to do, you just Bored and gone Old.
all the dead friends that you've left behind,
The living one's silent. Spend each night. Alone.

mgm weak poem. 1/16/2016
589 · Jan 2016

I look into the tunnel
That leads to the future.

Oh I see glory shining in a tiny spot.
Coming from the future. I see Zion shining.

But the way through is narrow
and darkness is scarey in that line.

Can I walk it, so often alone?
Can I possibly reach that Light?

The Glory is calling. The tunnel does
not turn Up. It stays straight and on Earth.

Will the Earth be filled with
that Glory?

Will there be fig trees?
Will the swords be ruined and made into plow-shears?

Will people live so long then that if they die
People will say, one hundred? So young.

Will there be knowledge instead of

Will there be an end of disease and of

Will women and men all be treated as
the equals they are?

Will religions end and other reasons for

I believe it to be as I have said,
as I have been told all these years.
In the real Bible.

For It says that God said,
But as truly as I live,
all the earth shall be filled with
The glory of the LORD.

mgmorrell 1/20/2016
from thoughts on num 14:21
from Numbers 14:21
567 · Jan 2016
sea of words
In the darkest watch, in the deepest of night.
When all is quiet, and there’s no longer light.
When shadows occur on other shadows of blacksmith
When light becomes a mere reflection of thought.

My thoughts had drifted to the sea of words
Where quiet echos in my mind occur.
The creaks and clicks of the house were gone.
No longer the echo of air I heard

I stood up high on a ship’s tall bow
Floating over the ocean I don’t know how.
It was the sea of the Bible presented differently
This nocturnal journey was something new.

The head of each word was a buoy hanging down.
The rest of the word was under the water
I wondered if fish lived down there
I mulled what meanings I’d find floating here

All the nouns were cued each with a breath
Verbs interspersed between them on the surface of the sea
As the breath of the nouns spread across the water
I saw it move and it began to show me it’s meanings.

Suddenly came a gurgling wave
And moved the ocean up and down
I saw words bobbing and jumping
The words were shown in a new light to me.

I was now supported by this sea of words
In a ship that God had made for me
It was organized from the deepest void
That I first did see.

In the beginning was the word in this deep sea
And the word of God had formed in me.
I look over its vastness deep as the wind did blow
I wander in the night watch around the ship’s bow.
508 · Jan 2016
Love's Dance.
And and far between.
Are the moments.
We have to dance.
When you get close.
and lay your Head on me.
When we move to Music
in the Dark.
In my Heart closing my Eyes
Listening to some Music
here in the Dark.
I feel Your face on my shoulder
and My face on your head.
Our arms around each other
As we move in the dark.
Thank you for all those moments.
I have these as a life of memories
You have given me.
While we are apart.
and I sit in the Dark.

mgm 9/30/2014
465 · Mar 2016
did i not give you enough money
did i not give you a good grade
did i not remember to call you honey
did i ever forget to hold your hand

did i fail to meet your expectations
i imagine and realize i did not
if i am a source of funds i know
it was never enough

if I was a source of learning maybe
i never taught you enough stuff
if I was a source of interesting times
i blew it and now know i was not the right kind

of husband
of dad
of friend you wanted
to have

i could not ever be where you wanted
at every moment of your life
did i hold any promise in your eyes?
i think not you just made me say something
and then called it all lies

as early as I can remember
women only like to say one thing
"no, you don't", and then "you are a liar"
"unless you are god, i don't need you"

perhaps if i had been a king or some thing
that you really wanted, that you really needed
that would have been better for you
you keep reminding me, and dangling me,
entangling me, and then say "do you love me?"

"do I love you"? I have often been told
I don't love anyone, in fact I have been told
"you hate everyone". By those "closest", lover
and friend, mother and then

They leave. They abandon. They turn away.
In anger. There is clearly nobody on earth
to whom I am more than a source of something.
But never enough. and never. A source of me.

6 march 2016
445 · Jan 2016
It only brings pain
And its not possible for me to attain.
I look and look but its always the same.
I’ve nothing to gain.
Whether a **** or a Jane.
So away with it all,
and I’ve got only me to blame.
440 · Jan 2016
When I thought of A Home.
I thought Where shall it set?
And its geography be?
In America or at home in Britain
Could it ever someday be?

A place to lay my head.
To be, what I thought I wanted,
With some kind of bed,
Where books would be written and read,
Maybe with a back garden shed.

When I was a kid,
I did not dream of a home,
At least not one of my own.
So many others had shown,
Procurement of one's own
often only makes them groan.

Maintenance of one took  
seasons of work,
used up all of their time,
Something for them,
but surely not mine.

Time passed away, hundreds of thousands spent.
Of dollars, or pounds, for taxes and rent.
Angry old bankers made denial of loans to me
Via something called the credit score
A sport made to block home buying
Just to prevent life for oneself and one's friends.

Pain and despair all came from the homes,
Most never realized their dream which is to own.
The thing they are slaved to and serve,
Day and night.  Where they might,
Get moments of joy in darkness and light.

Power shut off, paint always spread, taxes based on
How well developed it was, house, hearth and place
Home where it stood and it fell. Where we walked
and we crawled into and out of holes
in the walls.

All of your family dies when you're old.
Like my family left cash and a house I did
buy. No mortgage, no debt, no payments to forget.
But family all left. So alone to I set.
In this home which is useless though new.

It was supposed to be for me and for you.
But that is now a dream that has fled.
We never put up a small shed.
In the back grarden. The bed, is only
for me now since you left.
427 · Jan 2016
Stepped into darkness
Walked off the pier
Fell into the abyss
Slid into the mere.
Was I lost or just being found
As I slid from the miry ground
Was all going to end
Or beginning once again?
Who knows I thought
As I flew into the mist.
When life hits me broadside
When a nose-dive I take
It might not be a choice
And not a mistake
Falling could be a handle
To access the well of life
When I get real thirsty
While I get super tired.
The answers are way up high
and way down below
When I cry in the night
And fly through the air
To places that are unknown
To where I don’t dare.
I might get some answers
and Maybe I’ll grow
It’s all of my journey
One day I will know.
Lift up from the slip
It’s just another step.

mgmorrell oct 2013
421 · Jan 2016
Dark thinking
Dark thinking

Language is a sickness
Language is a cure
Language is a ****
Language is a *****

Language makes you feel good
Language makes you feel bad
Language makes you happy
Language makes you sad

Language creates a foul mood
Language is a disgusting food
Language brings some happiness
Language makes everything a mess

You have such a powerful tool
And its right there in your mouth
Will you let it go north
Or send it to the south?

Your Language is up to you
Use it well from now til you’re through
You tongue is a very very very
Long and never ending tool

Language will make people feel loved
Language will make people feel your hate
Language defines your character and mind
Language is what when I seek you I’d find

wow. sitting in the dark for hours imagines.
mm 31 mar 2014
417 · Jan 2016
Face Time
Face Time.

I showed her her face.
She wouldn't look. I said.
See how beautiful you are.

It took days.
It took months.
She looked.
She could not. But finally did.

I said. Please say hi to yourself.
Say "Hi Leslie". It took a while.
So many tears.
She finally started to look and say hi.

This went on and on.

There were so many slips.
Falling back down to despair.
Oh our love seemed so desparate.
So unfair.

I started saying we won't sleep,
Each night
Until we resolve it.
So we did, we sat in the bathtub.

Talking and talking 'til resolve, came.

More years.
Building and building.
Life became our family.
Alone, then two children. Finally seven.

It seemed like climbing from hell to heaven.

Sure it was hard.
Sometimes it was fun.
Rolling back down.
when trouble would come.

Disease came. Physical. Mental.
Both sides of the coin.
Through weakness and trouble.
We shared in our pain.

The children grew up
at least they could see
That was shared by Leslie and me.

Now that we are old.
Grandchildren and dogs.
I'm so far away from it all
For income from the desert.

Lives by the sea.
Near where it all took place.
We share through computer
Face to Face.

She looks at mine.
I look at hers.
A little relection of each.
Each day when we say.
With Face Time.

8 Jan. 2016
415 · Jan 2016
one more time
one more time
would be nice
like the first time

on the floor
on the rug
under the blanket

I could not believe
how you showed me
you loved me

no promises made
just love was made
nothing much said

just everything
412 · Jan 2016
no good reason
Seeing you angry with someone
   Hurts me very badly
I wonder if you really as loving
   as I thought.

If you are suspicious
   that is hurtful, no matter who
It is directed

Do you really want to be liked
   Because of who you are?
Not because you look so
   Desirable and Beautiful

Decades of women trying to
   Make it that way.
Is all undone when you are so mean
   On the inside

If you are questioned about being
But you really respond by saying
   "With good reason"

Sorry, but.
   There is not good reason for someone
To harbor a feeling of

Suspicion means - you don't forgive
   Suspicion means you harbor a grudge
Suspicion leaves no room for growth
   That means you are incapable of growth, too.

There is no good reason for suspicion.
394 · Jan 2016
Good Morn Faire Lady.
  Good Morning to you.
   For Christmas time has come so true.

When Leslie's head turns from her sleep
   Awakes to sun and clear air to breathe
     Night's gloom is shed and day begins.

Each wave that rolls upon her shore
  Sends another breath to her who bore
   Such fine children who grace her door

When then the year ends for hound and men
  Dear Leslie will sing with all that who
   Rejoice the New Year for me and you.

So join with Her on the happy day
That commemorates our Saviour's ways
  And hug her dearly as she says,

    Merry Christmas to all of you
        And a grand and happy new year too.
Whether you’re sober, or whether you’re high.
If you did it now or in the bye and bye

Whatever you thought or were feeling that day
With love and respect for you I’ve got to say.

Please remember this saying because it is true
You’re going to be judged for all that you do.

( don’t forget this )
365 · Jan 2016
When you are married it's not called groping,
You are just a cruel idiot to call it groping.
353 · Jan 2016
Love is in the air.
A ring from the phone
A ring on a hand
A ringing in the mind
A ring of hope of my own.

What is love really?

A message of text
A scenic photo
A ****** of a song
A realization its all wrong

What became of love

It's nice to know you are loved
It's great to hear
It's nicer to see
It's great to feel
348 · Jan 2016
Sometimes, I’ll hear a song,
like diamonds and rust by Joan Baez,

and I’ll wonder about the different women I loved, so much.
I always believe that now, if they ever think of me,
It’s only strong hatred they feel.

The men, who were friends are all dead.
So they don’t think anything of me.
Like a fool, all I ever wanted was one very loyal,
Very loving and close friend.
I guess I messed it all up. Over and Over.
339 · Jan 2016
No in the morning!
No in the night!
And in case you were wondering
No afternoon delight.

Because once I got old
Now many years ago
Life got cold and
****** love had to go.

No matter what they say
No matter what you have been told
Once you have gotten old
There's nothing more to hold.
sad this morning.
284 · Jan 2016
It's ok
To love me
I'm very far away
and you will
Never meet me.
280 · Jan 2016
5 am
I knew.
on Earth
loves me
*crying 5 am thoughts
278 · Jan 2016
Just a hello to send
  you a kiss

Just  a short note to
  tell you I miss

Your lips in a smile in
  front of my face

Your whole self portraying
  your style and your grace

I'll take this short messay
  to send you my love

And hugs and some kisses
  through the satellites above.
271 · Jan 2016
I am having a crisis of lust.

     so lonely. what a pickle
256 · Jan 2016
Doing things you hate.
    For someone because you love them.
    How can I say it?

It is wicked stupid.

— The End —