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 Aug 2018 Victor
Blade Maiden
In the blink of an eye
I lost myself
I said goodbye
I turned my head and went
I turned it again and again.
Til it send
all my past selves to fly with the wind
By the morning I was born anew
And yesterday had sinned
I left my old clothes on the windowsill
I might pick them up and fly right out
One day, yes, first I'll climb this hill
Get all the way on top of it
with feet sore of rocky walks
with shoes that never really fit
I'll get up there just to see
to find there is
another me
And maybe here I'll find
life is not what life once was
it's really all a state of mind
 Jul 2018 Victor
 Jul 2018 Victor
Are you fleeing from Love because of a single humiliation?
What do you know of Love except the name?
Love has a hundred forms of pride and disdain,
and is gained by a hundred means of persuasion.
Since Love is loyal, it purchases one who is loyal:
it has no interest in a disloyal companion.
The human being resembles a tree; its root is a covenant with God:
that root must be cherished with all one's might.
A weak covenant is a rotten root, without grace or fruit.
Though the boughs and leaves of the date palm are green,
greenness brings no benefit if the root is corrupt.
If a branch is without green leaves, yet has a good root,
a hundred leaves will put forth their hands in the end.
 Jul 2018 Victor
 Jul 2018 Victor
I am riding the waves of the ocean
Worried that I may drown into motion
How I dream to swim against the current
Hoping I can arrive on the shore of my comfort
 Jul 2018 Victor
Rotting Heart
 Jul 2018 Victor
I know am the one that got away
I know I have no right to talk to you
I know that probably you hate me
I know all this but still my rotting heart has me saying this

I've been thinking about you,missing you,
I've been writing to you but they are all drafted
I've been angry,messed up all the time I just can't let you go
I've been trying to move on but I just can't

You see my ears bleed red whenever our song plays
You see I wonder if you have already found "the one" again
You see I want to call you but am afraid of being a flotsam
You see am a ****** arena because my heart and brain are in war

Have you been looking at your phone hoping the next call is mine?
Have this 5 months we have been apart changed you  too?
Have you been waiting for me,like I have been hoping you have?
Have you been trying to reach out to me but been non-successful ?

It's naive for me to think positively,I burnt the bridge right?
It's wrong for me to wish that you are as miserable as I am,
It's wrong for me to say am sorry after 5 months of saying nothing,
It's even wrong for me to still hope that there might still be an us.

Wait,I know I hurt you by ghosting like that am sorry,
Wait have this 5 months also taken a toil on you,changed you?
Wait,if I call you if I tell you it's me how will you react?
Wait ugh, Why am I doing this I should just call you right?

Just know I still love you,no one has loved me like you do
Or should I say am sorry I left without a word
Have you been wishing I could just reach out to you?
No don't tell me if not,my rotting heart will fall
 Jul 2018 Victor
Ashly Kocher
How does the earth rotate?

We are told by its axis that it rotates every 24 hours but never feel it move...

My theory...

Throughout the entire world
There are different time zones
When we are sleeping in the USA
Others around the world are working
Also, vice versa....

Did you ever think
The world rotates because of us humans
         Riding your bicycle
Causing the friction to rotate the earth
Kinda like a treadmill.....
Do you think that’s what makes to world go ‘round?

Just a thought....
 Jun 2018 Victor
Bright Eyes
I know you stare at me while I sleep
Try making me close my eyes by kissing
my eyelids when i awake,
Bright Golden eyes,
Telling me more  when you steal glances at me,
Bright Golden eyes,
To my heart you bring pure surrender
Bright Golden eyes,
Though your lips remind me everytime,
That you love me all the time,
Bright Golden eyes,
Tell me more,
Bright Golden eyes,
Tommorow the sun will rise and I will come back,
I miss you and I love you
Bright dark blue eyes mine
Bright golden eyes yours
Till tomorrow. I love you
Bright Golden eyes I won't take long
 Jun 2018 Victor
 Jun 2018 Victor
I asked you,
what do I do when the devil on my shoulder
tells  me to bawl on a blow-in
just to get all the pent up frustration  out.
You said
"Take your emotions to school"

Last week
I asked you,
what to do when my pride and selfishness
make me believe that I am larger than life?
You said
"I wish you could be more specific"
So I told you in terms
I don't know anything that feeds to my ego.
You said
"when you feel like this in terms of riches
remember there is someone out there who has a lot more than you do and if not so if you are deemed the richest according to your definition of richness by everyone around you and even the whole world then look at the sky with  stars so rich,the moon a mystery  and the sun so hot  and ask yourself if you can be that rich or that full of life or that mysteriousness."

Last month
I came to you bitter
I asked why is the world biased
always shows a side to it that I never knew(the ugly one)
why I got hurt despite
my tenderness
my altruistic
You said
"My dear life is never fair and
things won't always go the way you want them to most days and life doesn't revolve around you
so before you go somewhere or make any move
before you speak
study your environment and learn to live in it
for some people are accustomed to
violence and a have a wrong philosophy towards life
don't change them,
don't fight them
do not advise them
they think you are weak
against them
they will
despise you,
**** you
and always be in your way.
Instead plan ,calculate your moves,think,never forget to think
and be the better person and version of yourself despite what is going on the outside.Plus always remember you are the only person who can never be your own enemy,your family,friends and lover can but not you."

Four months ago
I came to you
Proud and boasting,
I judged all those who weren't on my level
I spoke ill until I noticed it
and asked what to do when all
I want and seem to do is judge people
You said
" What another person's accomplishment,
style of mind or dressing is,
is none of your business so whenever you feel like judging
shut your brain up by telling it that it is none of your business only judge when it is your business to"

Eight months ago
I wallowed in  depression and regrets
those what ifs,those shoulda,coulda ,woulda
that I never did knowing that
my life would have a different turn about if only...,
I came to you
disgusted by feelings towards myself
and asked
where can I find the light when I am sinking to low in depression's
confines due to  regrets caused by addictions, my mendaciousness and constant state of guilt
You said
"When the mist of depression darkness fogs your brain just remember no amount of guilt can change your past and no amount of anxiety can change your future.You have the power to have make decisions that will pull you out the confines of future depression,anxieties and paranoia."

Today I woke up to your letter
It said
Dear Z,
To mark this being the last day of the ninth months
since you started catechizing me
I will spring something that has always been inside you
but by a medium of words
always work on improving your character,relations to people
and your philosophies
Never think you know to much and that can't learn from others or situations or in general  stop trying to learn more because there is always something to learn try being open minded and you will see this is true
If life knocks you down wake up look at what caused the knock out study  the what not's to and then shake  it off but never forget.
Mostly learn from other people's experiences read ever chapter feel every emotion and the what not to and what to then use it.
Then finally remember to live
you don't only live once
but you live every day
and die once
so make the most out of today and
whatever happiness means to you chase it everyday follow
it just
most of all
be happy.
 Jun 2018 Victor
Glenn Currier
 Jun 2018 Victor
Glenn Currier
You alchemist  turning grayslate days
into luminescent jade

You tempestuous temptress
with voice of thunder and lightning eyes

Your skin sparkles sun and stars
painting peace on our scars

We swim in your moon
trembling in your silver ******

We sleep beside you by night
your abundance sates our days

We dash and flash and storm
you caress and touch and transform

The wisdom of your vastness
reaches us in waves

Oh you liquid goddess
leap into our souls

and make us whole  

Written - 5-24-2003
Author's Note: Written after a two week campout/retreat on the shores of Lake Whitney in north central Texas - May 2003.
 Jun 2018 Victor
I want gold to drip from my tongue.
As if to drench my words with importance.
I want it to leak out and sit atop my head like a crown.
When I speak to you with kindness,
When I speak to you with love,
to show that I am no longer bowing down.
Because I am dipped in gold and a queen of sunshine.
And I will no longer let memories of you steal the warmness inside me-
My hands may still be cold
But I have a fire heart that you can no longer put out.

- for all the boys who try to make you fall to your knees remind them you are a force to be reckoned with.
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