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Dennise K Jun 2016
I am starting to think  that I am not enough
because something just doesnt add up
how can you say "i wanna give you the world" one night
and "im over it" the next.
I am starting to think that I am not enough
becuase some times he says i talk too much
and other times not enough.
I am starting to think  that I am not enough
becuase this just doesnt add up
and I know I was never great at math
but 1 and 1 was always 2, and me and you was always good.
I am starting to think  that I am not enough
becuase you said you wanted to give me the world but took it from me the very next day
and I just wish I knew what would be enough for you, becuase my heart was never enough.
Dennise K Jun 2016
he just might break your heart but he has you dancing in the taillights saying, "one more song"
and every part of you is telling you to run but that look in his eyes say, "stay awhile".
he will make you feel like your walking on clouds but do not forget to come down every now and again.
becuase oh he just might break your heart, but tonight, tonight he is saying "I love you more".
Dennise K May 2016
I have never been in love
but I imagine it tastes like hot chocolate on a winter's day.
Warming you from your head to your toes and deep in your heart.
I would like to think it sounds like your favorite song on the radio played over and over again, with the windows down, filing your lungs with joy.
It would feel like fresh washed sheets. Cool against your skin and comforting you in every way.
I have never been in love but i hope that one day my cheeks always hurt from smiling to much and my heart is always light.
I hope to be in love.
this ending is eh.
Dennise K May 2016
I have a bonfire heart.
a love that burns deep red.
with the rise and fall of my chest it sirs, warming those around me.
but as the fire dwells down and the embers burn, the people leave.
who sticks around when the fire is at its lowest.
i have a bonfire heart.
Dennise K Apr 2016
I no longer call your name into the night
no more do my hands fit to yours
I have forgotten how your voice sounds
it took some time, but my heart stopped syncopating to the beat of yours
and in the process of letting go of you I became mine.
Dennise K Apr 2016
I cannot be the one to mend your broken heart
But I promise to never hold the knife that does the damage
I cannot give you forever
But I intend to make every second count
Dennise K Mar 2016
when your head throbs from repeated blows to the wall I will be the pillow you lie on
in the quiet of the night when you can hear your thoughts
and the absence of light makes it sound like they are screaming.
I will be the wind that whispers you to sleep.
when the world shakes beneath you and you find it hard to stand I will be the bed where you find solace.
if the dark seems to paint faces you tried to forget
I will be the light you turn on
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