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  Mar 2016 Dennise K
Putri Emilia
Tell me,
Should I worship the universe for letting me loving you,
Or should I condemn it for letting you hurting me?
Dennise K Mar 2016
and I can see his chests rise and fall with each breath as he lies next to me, the moon still high in the sky.
yet i still fear that i am alone.
I know the lines on his hands better than my own but I find I come up, empty handed.
He tells me he loves me and in his eyes I see a fire.
When he kisses me my vision goes black and the only sound is my heart leaping out of my chest.
but now as I watch him sleep all I can hear is my head telling me that i should run while i still can.
THIS *****
Dennise K Mar 2016
she has a fire in her heart so bright you can see it in her eyes.
The golden fire draws you in and keeps you warm.
She holds the world on her shoulders with her head held high
with every stride the earth rumbles under her wake.
infectious in all that she does, attracting bystanders with a smile
She loves with every once of her soul.
When you find her take hold and never let go
With the blink of an eye she is gone.
she walks one foot in front of the other and never looks back
because the images are actually smaller than they appear the farther you walk.
She has cracks in her skin and cracks on her heart
but her fault lines show that she lasted the quakes.
Because when the fire in your heart burns so bright that you can see it in your eyes
the world seems to be a little lighter.
Dennise K Mar 2016
raise a toast to the girl who had her heart broken but continues to give the pieces to those who ask.
a pat on the back to the girl who despite being stabbed before, stands tall.
congratulations to the girl who has had her trust broken but gives more than she takes.
a round of applause to the girl who shouts over the voices of disapproval to yell, I am worthy.
to the girl who puts her heart on the line when she is well aware of the uncertainty of the outcome, this one is for you.
you are more than you know and stronger than you believe
  Mar 2016 Dennise K
strawberry fields
i've written sixty eight poems
on adderall in an hour and all of them
are living up and getting married
having kids and taking three week
vacations in the carribean
living fulfilled lives under no control

healthy, fruit dripping naturally
even when things go wrong
they sleep soundly.
i am distracted by how perfect they are
and admire them with jealousy
when i should be asleep
‘I love you, sweet: how can you ever learn
How much I love you?’ ‘You I love even so,
And so I learn it.’ ‘Sweet, you cannot know
How fair you are.’ ‘If fair enough to earn
Your love, so much is all my love’s concern.’
‘My love grows hourly, sweet.’ ‘ Mine too doth grow,
Yet love seemed full so many hours ago!’
Thus lovers speak, till kisses claim their turn.

Ah! happy they to whom such words as these
In youth have served for speech the whole day long,
Hour after hour, remote from the world’s throng,
Work, contest, fame, all life’s confederate pleas,—
What while Love breathed in sighs and silences
Through two blent souls one rapturous undersong.
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