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Aug 2016 · 424
curlygirl Aug 2016
He's chasing a myth,
hunting down a version
of her that doesn't exist.
She knows because when
he lays his tired bones
next to hers,
his "I love you"
is only meant for half of her
"ilov" = half of "i love you"
Aug 2016 · 545
rain soaked exchange
curlygirl Aug 2016
"you need me too much"
he accused.
she sighed.
"i need the love you promised.'
Aug 2016 · 777
lamentable (10 w)
curlygirl Aug 2016
unfortunately for him,
he was everything
i could ever want.
Aug 2016 · 707
The Siren's Curse
curlygirl Aug 2016
I perched on my rock and beckoned him,
filling my lungs with sea air and
exhaling words that tasted sweet.
I watched his ship as it slowed,
and I saw his men corral to the rails,
clawing and calling and cursing
at me.

He approached the rail
with tearful eyes,
and a discontented heart
that I sang so softly to soothe.
As he dove to the swelling sea
I stitched together a song of glory and romance and paradise
for his ears alone.

He swam toward me
across an ocean of desperation
that he had so avidly denied,
and louder I sang.
When he struggled and faltered
I promised him more with
the breath of my lungs and
the gleam of my eyes,
I cheered my sailor on.

Exhaustion filled his ears
so that he could not hear me,
the ocean surged to fill his lungs,
and I swam to save my love.
I dove and I cradled and I carried
and I laid him down upon the sand.
A caress of his cheek and all he could say
was, "Sing for me, please".

I laid on the sand and comforted him,
filling my lungs with sea air
and exhaling words that tasted sweet.
I watched his chest as it slowed,
and in the distance I saw his men corral to the rails,
clawing and calling and cursing
at me.

He approached his end
with tearful eyes
and a broken heart
that I sang so softly to soothe.
And as he dove into the afterlife
I stitched together a song of glory and romance and paradise
for his ears alone.

He swam away from me,
across an ocean of ethereal waves
that he so avidly defied,
and louder I sang.
When he struggled and faltered
I promised him more with
the heave of my lungs and
the glint of tears in my eyes,
I coaxed my sailor on.

Death filled his ears
so that he could not hear me,
the ocean surged with his stolen breath,
And I sang to quiet my love.
I cried and I held and I mourned
and I laid myself down upon the sand.
A caress of his cheek and all I could say was,
"Wait for me, please."
A play on Greek myth. Maybe the Sirens weren't killing sailors on purpose?
curlygirl Jul 2016
he tasted like worn out memories
and sweated flashbacks onto my skin
his heart pounded newness
against my chest
so I guess
here is where we begin
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
plot twist
curlygirl Jun 2016
We melted together in the night
                                    the dawn
                                    the quiet.
We held and kissed and loved
                                    and touched
                                    and whispered.
And then he left
                       left me to conceal
our night of passion
off the floor.
Jun 2016 · 622
personal evaluation
curlygirl Jun 2016
she jumped into
his blue eyes
(with the green flecks)
so readily
that she remembered
to take a breath
after she was
completely submerged
Jun 2016 · 437
curlygirl Jun 2016
His love confuses me,
it came on fast
and hit me hard
so that I'm left spinning.
He took me in his arms
and practiced Russian
by whispering sweet nothings
until all hours of the morning,
until his lips could do nothing
but kiss mine.
He took me dancing,
and tangoed with me
until dusk,
until his hips could do nothing
but dig into mine.
He loved me over time,
in ebbs and flows
like the sea loves the sand,
until he couldn't help
but fall into my tide.
And now he's away,
he'll always be "away",
today Bloomington,
tomorrow Berlin.
And now I'm aching,
I'll always be aching,
today for Indiana,
tomorrow for Germany.
May 2016 · 950
dance partner (10 w)
curlygirl May 2016
Dance with me,
my soul cannot be still
around *you
May 2016 · 376
curlygirl May 2016
feel free to break my walls
but leave me whole.
May 2016 · 692
thursday afternoon
curlygirl May 2016
he tasted of whiskey,
each kiss got me buzzed.
May 2016 · 382
curlygirl May 2016
"why do you cling to me so much?"
he asked in the dark.
"i guess i keep hoping
it'll make you cling to me."
she replied.
May 2016 · 339
watered down
curlygirl May 2016
i stood on his shores
and marveled at
the thunder and roar
he made when he broke
against the sand.
he drew me in
with a shade of blue
i'd never seen before.
and it was only when
i felt him pull me in
that i remembered,
i don't know how to swim.
Apr 2016 · 631
curlygirl Apr 2016
i write about him
so much
because i keep hoping
that he'll finally
let them in,
let them love him
comfort him
transform him
into the person
i'm actually writing about
Apr 2016 · 569
give and give
curlygirl Apr 2016
i pour my soul
into him
but he's so broken
that it seeps out
the other  side
and we're both
left completely
Apr 2016 · 424
temporary forever
curlygirl Apr 2016
it's petrifying
to think that
the qualities
that drew you
to my bed
will be
the ones
to push
you out.
Apr 2016 · 363
chest pains
curlygirl Apr 2016
it wasn't the realization
that he would never be
all that i wanted him to.
it was that he
would never want
to try.
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
curlygirl Apr 2016
my favorite sound
is the one he makes
when my lips
meet his collarbone.
Apr 2016 · 475
downpour chance
curlygirl Apr 2016
his eyes were tempestuous storms
and i knew i had to dance
in his deluge
even if
i was struck
by lightning
Apr 2016 · 695
constellation bed
curlygirl Apr 2016
kiss starlight into my skin
immortalize me with cries to the
in this bed
make me as fragile and beautiful
as a constellation
Mar 2016 · 472
damn you, whiskey
curlygirl Mar 2016
on a late night
you filled his mind with thoughts of us
and told his mouth that they should be shared

so you didn't just fill his mind
you filled mine,
with hidden away things
brought out only by wine
and sad movies

now we both have full minds
slurred speech
wanting hearts
and a problem.
Mar 2016 · 541
curlygirl Mar 2016
he was chipped and cracked
but he knew who he was.
then when i kissed along his edges
and felt my lips cut and tear
i knew who i was too
Mar 2016 · 696
curlygirl Mar 2016
he might have been holding her at arm's length
at least he was still holding her
Mar 2016 · 327
curlygirl Mar 2016
he burned so hotly
in her arms
that she dropped him,
afraid her tears
would put him out.
yet if you asked her,
she would gladly
feel the flames again.
Mar 2016 · 300
the times that follow me
curlygirl Mar 2016
It was the time when
                                     you drunk called me
"Just to hear your voice"
              that I noticed you.
It was the time when
                                     we skipped class to lay in bed on that rainy day
"Just to be alone with you"
               that I liked you.
It was the time when
                                     we went grocery shopping & ate dinner in our underwear
"Just to play house with you"
                that I loved you.
It was the time when
                                     we sat in the car & we cried & I begged you
"Just to love me too"
                 that I lost you
Mar 2016 · 355
she was remiss
curlygirl Mar 2016
his broken heart pieces
shone so beautifully
on the ground,
that she did not
realize their sharp
& jagged edges
until she hugged them
to herself,
& felt her own
love flow out
Feb 2016 · 567
subconciously incongruent
curlygirl Feb 2016
How strange it is...

to have one man star in your dreams,
and wake up next to another...

to have already slept in those cold apathetic arms and left them outstretched,
yet they are the ones that reach out from the gossamer void...

to have been shown love and warmth and awake next to him gladly,
but still feel the chill of the night inside your mind...

how strange it is...

to have control of your life back,
yet not control of your dreams...
Feb 2016 · 949
curlygirl Feb 2016
i'd never felt such
cold hands
grab hold of my heart before,
and i'd never known it could
shatter into so many pieces.
            and i'd also never seen a
            sweeter man come along and
cut his perfect hands to shreds
             by picking up the pieces
and putting my heart back together again,
Feb 2016 · 608
looking back
curlygirl Feb 2016
i'm forever
romanticizing my past,
clouding my present,
damning my future
Jan 2016 · 987
curlygirl Jan 2016
he slowly poured
his soul into
the cracks of
her heart and
made her feel
as though she'd
never been broken
Jan 2016 · 716
curlygirl Jan 2016
she realized that not only
was their love
tragically short-lived,
it was also
Jan 2016 · 716
12:01 haunts
curlygirl Jan 2016
she didn't know
which was worse-
the idea that he
was falling out
of love with her,
the idea that he
never was
Jan 2016 · 1.0k
curlygirl Jan 2016
i've been everything from a pessimist to
      a mess
a protector
       a liar
a learner
       a sinner
a provider
        a drinker
a lover
         an enabler
a care-taker
          a crier
a hard-worker
an optimist,
all molded into one to make me
                        **a human
Dec 2015 · 1.0k
curlygirl Dec 2015
she* refused
to cry
her sorrow
was the only thing
that still tied
her heart
Dec 2015 · 604
post-break-up truth (10w)
curlygirl Dec 2015
falling into love is okay.
the landing's a *****, though.
Dec 2015 · 658
curlygirl Dec 2015
I listened to his heart beat
night after night.
I felt it beneath my ear
my hand
my lips.
I traced it and cherished it.
I even tucked my own away
inside it...

Few things hurt more
than the realization
that it doesn't beat for me
like mine does for him.
Dec 2015 · 965
1:13 am Us
curlygirl Dec 2015
her heart beat too fast for him,
too hard and too loud.
he loved to dance to her rhythm,
but his arms could not hold
onto her for long,
could not stand the wildness
radiating from within her.
so she held her breath,
she rejoiced less and was quiet.
her bounding heart slowed to
a whisper
and quickened only when
beheld by him.
she missed the feeling of life
in her chest always,
and soon she herself
became a whisper,
enveloped in the cool silence
of his arms
where she slowly turns
instead of dances.
Nov 2015 · 707
the two kisses
curlygirl Nov 2015
so far
i've only let myself
adore him.
but the last time
i was holding him,
my lips
did something
they said,
"i do not love you"
to the air and to his ears
but when i
kissed his temple
and his jaw
they whispered,
"yet i really do".
those two kisses i could not hold back,
fleeting and different
from the others,
my heart do something
it sighed at
the thought of him
and faintly said,
*"maybe i more than adore him"
Nov 2015 · 747
heart aches
curlygirl Nov 2015
In the night,
I saw his mind
bury him in a
dark place.
        A place that none
        of my kisses or whispers
        could pull him out of.
Yet all my heart
could say was,
*"My lover,
come back to
my arms."
Nov 2015 · 539
their almost first-time
curlygirl Nov 2015
First off,
unshaved legs, rumbling stomach.
worn underwear, shot elastic.
nervous hands, sweaty palms.
calming touch from him.
uneven *******, slight embarrassment.
chapped lips, overcompensating Carmex.
stuffed nose, whistle breathing.
soft kiss from him.
nervous hands become slowly confident
unsure hips begin to sway
passionate kiss from him.
whispered words, anxious thoughts.
calming touch from  her.
arms holding, bodies contouring.
"let's just lie together".
pattered raindrops, perfect bed.
promises made, kisses given.
lazy caresses, staring gazes.
almost first time.
Oct 2015 · 512
one month clarity
curlygirl Oct 2015
"i love what you write for me.
you're so much more
passionate and outgoing
than i am."
he said.
"i think that's our problem.
i try to cover you with
similes and adjectives,
hoping you'll turn into
the person i write about."
i said.
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
what he knows
curlygirl Oct 2015
he doesn't know it
but when i lay in his bed
my mind is stringing together
adjectives and airy phrases,
trying unsuccessfully to
pin down the emotions
he breathes into me.

he doesn't know it
but when i kiss his skin,
i imagine my lips
peppering his chest
neck and arms with
ink stains that morph
into words like "lover"
and "darling".

he doesn't know it
but the smile he shares
with me under the covers
is pressed firmly
into the corners
of my heart,
begging to be immortalized
in words.
Oct 2015 · 784
Bedroom Talks
curlygirl Oct 2015
My lover is
     strong, kind and tender,
but when he held me in his arms
he confessed that he felt
                                          less of a man
because we were clothed only in
but hadn't known each other yet.
                   "Any other guy would jump at this opportunity" he said.
"But you're not any other guy,"
I said.
"And that's why I'm laying here"
Oct 2015 · 349
icarus myth
curlygirl Oct 2015
"my dear Icarus"
she breathed into his skin.
"i fear not of flying
too close to your sun,
but of falling too
deeply into your ocean below"
love life kisses real
Oct 2015 · 804
she forgot
curlygirl Oct 2015
Bones forgot the pull,
the tug and the grimace
that happens
when someone burrows
between the lungs to live.
Bones forgot the burn and sting
that heart feels when it stops,
when it jumps to throat, skips.
Body forgot that emotions
meant brain AND heart,
eyes, tongue and lips.
Girl forgot that boy
could kiss and make
her forget
all that was forgotten.
Oct 2015 · 717
bare moments
curlygirl Oct 2015
she apologized for the
nakedness of her heart
and he kissed
every exposed inch,
tenderly asking for more.
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
siren song
curlygirl Sep 2015
"you're my siren,"
he confessed to the hollow of my neck.
"each kiss is a song,
and i would swim across
the entire ocean
to hear every note."
Sep 2015 · 992
11:56 PM
curlygirl Sep 2015
he discovered himself in the
steam on the window
and the lace
of her lingerie.
"did you think you would find yourself here?"
she asked.
"no," he breathed, "but i'm glad i did."
Sep 2015 · 481
rage write
curlygirl Sep 2015
how ironic
that the words you won't remember speaking
are the ones that echo loudest in my mind.
whispers and caresses
now replaced with drunken slurs.
i hope you think it was
worth it.
Sep 2015 · 415
curlygirl Sep 2015
Lay your weathered bones down beside mine
over under around alongside mine.
Trace your name across my collarbone
in whispered kisses.
Darling, tell me,
*'I am yours'
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