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 Nov 2015 Mayra
Elijah Nicholas
I am not ready to remove you from my life.
I am not ready to accept this unwanted truth.
I want you here in my life,
please just stay.
I'm going to miss you so much.
I'm going to miss you so much.
 Nov 2015 Mayra
Jude Jaden
might altering day,

"I miss you.."
and I
"I love you.."
Say It Right From Your Heart
 Nov 2015 Mayra
Julija Ilich
How's it like for you
To not think about me anymore?
Cause I think of you constantly.

How's it like for you
To not have me there anymore?
Cause I can't stand being away from you

How's it like for you
To not miss me at all?
Cause missing you is tearing me in two
 Nov 2015 Mayra
I'm sorry for being so quiet the first time we met. Truth is that in my head, I couldn't stop writing poems about your eyes.
2. I still dream about your hands.
3. I can't stop playing with matches now. I remember how much you loved fire.
4. I can still taste you on my lips.
5. How could you walk away so easily? You can't tell me it wasn't real. [delete]
6. I love you understand?
7. There's a guy in my English class with the same colored eyes as you.
8. I've tried loving anyone with your accent. None of them say my name the way you do.
9. I can't sleep anymore. I keep waiting for you to wish me goodnight.
10. I miss you.
11. The moon is full and beautiful tonight and I can't stop thinking of you.
12. Will you come count the stars with me?
13. Remember when you complimented my poems? I wonder if you knew that they were all about you.
14. Are you thinking of me, too?
15. You always said you were addicted to me. Tell me, are you going through withdrawals?
 Nov 2015 Mayra
Ashley Kuhl
I miss the way your blue eyes sparkled when you smiled.

I miss the way you said my name.

I miss the way you talked to me.

I miss the way you cared.

I miss the way you made me feel.

I miss the way your body swayed back and forth.

I miss you.
I followed my heart,

And to my surprise...

I found my self trailing off...
Right behind*  **YOU.
"I'm not leaving. I'm still here."

These words spark glimmers of hope inside me. That maybe, just maybe...

A work in progress :)
 Nov 2015 Mayra
A lost soul
And here we are again
after all these years
sitting on the same couch
it feels so good to be here right now
with you
drinking alchohol until we forget who we are
and how much time we've wasted
acting foolish and ignoring eachother
we're talking about the same ****
we did 2 years ago
and still i love listening to the same story
over and over again
even when the music is loud
and  i can't hear you
oh baby i've missed you so much
don't leave me again
 Nov 2015 Mayra
Bassam A
It's been a day or two
since I saw you
It almost felt I am long distance

I lost track of my human time
I am seriously out into another realm
Where time is not important ..
Was that a week ago?

When I pull my thoughts together,
it turns out to be just a day or two

When I met you the other day
I kept all the moments ..
Didn't want to forget
All are embedded
into my head!

When will it be ...?
Where we be together?
I say to myself ..

'cause I want to keep ..
a better picture of you
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