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Jan 12 · 186
North Star
My ears point toward the moon.
My nose points toward Polaris.
My tail points toward tracks that extend out of sight and out of memory.

I am alone.
I hear owls and falling snow.
I trek endlessly through wilderness that leads to nowhere.

I hear faint sounds.
I see pale light.
I feel the penetrating cold.

In a great tree I find a long abandoned hole.
Inside I hope to find refuge.
I curl up; breathe; sleep.

I dream of friends I have yet to meet.
In my solitary den.
For B.
Jan 7 · 397
The Master of Chaos
The Master of Chaos sat alone
on top of his almost invisible throne
and looked out into the dark and saw
that nothing could be seen at all

He said to himself, 'I'll make a light,
and put an end to this horrid night.'
as he sat there in his muted fright,
not knowing what was wrong or right

He flicked his finger; a flame flickered and flashed
and formed a faint figure in the infinite abyss
But he looked and saw still nothing at all
the darkness stood an impenetrable wall

Now at this time his anger grew
In place of the terror that he knew
As into the flame he spat and cursed
'How could my lot be any worse?'

A speck of his spittle then sputtered and sparked
And for a short moment a bubble there arced
In midst of that moment the Master thought quick
'To place all my power this point I will pick!'

Now pinpricks of light in the bubble appeared
And at their minuteness the Master then jeered
But one of those pinpricks the Master gave birth
Was an almost invisible one we call Earth

And onto its surface, as if as a joke
Some self-moving somethings to being he spoke
On one race of somethings he blasted his breath
But showed them no notion of darkness or death

Their ignorant bliss would not have long to live
As the Master was happy a dilemma to give
'Ignore your incorrigible longing to know
Or soon into darkness your heart I will throw!'

These somethings could not help their curiousness
And soon brought an end to their innocent bliss
They looked on the Master; in horror recoiled
And from that time forward in terror they toiled

In spite of this, certain determined to show
Their thanks to the place whence creation did flow
'The Master-- He made us. We owe Him our all.'
And so on the name of the Master they call

Now one such, a brother, got gifts from above
In contrast, the other heard nothing of love
In the depths of his being resentfulness grew
And soon into darkness his brother he threw

The boy's broken body returned to the Earth
And then did the living remember their worth
But the Master saw fit to deliver a curse
'For who kills the killer, it's seven times worse!'

But a spark of naivety still wasn't quenched
Even while all the old had their souls from them wrenched
And though many people just followed their will
A few kept their view of a duty to fill

Time passing, the Master elected one man
To shoulder the burden of Life in his hand
'You're special. I choose you. Complete now this task.
Your family will be sole survivers at last'

'Now thus I command thee: construct a great Box
And I'll bring you each beast, from the ant to the ox
The Box will be shelter for two of each kind
In performing this promise leave not one behind!'

The whole population soon started to ask
At the purpose and point of this puzzling task
But finding no answer they started to jeer
Not aware of the fate that was drawing so near

The Box was completed, the Chosen inside
Along with the beasts that had come to reside
And now that the plan had been put all to use
The Master was ready his hatred to loose

The Master broke open the fountains on high
And the wells of the Earth overflowed to the sky
These terrible torrents fast flowing like tears
Erased all the faithless, their hopes and their fears

But the Chosen were safe in the place that He gave
Even while all the others were sent to the grave
The Box remained buoyant for many a week
Till at last the Box landed upon a tall peak

The Master, now sated, declared to them thus:
'I never again shall devour with such lust
To each of all people who call on my Name
I'll lend preservation in spite of their shame'

A new generation now came to arise
That as they grew great grew exceedingly wise
They said to themselves, 'Let us build us a tower
And none shall compare to our glory and power'

The tower they built soon grew stunningly high
As the people then strove to reach even the sky
But the Master grew weary of this hubris of man
And as was His habit, He schemed a new plan

All people till now had had only one speech
That would grant understanding to learn and to teach
Thus people were able to work and create
With clear understanding to cooperate

The Master decided confusion to sow
And quickly construction then started to slow
Words became strange, understanding was gone
And with it ability to all get along

The people were fractured. They couldn't agree
And factions then found it expedient to flee
From then on the people began to spread out
And make their own places to worry about

Now the Master saw fit to commit to a choice
To limit the living who witness His voice
And even the Chosen, of which there were few
To each He provided a separate view

But still in each part He was greatly extolled
And tales of His terrible doings were told
Destruction of cities; Affliction of men
The only beginning; The ultimate end
A misotheistic epic
Jan 6 · 178
I'm a stranger in my own head,
A sojourner embodied.
As I lie here on my old bed,
Impressions flashing oddly.

I'm a stranger to my own needs,
my old provisions moldy.
I'm lost, can hardly proceed,
But must continue boldly.
I've been wrestling with the apparent and intimidating reality that I'm plural in some way.
May 2024 · 304
Filomena Rocca May 2024
I wouldn't call myself a poet
But you make me dream like one
You're an angel, but you don't know it
But I know, 'cause you gleam like one

Some people may not seem to notice
But who cares what people say
The ones who really know you know this
And would never push you away

My Goddess gleaming
My tears are streaming
Please tell me that you understand
The fate that weaved us
Must never leave us
Please keep me here in Heaven's hand

Now life's a trail that keeps on going
As we walk it hand in hand
The winds of time are always blowing
On our footprints written in the sand

I know that fate's a current flowing
As we swim it side by side
Never stopping, never slowing
Till we're swallowed by the tide

My Goddess gleaming
My tears are streaming
Please tell me that you understand
The fate that weaved us
Must never leave us
Please keep me here in Heaven's hand

I guess I'd call myself a poet
My pencil proves this power true
But sitting here I'd never know it
'Cause none of my silly rhymes could ever compare to you
For E, My Love
May 2024 · 238
Filomena Rocca May 2024
ja kā o Kánóka? ja Kánóka o kā?
ja kei got ba fo nok za tu zon zak de ska?
i sai pen ni je ben ni je tet ni po zbu.
ju na lok ni no tok ni nãu qok ni de tsu.

ju no vol ni so dol ni qo don de so klu.
je qeu tet ni põ fet ni e sol ze e plu.
juja kā nia Kánóka ki vei ni sai blu?
i zon go deu sat qe deu lup qe deu dqu.

Where is Paradise? And Paradise is where?
Can you stand in the land where all colors are fair?
I wonder, I wander, I try to discover,
But I guess I am less than untouchable other.

But I don't like complaining all day without fail,
So I try to enjoy both the head and the tail.
So then, where is my Paradise that I find so fair?
With love, and with friendship and help. It is there.
Original poem in Xextan, translated into English.
May 2024 · 202
Blows to the Head
Filomena Rocca May 2024
I don't understand this.
You don't understand these.
The Cowboy is a city kid.
The City Kid is me.

I was nothing. Now I'm something.
Wish I wasn't. Woe is me.
Why should I be anything?
The pain will set me free.

Blows to the head!
Blows to the head!
Blows to the head!
Blows to the head!

They say it's always getting better,
but it's never good enough.
The window pane is getting wetter.
Dry it off and toughen up.

Blows to the head!
Blows to the head!
Blows to the head!
Blows to the head!

The sun was set, but now it's rising.
Raging fires have fallen low.
But wait till darkness comes reprising,
and blazing flames in flurries flow.

Blows to the head!
Jan 2024 · 220
o tut de lun u zgiqbu...
Filomena Rocca Jan 2024
o tut de lun u zgiqbu
je dza sua *** kai zgilen tak te zon
i qdu qe xek nau tepzi tek o ***
je zuk bau *** nau zal po sli de ple
i sli bau *** xai daltep. i nefu lo sinpok
je plo qe txitup le za xak de zok.
i lan lo xilpok sondal xle de papkin gu
ke xel de lit pe sin je dzo le kai papkit
fi no vol fai dan pe xil. i nak lo lupko
pe qippli kai ben je sku le zgi fi zetfu
peu tu lot pe lia gelúp. i xek ne lutnik
sku de qak xik je xnukek le kai xta
i lutfu peu zanxo je pindal qe xne peu luttak
je sik le po zan do ple de notlen
vou nau zal do ple de pel. i lan lo vipnik
je xle le *** sai xel de txixo bon
i kul lia lot je bel lia xnu pe gul
i xel le sui kep ze skuxo bon qe sin
je slizuk le fi ti. i xen o liofu
e xalzen xle de nokfuk pap
i vit le so fo tul je xle le kin
je zni sai dal lia *** gexpá qe lal
za lia qla xal je lia takson dqi qe dal zoi
xen go zno e son pe sin je ***
go e pe zgitul kon. i nak to del
ke fin de skuxo xik qe xel de ske
i zno po sinpokfu je qdu do sua ke bon
i sak xto i sak lot i sak ska i sak zat
This is a Xextan translation of the "All the world's a stage" speech, from Shakespeare's "As You Like It"
Jan 2024 · 263
My Enchantress
Filomena Rocca Jan 2024
Your words are spells,
bewitching me
by means
beyond my comprehension.

Your eyes are jewels
by which
you hypnotize my senses.

Your voice, your lips,
a rose's scent
that beckons me
toward its sweetness.

I hope you realize
your love
is what completes me.
Dec 2023 · 369
As Botas Felpudas
Filomena Rocca Dec 2023
Está frio o tempo
E está forte o vento
Mas o rosto está contento
Que não falta aquecimento

Porque na figura
No caminho pela rua
As botinhas são felpudas
Refletindo as doçuras

E maldosamente olha
As pessoas na recolha
Mas ela nunca está nervosa
E sempre porta-se garbosa

E a sua processão
Nessa grande multidão
Não precisa de permissão
E é doce a sua canção

Porque o amor e o amizade
Para ela são bastantes
E não há necessidade
Atentar ao desplante

E está frio o tempo
E está forte o vento
Mas o rosto está contento
Que não falta aquecimento
My first attempt at writing in Brazilian Portuguese.
If you speak Portuguese
and have a suggestion,
please let me know.
Original English:
Dec 2023 · 356
Filomena Rocca Dec 2023
i qik o lun
je flu o kon
ju na ni dun
põ gip e bon

i qat ni sek
so nau po kal
ju txexnexek
po wu no zal
Planets spin. And air flows. But now I know that good things are destroyed.
I remain safe only during warmth. But oh! How quickly absence comes.
Nov 2023 · 179
Filomena Rocca Nov 2023
vol tak ni zgi
i vol ni tak peu nel do ni
je vol ni tak peu lupxo wi
ja nel qe lup ni we 'e ka?
i lup ni wi 'e vo
Nov 2023 · 293
Filomena Rocca Nov 2023
le ka voksa bacru stati
kei cu tutci lo nu krati
.i le nunkakne mi cu xlali
gi'e ku'i ze'e stali

.i mi .ai ba ca'o ciska
da noi su'o de cu viska
.i ba cpedu fa le prina
lo nu lo voksa cu se jmina

.i no da tcidu gi'e nelci
vau lo .oi mi mabla pemci
.i ca le .o'o cabna temci
le mi voksa cu xe benji

.i na sisti lo nu ciska
.i se mukti lo nu djica
lo nu su'o drata simsa
ka'e jimpe fi lo pixra

.i mi snada .au je troci .ei
pu le nu mi morsi kei
Nov 2023 · 285
le mapra tupcutci
Filomena Rocca Nov 2023
bisli nazbi
.i je cisma ckaji
fa le cadzu be le klaji
vi lo nalterganzu jmaji

.i je jamfu sruri
fa re mapra sai tupcutci
.i le ni gleki kei cu dunli
le ni glare kufra ru'i

.i tolxendo catlu
fa lo drata vi le dargu
.i je ku'i xanka claxu
.i lo ka virnu cu ca calku

.i je cadzu ranji
.i na jundi ro le xladji
.i je sanga da noi ralci
gi'e pensi le se lacri

.i lo pendo .e lo prami
lo ka sidju kei cu traji
.i na nitcu lo nu lanli
lo se jinvi be lo xlali

.i je bisli nazbi
.i je cisma ckaji
fa le cadzu be le klaji
vi lo nalterganzu jmaji
Nov 2023 · 257
Filomena Rocca Nov 2023
Vorto sugestas objekton.
Frazo komunikas rilaton.
Paragrafo diras historion.
Ĉapitro montras vivon.
Libro enhavas mondon.
Nov 2023 · 365
mi sanga .au
Filomena Rocca Nov 2023
mi sanga .au
se ra'a lo ka prami kei
.e ji'a le se trajynei
.i ma se trajynei fe mi
.i go'i .iu fa do
A Lojban translation of an earlier poem
Sep 2023 · 622
Filomena Rocca Sep 2023
Contorted reports of important reviews
The people can't keep with the lead on the news
The lady betrayed us, her graces abused
By signage confided my mind is confused

Sincerest endearments by tears are replaced
The fears I loathed feeding now filling the space
Where fondness of bonding once dawned on my face
What's left is a rift of disgusting disgrace
Jul 2023 · 199
Five Years of Freedom
Filomena Rocca Jul 2023
I wish things could've been different.
I wish I hadn't had my psychology turned inside out for others' convenience and personal religious convictions.
I wish I hadn't internalized those convictions and turned them against myself and others.
I wish the doubts that were planted in me didn't come back again and again like a destructive **** in the garden of my existence.
I wish I could convince myself once and for all that I'm allowed to just be.

But here I am. I might as well try.
Jul 2023 · 603
Filomena Rocca Jul 2023
Bound to the Earth
A wraith in poor disguise
A fountainhead of hurt
Erupting from the eyes

This waterfall of pain
Cascading all around
Creates a toxic stain
Where only death is found

I cast my gaze above
Toward the crystal spheres
That lofty land of love
Beyond my sea of tears

Out past the path of Mars
Where only angels fly
I long to meet the stars
Be buried in the sky
Psych Ward Poetry
Set 4, Poem 6
Jul 2023 · 144
The Wall
Filomena Rocca Jul 2023
...The wall is white    The hall is long
  By stifling light    I crawl along

      I flick the switch    The lights go out
    Ahead in pitch    I hear a shout

Familiar voices     Calling me
The darkest choice     Is all I see        

         But moving on     The way to find
           Escape from all     The days in mind

A slice of my     Eternity
            Perpetually     Returns to be

                   The ruler of     My consciousness
           The cruelest of     All punishments
Psych Ward Poetry
Set 4, Poem 5
Jul 2023 · 379
Filomena Rocca Jul 2023
I don't know what is happening
Between the piles of crap I see
The people chasing after me
With urgency that's maddening
Psych Ward Poetry
Set 4, Poem 4
Jul 2023 · 126
Filomena Rocca Jul 2023
And lack of strength
Decay abandoned
Left at length

Bad gets worse
Weighed down by waste
A rotten cursed
Forgotten place

Will anyone
Remember you?
And if they did,
What could they do?
Psych Ward Poetry
Set 4, Poem 3
Jul 2023 · 140
Live before Death
Filomena Rocca Jul 2023
Live with passion
Die with grace
Shove it in your rival's face

Self improvement
Out of spite
To fill up anger's appetite

Burning for
A greater light
Is better than a losing fight
Psych Ward Poetry.
Set 4, poem 2
Jul 2023 · 116
State of Affairs
Filomena Rocca Jul 2023
Something, something, something else.
Nothing. No one cares.
Might be hardly anything.
I'll mind my own affairs.

Hello, mother. Hello, son.
Do you think your days are done?
I'm watching you descend to hell.
I want to break the spell.
Psych Ward Poetry.
Set 4, Poem 1
Jun 2023 · 132
A Muse
Filomena Rocca Jun 2023
You're my music
You're my cooling breeze
My song along the way...

You're my rose
My shade among the trees
My ***** bright as day...

You're my sunlight
You're my lunar guide
The hero of my play...

You're my love
I need you by my side
I've been too long away...

You're my universe
My everything
My night sky, gold and gray...

Though circumstances stand between
My love will not delay.
May 2023 · 145
The Hills
Filomena Rocca May 2023
Up to the hills
I lift my eyes
The light and shadow plays

I feel the chills
That slowly rise
I see a soul ablaze

I want, I will
I coincide
The union of a gaze

If looks could ****
If time could hide
And hold its breath a phase

Know me, Slowly
Holy folly
Simple, sinful
Flint and kindle

Sowing, flowing
Slowing, glowing
Ahead a memory
Ember red
May 2023 · 154
Filomena Rocca May 2023
Napolilita - What a gal!
I see her sitting with her pal
Beside a secret strait canal
Composing quite a queer chorale

I hear the one begin to sing
About a dear forbidden thing
Surrounded by the flowers of spring
The other simply listening

In both their eyes I see a fire
Of hope for half fulfilled desire
As one the other does admire
And hopes to happiness inspire

They listen to relieve their pain
Weighed down by such uncommon strain
Connected by their spirits twain
They guard their hearts from being slain
For M.
May 2022.
May 2023 · 1.9k
A is for Adam
Filomena Rocca May 2023
I've recently been told
That music's for the bold
And performance represents
A simple flow of confidence

While I think that's good to know
I think there's more to music's glow
Cause when I put my pen to paper
I want me to be the shaper

I aspire to hone my craft
And not come off as over-daft
But my music is my art
Communication from the heart

And that calls consideration
Of musicians' motivation
Cause when you stand up on the stage
It's true the listener's the gauge

Of if your music is worthwhile
Or should be thrown into the pile
So overall it's just a balance
Of one's skill, but also talent

So at the ending of the day,
The final thing I'd like to say

A is for Adam
Atoms are for art
I'll write like a free radical
But on stage I'll play the part
May 2023 · 165
An Anthem
Filomena Rocca May 2023
Did I have something you wanted?
Did our figures cast a spell?
Or did forces unaccounted
Make our turbid rivers swell?

Did you hear a warning ringing
Like the striking of a bell?
While I heard a dryad singing
From a shining wishing well?

Were the waves too much to manage?
Was the whistle's pitch too high?
Did the volume make you panic?
Did the brightness hurt your eyes?

When the burning of the spotlight
Fell upon us like a stage
Did the harshness of the drama
Feel restrictive like a cage?

I want to understand it
Like a firefly, you vanish
But I love you all the same

No matter
Between our idle chatter
Were the whispered words "you had her"
Acantha is your name

Did you think "I don't deserve it"
When I called you by your name?
Did you feel like you're not worth it?
Like our hearts don't weigh the same?

Girl, you know I want to show you
All the love your heart deserves
Want to be the ground below you
When life overwhelms your nerves

I wish that you could hear me
And I wish my words got through
Cause you've done your share of fearing
Want to show you something new

Soon I hope that you'll believe it
That the world belongs to you
But for now I'll have to leave it
Cause there's nothing I can do

I want to understand it
Like a firefly, you vanish
But I love you all the same

No matter
Between our idle chatter
Were the whispered words "you had her"
Acantha is your name

I sorrow for your pain
Acantha is your name

No knowing who's to blame
Acantha is your name

I love you all the same
Acantha is your name
A song
May 2023 · 106
I shall not want
Filomena Rocca May 2023
I want to help you.
I want to please you.
I want to love you.
I want to see you.

I want to touch your body.
I want to see your mind.
I want your precious company.
I want at least to try.

Desire will eat me up
Unless you show me sympathy
This fire is going to burn me up
Please set my spirit free.

I want you.
I want.
My want is selfish.
Let me die.
May 2023 · 95
Filomena Rocca May 2023
These words are meaningless
It occurs to me this ****
Has never meant a thing
To anyone with wit

This constant flatulence
An endless pattern since
Who the **** knows when
Cues my **** again

My art is all a farce
A heart dissolved in parts
Some rotten, putrid flesh
Forgotten, stupid, vexed

I wish I wasn't born
But quickly just adjourned
Verbosity's a curse
Whose rot gets only worse
Mar 2023 · 719
I see the Moon
Filomena Rocca Mar 2023
I see the Moon.
A Goddess in the sky.
The night bird sings a sacred tune;
My foundling fancies fly.

I see a face.
As pale white vapors glide.
Behind her blanket radiance
The host of heaven hide.

I feel the wind.
I hear the waters flow.
If ever she her gaze rescind
Such certainties would slow.

The heavens turn,
And spin in spirals tossed.
If ever she her place did spurn
All balance would be lost.

She rules the night.
The Queen of her domains.
Yet when her face forsakes all sight,
This wanderer remains.

The dark expanse.
The Goddess blinks her eye.
Lamenting loss of luminance,
At times the stars may cry.

Her reign returns.
A sliver soon appears.
In reverence an ocean churns,
Erasing lonely tears.

I see the Moon.
My Goddess in the sky.
I wonder if the time is soon
That I could reach so high.
For a love undeserved.
Mar 2023 · 268
mi ante.
Filomena Rocca Mar 2023
mi ante.

tenpo pini la, mi ante.
tenpo tawa la, mi ante.
tenpo kama la, mi ante.
tenpo ale la, mi ante.

mi en sina li ante.
jan ante li ante.
ante mi tu li ante,
tawa ante jan ante.

sijelo en lawa li ante.
kon en telo li ante.
ko en kiwen li ante.
ma en sewi li ante.

ale li ante.
kin la, ante li ante.
tenpo ale la,
ante li sama.
Mar 2023 · 137
Filomena Rocca Mar 2023
Comprehensive yet incomprehensible
Representing the unrepresentable
Neither tangible nor intangible
Both realistic and somehow fanciful

I fear safety's endangerment
In trust of well-known strangers bent
On straightening my parity
I lie with all sincerity
Mar 2023 · 337
lape nasa
Filomena Rocca Mar 2023
sijelo li wile lape.
wile ante lon lawa taso.
pilin mi li kala nasa.
kala ni li wile waso.

Most of me just wants to sleep
Just my head is still awake
My heart is like a silly fish
A fish that wants to fly
Mar 2023 · 368
o sama
Filomena Rocca Mar 2023
sina wile ike e mi la mi kama sama.
sina wile utala e mi la mi kama sama.
sina wile pakala e mi la mi kama sama.

mi jan utala ala.
pakala li jaki tawa mi.
mi wile taso pona e sina.
o pona taso e mi.

sina wile pona e mi la mi kama sama.
sina wile musi e mi la mi kama sama.
sina wile wawa e mi la mi kama sama.

mi jo e olin suli.
mi wile pana e musi kalama.
mi wile wawa e pilin mute.
sina o pali sama.


Do you want to do me ill? I become likewise.
Do you want to fight with me? I become likewise.
Do you want to injure me? I become likewise.

I am not a fighter.
Injury is sickening to me.
I'm only wanting good for you,
So please be good to me.

Do you want to help me out? I become likewise.
Do you want to make me smile? I become likewise.
Do you want to give me strength? I become likewise.

I aim to have the greatest love.
I want to foster joy and laughter.
I wish to strengthen the hearts of all.
Why not follow after?
Mar 2023 · 287
Filomena Rocca Mar 2023
jan wan li toki e ni: sona li wawa.
jan ante li toki e ni: mani li wawa.
jan seme li toki pona?

sona li pana e wawa lawa sijelo.
mani li pana e wawa lawa jan.
wawa seme li suli?
ni li sona mani.

Some say that knowledge is power.
Others say that money is power.
Who is right?

Knowledge grants power over the self.
Money grants power over others.
But which power is greatest?
Knowledge of Money.
Feb 2023 · 124
Filomena Rocca Feb 2023
Imma Live Bishop Yours Truly
Feb 2023 · 317
Saŝa Ŝercas
Filomena Rocca Feb 2023
Saŝa serĉas saĝan ŝercon.
Ŝi volas servi verse ĝin.
Vi aŭskultu. Ne tumultu.
Solve buŝeliĝos rid'.

Lucas looks for janky jokes.
It may not matter if they might seem daft.
The phrases turn; the poet's spoke.
He wonders which will laugh at last.

pilin mi li wile musi.
toki mi li tawa ona.
sina kute li pilin mute.
o pilin sona e toki pona.
Jan 2023 · 154
Filomena Rocca Jan 2023
Really, girl? I swear to god.
You want to act like you're my friend?
You want to ask me for my thoughts?
Pretend they matter in the end?

Why should I even give a ****?
That wouldn't make an ounce of sense.
You say my kind should not exist.
Engage your brain's intelligence.

Please try to find self-honesty.
Who taught you all the crap you preach?
Is ethics a plutocracy?
You really think that's heaven's speech?

A fun fact now, so perk your ears.
There's several billion narcissists
All peddling the same appeals.
"My god is real! His will is this!"

Your pastor has no special call.
You haven't found the chosen few.
But since you won't hear sense at all,
I sadly can't be "friends" with you.
Oct 2022 · 126
Filomena Rocca Oct 2022
The day-one workshop is a crib
The start of learning how to live
You learn mechanics and the rules
And hopefully some useful tools
To be effective, understood
And maybe be a force for good

Scenarios get more complex
The writers seem to want to vex
And if you've got no script to use
The reflex could be to abuse
But rather than resort to hate
It's best to firstly calibrate

Who cares how much success you've got?
Just go compose a thrilling plot!
It's all ridiculous, I know
But maybe you'll enjoy the show
And I hope that someone throws you roses
Before your final curtain closes
Aug 2022 · 249
A Door
Filomena Rocca Aug 2022
When I say you're adorable,
I mean I adore you.
And my wordplay is horrible,
But I'll try to write more for you.

When I say you're a cutie,
It's not just a fluke.
I don't use the word loosely,
I'm telling the truth.

Just a glance in your eyes
Wakes a primal desire
Like a ballad that flies
From a darkly tuned lyre

By your side I find comfort
In your arms is my home
Even if others scatter
Never leave me alone
Aug 2022 · 258
Filomena Rocca Aug 2022
Prepare yourself. Protect yourself.
Show up when people need your help.

'Cause those who hate us will not stop
Till every one of us has dropped.

There is no means we can't employ
Against aggressors who destroy.

Wake up! Get up! Get out of bed!
And fight to live, or end up dead!
Aug 2022 · 153
Filomena Rocca Aug 2022
Metaphorical deformity
Malformation of the mind
Forms a horrible majority
Of my metaphysical bind
Psych ward poetry.
Set 3, poem 59.
Aug 2022 · 324
Filomena Rocca Aug 2022
I'm trapped in liminality
But rescued from fatality
I'm aware of physicality
But sheltered from reality
Psych ward poetry.
Set 3, poem 58.
Aug 2022 · 237
Scribbles of Missing You
Filomena Rocca Aug 2022
My glasses are *****.
The clock says six thirty.
My brain is real flirty.
I'm missing my man.

With scribbles so wordy,
I sit here so boredly.
I miss him so sorely.
We'll meet when we can.
Psych ward poetry.
Set 3, poem 57.
Aug 2022 · 373
Being or Seeming?
Filomena Rocca Aug 2022
Being or seeming?
At first I was scared.
I was timid.
I tried to please,
but got in trouble anyway.
But when the changes came,
I was empty.
What you see is the real me.
I was worried.
I hated my image, but I ruminated.
I did things that should have been unspeakable.
I felt guilty. I felt free.
But I was still looking for the real me.
Psych ward poetry.
Set 3, poem 56.
Aug 2022 · 154
Spin on a Classic
Filomena Rocca Aug 2022
What are big girls made of?
Liquor with bubbles
That gets you in trouble.

What are big boys made of?
Stories and jokes
To bring home to your folks.

And what is the purpose of love?
To have a good time,
Without resorting to crime.
Psych ward poetry
Set 3, poem 55.
Aug 2022 · 682
Reviving Ophelia
Filomena Rocca Aug 2022
Have you met Ophelia?
I saw her at the bank
Withdrawing all her interest.
And if I may be frank,

It seemed none could appeal to her,
And as she stacked her notes
Her visage had the look of death.
I hope her asset floats.
Psych ward poetry.
Set 3, poem 53.
Inspired by a book I was given
by an anonymous staff person.
Aug 2022 · 1.0k
Filomena Rocca Aug 2022
There are degrees of confinement,
And escape is not a crime.
But without a realignment,
I'm resigned to pantomime.
Psych ward poetry.
Set 3, poem 52.
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