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 Dec 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
One night, one lady asked,
How do you see the world so vast?,
I answered with an abated voice,
"I simply look at it with nodding head's rejoice

She redundantly asked again;
"How do you see the world in-sane?,
I answered with shunned eyes,
"I never do, I never have, it's a fluke, a LIE"

As she sat and leaned,
First at air's wisp and second,
on my shoulder's plead,
-and said-"This is where all ethereal lies of gist"

"Where art thou", I asked,
She giggles in reminisce; grabs a flask, then drinks in stillness
"This empty bottle is filled with greatness"-she says-
"To what extent?" as I gazed

"Haha..... to none" she laments over,
"None?, surely not, This flask is liquid's lover
It helps give form
To whatever desolated-looking storm"

Both depend on each other's existence,
She then swiftly seizes my hand
"Answer then my question with consistence"
"Well I guess the world is undersized but grand?" -I pondered-

"Close enough", as she yawns
As I bring her to bed,
I then see the brimming dawn
-I leaned back and thought-"Huh, the world is yet to be well-said"
 Sep 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
Could you push me into the river
Make me soaking wet, and, sicker
Could you push my swing
But never let go, to make me forever cling

Could you push me into your limelight
Then remove hollow faces out of sight
Could you push my door
Let me see, at the end of this ocean is a shore

Could you push me out of my seat
Have me see a better view of the old creek
Could you push my words into this paper
Drive me down, to find out what is truly deeper

Let me lean on your star
Because I stopped pushing myself afar
Pull me in with gravity
Because I have no more vines of duty

                                                       *-Push someone's swing before it gets rusted
 Sep 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
Reach out to fly and soar,
This hand shall hold yours,
Hold it tightly and firmly,
In return hold another many

Spread then your wisdom,
Be clever, gentle, not fearsome
Give out a thousand words,
In return, sheathed shall be your sword

Illuminate then the hearts,
Let love take over and start
Make it your priority,
In return no candle will be a single entity


 *- Help the kids who couldn't go to school, be it through your hand that can touch, through your wisdom that understands, or through your love that spreads
Tons of children weren't able to go to school because of poverty.
Donate and help the kids! :
Donate and help the kids! :;=mobile_SOYT6
Watch the school of youtube video:
Learn some school facts:
 Sep 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
Books are like us humans
Words that express and shows,
Thoughts that mingle w/ emotions that are written
In blue ink with allies and red with foes

A trek to be read or forgotten
Or a moment to be shared and rejoiced
Uniqueness with words and phrases are the key
But only a few pages there is to see,

Part of history that was lost
Until the faithful and waiting day
It will be carefully and mostly cherished,
The story that would change in a way

But how could it be a good book?
The readers would dreadfully look
Of how short and simple
The life of a man who saved us all

You will not know of how he how fall
For you are hesitant to read
A book with so little pages,
Lines that show the freedom without cages

Thoughts of the mind made to actions
Then those actions written in history
A fight for inner-peace or destruction
To live with Faith, Harmony and glory

Components that show of what is humanity
Books like that are of the utmost rarity
It cannot be judged by its cover,
Judge shall, only after reading and knowing

Of how the thee felt while writing
Then only will you begin to understand
Of how one page of words can turn our destiny around,
Inner contentment can then be found

Life is short and the world is small
But with the continuous thread of string
The red string of faith will then cling
To our diminutive but everlasting story
 Sep 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
Up high, in that sky
There are clouds that cry,
Roars that shriek
And emotions that change.

Droplets that mourn,
Light and sound shall rage
Darkness which is accursed
You will see sorrow at first

The clouds and sky will turn dim,
The skylight will grow thin
Finally a tear! drops from one
And the rest from everyone.

Raindrops can be vibrant, subtle or pale
Stories that show us, it’s more than just a tale
Secondly you will see an increasing hue
But only so little and few

Lastly you will see
A beautiful color of sky-blue and purity
Melancholic as it seems
The sky with rainbows is now filled with dreams.
 Sep 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
In that dream of mine, it was there! a sense of reality
The world has yet to know of what is cruelty
Darkest of times, Hour to hour of what I saw
People were in shock, in despair, in grief and in awe

Will-o-wisp, it was in my dream! oh, so many and bright
as far as the eye can see, giving off radiant light
Unite! It whispered to me, in a gentle and light breeze
To the victims, tell them this “hope is at your shoulder”

Give them the “hope” oh so shouted the potter
rejoice! For you are here, while pray for the gone
Off, he shouted again, let us take a moment, then move on
Brighter? oh, it seems its already day
“Hope” was what I learned from that dream, that’s what I would say
Find the hidden phrase

#In the darkest hour people will unite to give off brighter hope
                                                                                           -In memory of my old friend who loved writing secret codes into poetry
 Sep 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
Such impoverish yet lavish taste
Ulterior, does it matter to oneself?
Needless to say, life shall haste
Need say more for a life that sits on a shelf

Yearn a bite for a tarnished side
Soldiering to perfection, time shall be the judge
In a body still standing yet a heart that has died
Death's faceless encounter leaves no else than a smudge

Eggs cooked sweet; baked salty
Unraveled embellishments throughout
Persist a taste with utmost quality
Would you like your life to be Sunny-side up?
 Sep 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
The diminutive seedling,
It putters whilst growing
Becoming a robust bark but with decaying leaves
Life then begins to sprout and weaves

We are the seedling, planted in this very soil we stand
We were the sprout of yesterday
But in time shall be tomorrow’s shade
We must be mature but not staid

We then putter over the early years
Ignorance and dreams then arouses
We then become filled with ambitions and fears
Our bodies are then trained

In conditions with heavy winds and rain
Like the bark, resilient and vigorous
Autumn then comes
Leaves begin to fall and wither

Like our worries are untethered
Yet of all, we must not truncate our branches
We must embellish them instead
We must be strong like the Hemlock!

Winter then follows both the sky and land
Becomes tedious and bland  
Problems then arises but shrouded in the mist
Hazy, vague only to catch a glimpse

But warm tears can melt through
The cold and burdened shoulder,
The storm settles and clouds become mild
The vernal breeze then calms our mind

As we continue to grow,
We find ourselves dazed and entwined
Nonetheless we cannot putter for we are a Hemlock!
We stand tall, and keep our roots intact

Summer comes forth, with warmth and life
Radiance into the leaves,
Free birds that chirp with ease

Our leaves which are crammed with wisdom
Our cones that tells our story
Our barks that had endured the calamity
Our roots that stayed firm regardless the intensity

We had all the fun, laughs and sorrow
We were sprouts but it is our time to sow
We are the young and into the hemlock we shall grow!
Will you grow into a hemlock?
 Sep 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
A gust unseen,
as it gently sings
Fellows of a far and distant soil
Love at the rising east,
sorrow at the bellowing west
Marching deep into the shallow
Deeper in the sands is lost desire
As the gust unseen,
continues to sings
with a gentle tune of a lyre

                                                                                  *-Set free the lost winds
 Sep 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
No moon would glow
Without the sun at show
No smile would spread
Without tears that sheds

No crops would grow
Without a hand that sows,
No songs to be sang
Without ideas that started in a bang

No wonders to be seen
Without a mind that is keen
No apple would drop
Without a tree that grew from bottom to top

No winter
Is without snow
As there would be no life
Without joy and sorrow
 Sep 2014
Lambert Mark Mj
I see a mountain
High as it should always be,
I look down and face I did
A faceless valley

Clean, it so seemed
With no faces as I leaned,
I did not twitch nor did I fear
Look upon I did on a blue sky so clear

As I set ready for my rest
I had gazed upon a flower which knows no zest
Slowly it withers
As the sun slowly sets and as I start to shiver

Closely I looked, and sighed
This land was surely once pure,
But indulged in hatred and false desire
Left to decay and endure

Full it is in my eyes
Full of grief and lies
Full of thorns to embrace
Mother nature then renovated this place

                                           *-Our hearts may be pure for now but never forget our past on which has lead us to this second.

— The End —