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 Jun 2015
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
happy days are here
now go **** the messenger
'cause the beat's too much
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
 Jun 2015
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
Canoodling his significant other,
Our man Henry was loathe to discover:
The **** had run dry,
But rather than cry,
He decided to go get the butter.
© 2015  J.J.W. Coyle
 Jun 2015
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
quiet dawn's dim light
serenity at its best
sneaking up on you
© 2015  J.J.W. Coyle
 Jun 2015
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
cannot hand in code
stupid website will not load
this is getting old
© 2011  J.J.W. Coyle
 Jun 2015
Marshie The Mellow
You were just a somebody.
I don't know when I made sense of it all
but you suddenly became
the **brightest star in the cosmos.
 Jun 2015
I kissed a frog,
And became a prince.
But, was stolen by another princess.
 Jun 2015
Helene Josephine
In your eyes
is the most destructive
kind of intensity
that ever
hit me
 Jun 2015
If only someone loved me, that I can love back.

~ <3 ~
 Jun 2015
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
Marsh and Cope
lovers locked in embrace
took it upon themselves
to make each other great
by destroying what they had
all the while
mapping new life with old bones.
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
 Jun 2015
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
It's been a year
(and a half)

*where are you?
© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
 Jun 2015
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
Differentiate impression
to understand the question
that guarantees concession
of alternate force of will.
Adopt a Metaphor:

© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
 Jun 2015
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
A test is nothing more


one man's way of gauging

another man's way of calculating

another man's way of thinking

all so pride may be synthesized

in forms of correct and incorrect

put to paper for someone's satisfaction.
 Jun 2015
Josh Oo-Wah Coyle
1 poet,
0 thought;
*with a wink.

© 2012  J.J.W. Coyle
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