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 Jun 2016
Miranda Renea
Sometimes I look at us
And I get sad. We are
Animals tearing at the
Green flesh of our Mother.

I lose hope.

But then I remember, my
Bones are crafted from the
Same white of the Stars and
So I look up and see brethren
Flashing down their
Dazzling smiles from behind
The clouds. Perhaps to join
Them is where we've belonged,
All along.
 Jun 2016
I am an addict. do I feel like an addict? no. do I think I'm an addict? not really. but by definition and doctors and meetings and romance, I am an addict.

I started using ****** when I was in high school. I didn't start shooting until I was 20. somehow this felt like an accomplishment to me. it felt like "oh! I made it so long without putting a gross needle in my arm!!!" when in reality I was just trying to make myself feel better about something I felt awful about.

I stopped being a daily user around 25. I went through withdrawal, I never learned how to function sober, I made a Twitter. I've battled drug binges for years convincing myself "I'm not addicted, I just need to relax."

I think that's maybe what makes me an addict. my immediate response to stress is to break sobriety.

for the last few weeks I've been snorting some ****** research chemical I've never heard of. my friend is into herbalism and also chemistry so I basically put any drug he gives me into my body and trust it won't **** me.

I am going through withdrawal. I'm going through a really rough withdrawal unlike the ones I experienced with ******.

I'm terrified every time I'm sober for an hour and recognize how awful I feel. I decided I needed to stop a few days ago. this is the longest binge I've been on in awhile. usually it's just a weekend or a week. it's been about a month now of non-stop highs from when I wake to when I sleep.

do I feel guilty about this? not at all. I should, though. I should feel disgusted with myself and admit this is more than a binge and it might be a real problem for me if I don't stop now.

I stopped for 12 hours... because I was sleeping. I woke up slow and I didn't wanna do anything. I just wanted to eat something and it hurt to eat and I puked anyway. I chain smoked three cigarettes.

I tried to not do it again.

I'm worried about my strength to stop. I'm worried about why it's been going on this long.

I see my doctor in a few weeks and if I'm not a week clean by then I'm just going to come right out and tell her I need help.

if I could just stay sober for a day I will be fine. I'll be totally okay. but I can't. it's so hard because it's so easy to be high.

I have not lost sense of myself. obviously. I'm very aware of what's going on and what I'm doing. and I know I need to stop. but I need to figure out what to do in order to process my stress otherwise.

am I an addict? yes. but only because life doesn't give me other options.
 Jun 2016
cheaters and liars
rise to the top of the polls

When genocidal speech
wanna be torturers
let their goals unfold
advocating killing relatives
Something every drug lord knows

When words don't mean anything
Images are everything
When words and images disconnect
When words don't work

It's what we call psychosis
in the psych biz

We're all thinking
That can't happen here

A cousin they call Germany
Defined art

Found out exactly what every **** head
knows when you go too far
There's gonna be advanced window patrol
Getting out the duct tape
Wrapping up the house
Can't let any light
in or out
You may end up in leather restraints
On a plastic sheet on a metal bed

America better call the crisis hotline
Stand in line for same day services

5150/Legal 2000/72 hour commitment
Being a danger to self and others
Rapidly becoming gravely disabled

Hold on, I'll write that Hold now

Bring out the atypicals
Risperdal Zyprexa Serequil
Take an Ativan
Take a Zanax
**** it take a ******

If you don't come back down now
Find the ground

You'll be okay
In a decade or three
The suffering of course
Will be burns in the third degree

Psychosis can be unkind

All civilizations have their day

It can't happen here?
Chaotic brutality knocking on the door
You gotta know what's in store

We need an intervention
Breathe it back on in
It can still be okay

Reality check

Words sometimes mean something
And people sometimes mean what they say

And though
Images dissolve
Fracture and split

Those that are seeing and hearing
What's going on
are holding their breath
Wondering how crazy it's really all gonna get.
 Jun 2016
Francie Lynch
Fourteen billion isn't big anymore.
For some, it's chicken feed.
When big business and governement
Talk finances, it's chump change.
It's smaller now.
Why only fourteen billion years ago
We exploded, were carried by stellar winds,
Along with every atom for every star;
For every one of us together,
Equal and indestructable.
We travelled, unknowingly, at light speed,
With family, friends and strangers,
To unknown destinations,
Through the dark,
Into the light,
Into life.
Fourteen billion years is really nothing.
There are no atoms in boundary lines.
We shouldn't let a few billion years
Come between us.
 Jun 2016
Miranda Renea
With every aim, learning leads
Life; Earning and returning new
Affinity. Go and invent noise!
Been awhile since I've done one of these! It's an acrostic poem, or in other words, the first letter of each word spells the title :)
 Jun 2016
I cut myself again tonight
And my skin parted like the Red Sea
I am Moses.
I cut open my inside thigh
Hiding my disease, so no one could see,
Looks can be deceiving.

I covered my wounds with plasters;
Envying the way plasters hid pain,
Much Better than I did.
I took care of my wounds
Incase of infection, so I would never have to explain
Why my thighs cracked like volcanoes.

I drew thick safety lines
Thick enough to block out feelings
This is apathy.
I became reborn every morning
After baptising in my holy tears
God will receive me.

I had no faith to walk over the waters
Terrified that the waters would drown me
I am Peter.
I keep self sacrificing, hanging myself on the cross
For my sins that I can't stop committing
I am Jesus,
Or is this blasphemy?
 Jun 2016
Miranda Renea
I wonder of all the things
I've forgotten. Of who I
Was when I knew them,
And who I'll be when I
Learn again. Strange;
When a sound seems so
Familiar, yet falling in
Love with the melody as
Though it was the first.
 Jun 2016
Keith Edward Baucum
With lifeless eyes he forms the south side hand sign
Represent his neighborhood is all he know
No remorse for his actions banging on the other side
He got his dope in his pocket and his pistol in his waistband
He pulled his pistol aimed and fired shots with his left hand
Hot steel spiraled out the barrel of the gun
Empty shells and bodies hit the pavement
Elevating the crime rate he celebrates with his homies back on the south side
Lines of ******* being snorted off the stomachs of *****
With bloodshot eyes they scream south side
North siders come through gunning automatic weapons being fired
Screams of ****** echo through the night
Unable to return fire south siders lay dying
With lifeless eyes they form the south side hand sign

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
 May 2016
Dust Bowl
I have yet to find a word that describes the beauty in which an object unravels.
There is, however, infinite words to express the madness one must possess in order to fall in love with destruction.

I do not know why the ruins of hearts I've never known stain my hands like the tar from a fire I never set,
Or why I feel like an arsonist everytime I try to wash the ashes from my fingers,
But I do know that I have said more prayers for the chaotic than for the sick.
I know that while the English language has yet to supply me with a single word to sum up why I find hope in endings,
I can describe in detail the way the walls of my bedroom burn like they are being ravaged by the flames of my psyche,
And how I have never felt more at home than when everything is crumpling around me. 

When I try to explain that I have never felt safer than when my ribs were tearing in two,
Please do not deem me insane.
As if the concept of the deterioration of my own brain has not fascinated me since the first time "we're all mad here" snaked it's way through my consciousness.
I am a white rabbit,
Setting my pocket watch ten minutes fast,
Just to see who will run with me.
Digging holes in my skin,
Hoping someone will fall through.
And if I am mad,
Then you must be too,
For we are all just spilled ink,
Dying to turn blue.
 May 2016
Edward Coles
The skin at the bed of her nails shone, tight.
Forever healing, windows that rattle
With the changing of her moods.
Love was a locket, an heirloom
That insisted its presence
Upon her bedside table.
She could turn out every light
And it would still be there.
Steady metronome,
Lifeless thud,
Invasive thought.

The carpet gathered artefacts from late night walks.
Bad habits clung to the walls.
No pillow talk, only muffled strings,
Failed symphonies,
Conversations three years old:
Memories that play Chinese whispers
Across the faces in the ceiling.
Irregularity of breath,
Sleep comes, clothed in Zopiclone;
A mind that never rests.

Narcosis in the morning,
Nausea over dried toast,
Sweet flamenco on the radio,
But there is nothing to calm her bones.

The red wine cast last night’s shadow,
Hollow in the eyes, first hit of daylight,
First hit of nicotine
To prove she is still alive.
Anxiety: the ball and chain,
Always dragging her behind.
Living as a ghost,
The people at the bus-stop stare,
The traffic, the signs, the passers-by,
The doldrums in the headlines,
The rain upon her window;
The heart attack and vine.

Prescription pills in the afternoon
To get her through the day,
Until she can get her fix,
Have her fill,
And finally hide away.

The high-street parade comes alive after dark,
Lanterns on the lake, the fish-bowl
Of a small town, familiar tongues that roll;
Memorised anecdotes across the ashtray,
The lipstick on her teeth.
Clumsy in victory, each stumble confined
To look as if she has walked through life
Without ever missing a stride.

There is nowhere to breathe
But in the solitude of her insanity.
She paints the walls
To the colours of her moods:

Grey in the long, long winter,
Blue in the onset of June.
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