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 Jun 2016
It was dark.  A black curtain seem to cover the Earth.  Shadows played in the infinite night while demons screamed their songs.  It has been hard to walk among them for so long. I ware an old shroud around me and walked barefoot.   But today is the final day. The final day in the dark.  I am a collector. I collect light.  I have collected enough for one day to shine. 24 hours of shine.  Its all I need.  You see everyone here cannot remember what a sunny day looks like.  Even in their dreams the day is night.  That is until today.    I take a walk to one of the last churches standing.  It looks much like a normal house.  I suppose its why it was overlooked and never destroyed.  Before I unleash the light I walk down the aisle and kneel before I sit down on the pew.   I close my eyes and pray.  As I pray the light begins to pour out of me. I pray and I pray until the church is full of light! I never realised that the light would pour out of me during prayer.  I then open the shutters to all the windows and let the light outside.  The light cuts through the darkness as I begin to hear screams unbound.  The demons in their anger destroy the final church letting all the light out into the dark world.  A mistake on their part.  The light illuminates the world in an instant.  I remove the old shrouds around me and let my wings spread.  I then take flight upon the new day.   As I hear the demons screaming in agony below.
The last angel.
 Jun 2016
Keyana Brown
One day, I'll pray
to make this pain go away.
Someday, I must say
my past will never drag
me down today.

There will come a day
where everybody knows my name.
They will say to me that
I was once a worrier,
but now I'm a slayer.
I slay every fear and anxiety
that creeps upon me like a serpent.

I held on to my sword
for I will no longer
be a slave no more!
I will travel across
the land to find the cure
for I am a warrior.

I shall fight,
if it's the last thing I'll do!
the devil will never have me
because we're through.
I lift up my hands
to the righteous King,
for he has blessed me so well
that I could sing .

After many years of doubt,
I won't let my fears and emotions
pour anything out.
I must have the courage
enough for me to flourish.
Surrender your flag of doubt, discouragement, fear, and worry.
 Jun 2016
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends"
John 15:13 NIV

My last post is controversial
It doesn't make much sense
To those who don't believe
Those following the flesh

I may have just committed
Poetic suicide
I will not run from battle
I will not try to hide.

Jesus didn't come to Earth
For comfort and for ease
He knew he would be martyred
To cure sin's foul disease

Those who would condemn me
Will use and twist the Word
But Jesus didn't come for PEACE
He came to bring a SWORD

I expected backlash. I expected pain.
I expect more of it.
My last posting will remain.

I wrote because I love you.
I wrote because I care.
I'm sick & tired of DECEPTION
And people in despair.

People hurt & cutting
People's screaming cries
Who believe in evil's beauty
Who believe in pretty LIES!

Folks will say I'm hating
Folks will say that you are too
So buckle up your seat belts
The choice is up to you.

Sides are being taken.
Lines are being drawn
I guess it's up to you now...

Which side are you on?

(C) 6/27/2016
If you were a doctor would the cure for cancer and withheld it from your patients would you be considered a hero?

There is so much I need to say on this site. And it is time for me to speak up. There's not much time left.

This site is my mission field. I can reach more people in a short amount of time than most missionaries. They can only go to one town. If the Lord permits they can spread the gospel to many people in a certain area of the world. I can reach people all over the world. I will do this. I will not shrink back because I'm unpopular. I'm here to fill Jesus's shoes. It's going to be impossible without the Holy Spirit's help. My fleshly man did not write my last post. I absolutely did not want to do it. But I do as the Spirit leads.

I will say nothing hateful about my detractors. They are only doing what they feel is right by their own lights. I used to believe as they do. I believed shamanism and in sweat lodges. I even owned many fetishes. Coyotes. Eagles. Even Turtles. I believe that the Native American people are very great. But also very deceived. They put the emphasis on the creation rather than the Creator. Totem animals. SPIRIT GUIDES. I know this because I studied the various Native American shamanistic faiths. I sold Native American art.

I had a horrible spiritual experience. And part of it was brought about due to these beliefs. I don't want to go into the details as it is too painful. But I have been silent long enough. I can no longer stand by and watch people destroying themselves. If I do so their blood is on my hands.

I'll be the first one to say that I'm not perfect. I am not lording my spiritual superiority over anyone. I have made many mistakes in my love walk. I have lied about a suicide attempt. I've had more than one poet name. I did NOT, however, spread vile spam all over my last poetry site. That would be poetfreak. I'm sure you will hear all about me from some of those folks. I have only one thing to say about that. The only way they could have known what I was doing is if I had told them myself. Which I did. I could not in good conscience stay silent. And I tried to make amends to the poets at poetfreak. I wrote no less than forty poems specifically penned for the poets on that site. This fact is conveniently forgotten. I tried to make my amends. But some folks don't seem to want to give up their prejudices.

Well. My neck is out now. I will be posting exposing other lies of the devil. Condemn me if you will. But I'm not going to stop doing this. There's too much at stake. And too little TIME.

Love you all.

Catherine Jarvis

 Jun 2016
A carpenter found driftwood
From a wreck upon the sea
He looked at it with interest
What kind would it be?

He found that it was oaken
Mighty, strong and hale
But it had been broken
By tempest and by gale

He was building houses
From such sturdy oak
So he took the driftwood
Upon it for to work

He carved with sharpened chisels
He began to sand
He had red, raw cuts of pain
And splinters in his hands

He worked with it patiently
Imposed on it his will
It will be something wondrous
He's working on it still

He loves that piece of driftwood
He salvaged from the sea
For the Carpenter is Jesus

And that piece of wood is ME

(C) 6/23/2016
Jesus has had to work pretty ******* me. I'm still rough around the edges, but I'm being sanded smooth. It is a painful process I assure you. But when I look back to what I was even 3 years ago I'm in awe of what he's done.

Thank you for loving me and all my flaws. I may not be what I should be but I'm better than I used to be by far!
 Jun 2016
God is very generous
He gives to those who seek
He resists the proud & arrogant
And undergirds the meek
He puts to shame the strong of mind
Gives wisdom to the weak

God is very merciful
He helps the poor & lowly
But He is not like Santa Claus
He will give, but slowly
He will not prosper greediness
For God is pure & holy

God is very fair & just
He protects downtrodden
He will not help the vengeful man
Who wants to **** and plots them
He will repay the evil one
For wickedness he's brought them!

God is of a lowly heart
He came to earth a slave
To His Father's every wish
To be murdered by the knave
Innocent of everything
They put Him in the grave

God is Truth & Righteousness
He won't bend to our whim
He won't wink his eyes for wickedness
Or rubber-stamp our sin
He helps those who want to change
And give them strength to win

For God is strong and mighty
He's not for the high-born
Three lepers ran off multitudes
He defeats who He has sworn
He gave David polished stones
To slay the Philistine

God  is patiently in love
With those of slower pace
He lets them fall, then picks them up
He does not turn His face
Does not regard color or creed
Adores the human race
He suffered the crown of THORNS
He came to share His Grace

God is the total Ruler
The holy angels sing
Around His throne and scepter
On their glorious wings
He's due praise & honor

For HE is our KING!

(C) 6/24/2016
I can't say enough about our God. Father El Elyon. Son Yeshua, Jesus Christ. The Water of Life, the Holy Spirit. The Three are One!

There are many great mysteries about God. His thoughts are not our thoughts. His ways are not our ways. DO NOT JUDGE GOD! You have no way to do so with a three and a half pound fallen brain! He is so far beyond anything we can possibly imagine. And for those who love Him He will give Destiny such as never before seen, heard, or conceived by anybody on this planet. We are in a testing ground. Sides are being taken and lines are being drawn. Which side will you be on?

 Jun 2016
William Cowper
The Lord receives his highest praise
From humble minds and hearts sincere;
While all the loud professor says
Offends the righteous Judge's ear.

To walk as children of the day,
To mark the precepts' holy light,
To wage the warfare, watch, and pray,
Show who are pleasing in His sight.

Not words alone it cost the Lord,
To purchase pardon for His own;
Nor will a soul by grace restored
Return the Saviour words alone.

With golden bells, the priestly vest,
And rich pomegranates border'd round,
The need of holiness expressed,
And called for fruit as well as sound.

Easy indeed it were to reach
A mansion in the courts above,
If swelling words and fluent speech
Might serve instead of faith and love.

But none shall gain the blissful place,
Or God's unclouded glory see,
Who talks of free and sovereign grace,
Unless that grace has made him free!
 May 2016
I arise in the morning
to a soft gentle dawn
All to worship and praise You
and to sing a new song
The leaves lightly play
in the soft summer breeze
And the birds are awaking
in Your beautiful trees

All creation is stirring,
and the darkness has passed
I gaze up at the sky so blue and so vast
I gaze up in wonder
at Your pink rolling hills
And I feel Your presence
and ask for Your will

The sun rises up in the palm of Your hand
And the light chases darkness
from the face of the land
I look 'round in great awe
and ask myself why?
Oh why would You do this
for a wretch such as i?

Clouds scuddle over
the skies where You bid
And the fish in the water
Go beneath and are hid
Vastly great is Your wisdom
so in part do we see...

I'll arise in the morning
You've given to me.

(C) 7/26/2010
It's a beautiful morning here in Tucson. I love the dawn here in the springtime. The clouds are touched by gentle brushes of lavender, peach and light fuchsia.
The hills here roll like purple waves on a deep pond. As if it's been disturbed by angels.

God is SO good!

I'm going to be very busy this morning. There's a lot of work to be done in the house. I'm sure you know housework is an endless story told by a hausfrau who has a rather sadistic streak... I hate it! But it must be done.

Have a beautiful day! I hope this poem blesses your heart!
 May 2016
The wages of sin is nothing but death,
And from Adam's fall this became our fate.
God's son was given in man's stead,
As a ransom to redeem us from hell's gate.

Love for my kind led Christ to Calvary,
Our sins nailed Him to the old rugged cross;
Who was entombed in that sanctuary,
Where His resurrection became death's loss.

Yet amongst men are some in dubiety,
Living in constant doubt like Thomas of old;
Who believed in Christ the risen Deity,
After touching His nail pierced hand as told.

But blessed is that man who will believe
Without beholding those nail pierced wounds;
The same for eternity shall surely live
On that fateful day when the trumpet sounds.

To escape eternal death and damnation,
Those nail pierced hands till date still beckon;
"My Father wished none condemnation,
But that you believe and be saved this second."
His Nail Scarred Hands...What do they evoke within you?
 May 2016
We are all just sliding down
The hill on icey snow
We have really no idea
Which way life will go

We're sitting on a hubcap
A toboggan we can't steer
There's no way to then avoid
The obstacles we fear

We may have a super job
Have a comfortable home
But we could lose that good career
Then we're all alone

No house. No wife. No children.
No way to make a living
Looking at a homeless state
In search of someone giving

We could be in perfect health
Yet slip and have a fall
Be in the wrong vehicle
We could lose it all

We're on a slippery *****
That toboggan goes so fast
We may have many blessings
But how long will they last?

When we have the good in life
Our prayers we may not raise
When there's strife and things go wrong
We forget to give Him praise!

Remember Jesus suffering
Remember His great gift
He gave us Redemption
Our burdens He can lift!

Prayer is the answer
When things are going well
And praising His goodness
Even through life's hell

He has all the Power
He has all the Might
He can keep you safe!
He can make things right!

You are on that hubcap
Slipping like the breeze
But you can jump the rocks
And avoid those big ol' trees!

So give Him all of what He's due
He has the strength of Will
You are then connected

To the maker of the hill.

(C) 5/29/2016
My brother lost his wallet with all my parent's credit cards in it. He usually does our shopping. This is really a problem not only because of the obvious reasons but because we are almost out of food and he does our shopping. So we are in a real situation for 2 days. But I'm not worried at all. God will provide. And I will ever praise Him! AMEN!


 May 2016
stéphane noir
i am
whoever you say that i am,
and that's all that i'll ever be,
(to you).
 May 2016
Don Bouchard
Brother of James
(subtext: brother of Jesus)
Servant of Jesus Christ,

Writing to all those
Who answered the call,
Who know the love of the Father,
Who are kept by Jesus Christ...
Know the Mercy,
Know the Peace,
Know the Love
Of Christ
In abundance....

A humbling thing, this,
To be the brother of James,
The half-brother of Jesus,
To realize only later
He'd been living next to God,
And then to choose the place
Of submission....
Of recognition....
Of protection....

Knew Jesus to be good,
But totally overlooked
GOD Incarnate....

Until he saw...
And bowed humbly:
To God Incarnate
In an older half-Brother.

Verses 1-2 in a poetic examination of Jude.... (NIV source)
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