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 Mar 2020
Emily Mitchell
The March wind is here.
Sun sparkles on the river,
Trees wave barren limbs.
Written 03 / 06 / 20
Wrote this at work just looking out the window at the sun shining off of the river... and I've always loved the March wind ever since I was a child and I read a poem about it and wrote my own... ooh, I should look for that one...
 Mar 2020
Emily Mitchell
Our beautiful world
Voices her wrath through thunder
Clouded eyes rain tears.
I think I started this one around June last year but I finally finished it today...
It's fun to personify the world but the truth is in it's great mysterious vastness it really feels no emotions... not How We Do ...nor is it a single entity really ...from the way I look at is an impossibly complex woven web full of all the life that it contains and supports.. or like a harp where each strand sings its own song whether it's heard or not whether it's appreciated or not independently all notes come together into a song... it's up to us, the ones who can feel and think, to make sure that our threads are not irreparably Tangled with the ones around us or the notes of the song are not discordant to the rest... then maybe our unseen weaver / conductor will smile and sigh in contentment...
 Feb 2020
Emily Mitchell
Pale petals whisper
Spring's cool timid fingertips
Brush by tenderly.
I love cherry blossoms,  there are 2 big cherry trees right next to the restaurant where I work... every spring they tickle everyone with petals... the only trouble is the fallen ones get tracked everywhere and we have to sweep them up hahaha are there really hard to sweep up because they just curl and roll...
 Feb 2020
Emily Mitchell
Winter Winds stinging
bringing hot tears to my eyes
pleasantly painful?
Written November 9th 2018 inspired by the cold wind blowing through the wind tunnel alley that I used to have to walk through to get to work. The building that formed one side of the alley isn't there anymore oh well...
 Feb 2020
Emily Mitchell
Veiled by Spring's grey mist
bare mountaintops shyly hide
unsure when to bloom...
Nature poem based on the Cloudy mountaintops I saw one morning... written (3/28/ 13)
 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Mourn the early bud,
teased by the fickle weather
and killed on a whim.
Inspired by the camillia flowers which always fall for the first few falsely warm days of spring. ..
 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Autumn's torches lit
Red-gold licks the mountainside
Burning without warmth...

Sparks crackle and pop
Whisked away, they dance and play,
With the winter wind.

Embers fall and fade.
Bare blackened bones left bereft
Claw the cold slate sky.
The inspiration for this is the coloring of the trees in the fall, watching the bright leaves blow, and soon fall and turn brown leaving behind the dark branches scraping at the gray winter sky... like leftover charcoal on the hearth stones.
 Mar 2018
Emily Mitchell
Burgeoning branch tips
Ready and waiting to spring
Silent green fireworks.
I always love this time of year. ..when the leaves are just starting to come out.

— The End —