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 Mar 2017
Thomas P Owens Sr
I'm covered in the stain of my own past regressions
I'm buried in the pain of old and new obsessions
I'm crying out in vain, can you hear my confessions
I'm smiling in the rain to hide these tears
 Mar 2017
Ma Cherie
Just because to love,
someone completely,
is not an easy thing to do,
it is no good reason,
to stop doing it all.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Ugh!! ❤
 Feb 2017
Seán Mac Falls
*Raven haired woman
Bathes in lake with sinking moon
Black swan drowning light
Like a toothpick on a mammoth river,
I have no say in where I’ll go.
I think I know where I’ll end up.

A tiny sliver on a massive torrent-
I will not sink, though I may tangle
With another floating twig  

And find me carried in its direction
Whether that be to the salty ocean
Or washed up on a riverbank.

I’ll fetch up where the current puts me-
There’s no arguing with life
Or the mighty Columbia River.
Life too often refuses to give me the final say.
 Feb 2017
Walter W Hoelbling
poetic justice
is not reality
we keep on writing
 Feb 2017
Renée Brookes
She goes on the prowl
beneath night's creamy crescent
longing affection .
Haiku #4 / Inspiration: My cat .
 Feb 2017
How can people
Love who I've become
When I don't yet know
 Feb 2017
Christian Bixler
See the drifting leaf,
bud, in sights embrace, fair so
Loss, perspectives gain.
Though sight is good and beautiful, it is perhaps true that if one comes to let it go, even if only for a moment, he will see the world through new, and different eyes.
 Feb 2017
Christian Bixler
Within the still pool
below I hang, striving still
Though it may seem now that all my efforts have been in vain; that still am I prone to anger, to frustration, to depression, still I will continue on, on this path I have chosen; and one day, at paths end, I will find peace, and love.
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