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 Nov 2016
Lora Lee
Today I battle
my own negativity
the dark side of
my moon
glowing cold
in the sear
of burns
those little
inflamed live
scars receiving
the salt
of tears
that I gather
in opaque blue
and indigo-hues
in the privacy
of the soft spaces
in the drawers
of my heart
little aches
that grow
as the hours
get smaller
little quakes
on low
in emotions'
faded squalor
and as I plunge
over that
spiritual abyss
draw in my
knees, let the
winds brush
my lips
in a mocking
lovers'  kiss
and try to catch
that beating mass
as it bursts
right through
my chest,
in broken slips
of shattered
I tell myself
in whispers
"No, warrioress!
This time
you will not
be destroyed"
and I fling
my heart,
so bruised
into the
This too shall pass
 Nov 2016
Dark Delusion
Taking one step out of the door.
My anxiety is getting worse.
Why isn’t it me they ignore.
Why won’t anyone just disperse.

Can’t escape the cold eyes.
The judgement follows you.
Humanity is not something you can customize.
Everyone sees me as taboo.

I wish I could just disappear from people’s eyes.
I wish I couldn’t hear because everything is too loud.
Then people won’t notice my cries.
When they do I’ll just be hiding in the crowd.
 Nov 2016
Doug Potter
I need to know
if you think of me;

winter is coming
and it often arrives
with unexplainable sorrow.
 Nov 2016
traces of being
Musical brush strokes paint
               the pink honey moon
               full and bright ;

the melody wafts lightly
               with a sensual scent
               of Jasmine fleur

Lonely hearts sip the sky’s
               lambent elixir’s gentle persuasion
from separately dispersed novas

the perennial blossom of the perpetual tide ..,                                       .
               merely pined moonlight

Immersing wholly in wistful reflection
               alight on wellspring emerald pond

Verily unspoken words cavort
               like musical rivulets spiraling flow
into the crystalline echo

Luna’s haloed heavenly sighs ,
               emanation bestrewn
               shimmering through dark nebula

like shooting stars shattered
               by the weight
               of their darkest radiance,
echoes upon the tide-less mirror pond

               the nimbus of moonlight
               imbuing all the ways I want you
. . .

wild is the wind ...© 6.17.2015
from a year ago, still longing for the touch of solacing song in the breeze as the waning last winter moon stirs the ache of loneliness
 Nov 2016
Lora Lee
I see it in
         shades of
liquid coal
    my aching
           thirst in
black ocean shoal
      onyx crystals
             washed up
            in tides
       of barely
night-lava eyes
     silently spoken
                   and through
     the waters of deep
my soul is
    waking up from
          eons of sleep
              weaving garlands
             of darkest green,
            seaweed tips
that I tenderly keep
       strewn, in chlorophyll strips  
                      across the stardust glow
                                       of my naked skin
                                     as I liquid float,
                       spirit whirring within
                              eyes bright
                in illuminated
          moonstone glow
picking up signals
of halted flow
This is needed here,
in this darkest of dark
waters abundant
with tight, broken sparks
shards of the living
and fragments of souls
                  a luminosity of darkness
                  making us whole
      And pulsing next to me
   in beauty's surprise
phosphorescent creatures,
     a feast for the eyes
           loving, gently brushing
                my outstretched fingers-
                     bioluminescence divine
                         on my body lingers
                   from jellies to squid
                to jet -hued sharks
    knifing through layers          
     of dark on dark
         within the
lush waters' quiet force
a dance in faded flicker
conjures the source
                 within the depth
                         of the depths
                            of my endlessly
          in my darkest of dark
between blood and sweat
penetrating the mysteries
   that quake through
          this heart
         filling it up
  as it tears it apart
         smashing it
    to smithereens
   creating sutures
   of ironic healing
until through the cracks
both wide and slight
        shoots up
the flare
of my own
This was based on a poem that our dear bex posted entitled "The Darkest Dark," based on the title of a children's book aof that same name. I decided to take this to another direction, and of course it led me to the sea and the complexity and depth that is emotion

"Under the water/ we die/ So why do we jump in?"
also: amazing !
Snow Ghosts
 Nov 2016
Lora Lee
Inside the darkest garden
in this castle of
roots and knots
                  with ancient shadows
                      that come out to dance
                         in consistent moonlit thoughts
where my body starts
                     to swirl and sway
                     my spirit stirring free
inside the bones of
                underground caverns
where I have found
the once –buried remnants
           of me
Antiquated magic
            is rediscovered              
next to dark-aged
weapons of layered rust
in the ghosts of the tears
of the collapsing fears
           that quaked the bridges of trust
where the unlikely
traces of self-love
never did really die
and despair in its
quiet torrents
prepares to release and fly
I embrace the night
               in its fullness,
drink it up
          like temple wine
accepting all the dark within me
letting its light fill me
in vibrations,
In most scintillating strength,
my inner swords enhanced
in sharpness,
                in potent length
before my armies

in wild mossy corners
the blackest of berries grow
round and perfect, on
the edge
                     of bursting
revealed only to those who know
that clandestine language
of echoes of loneliness
that wander breathlessly
                           and roam
clutching their essence
                           to hold it safe
over the soil and loam
Now minerals sparkle in the
                       rich, dark earth
atoms of crystal
and stone

In this darkest
oasis of seeming nothingness
glows a
      single tree
bearing the juiciest
        of fruits
    now dripping
  just for me
and as my hunger
pours up
from the roots
propelling me in sacred trance
I find myself
gazing up in wonder
letting down
          my warrior stance

I slowly take off my armor
freeing up the fullness
of *******, of thighs, of hips
to allow that emotional
         fruit liquid
to nourish me from
core to fingertips
and to catch that ripeness
     about to spill
goddess voices calling
"Yes, woman. Now"
I, with reverence
     with honor
take on that sacred vow
tip back my head
let the quartz-snapped
air into my lungs
let that liquid
slake my ache
in moaning silence
grace my
Only one of he songs listened to during the writing

and some ambient :
 Nov 2016
traces of being
feral as the untamed passion
of the soul

Unrestrained murmurs
seep out into ether vastness
pleas of an abandoned heart
A howling silence bears a merciless ache  
heedless to the rampant storm

This silent reverie --
but muted amends.
For in shameless longing,
the furor a deserted heart,
thrums onward, unrequited,
wafting in the wind song’s serendipity
Wild as the winged wanton breeze  

Oh chilling winter winds of change !
Come lay me down ;
as if I were the windblown
golden fields of summer

down to the ground … down to the ground

                                                       cast aside some unnoticed countryside

Smugly indifferent,
restless to rise up untouched,
where seeds  of  wild hope
once thrived

defy gravity
in the wind swept  aftermath

a thwarted sweet surrender

© *wild is the wind
 Nov 2016
traces of being
Caught up in the urging undertow
swimming against the stream's surging swell
awash in swirling back eddies
succumbing to natural undercurrents
relentless ebb and flow

we are not helpless
to swim against the leavening tide
lest we be breathlessly swept away
when spring melts the winter solitude
the  creeks do sing of rise and fall

yearningly drawn by a deep well of gravity
as high fountain snow-melt waters mingle,
steal away on the rise; migrate
unrestrained runoff rolling unturned stones
against the wind to the sea's abiding drum

oh river rouse from deafening silent winter slumber
oceans beckon to the confluence swell,
where all great journeying rivers diverge in perpetuity;
meld where the tide water’s restlessly lie
absorbed, unsung, infused unto - -
ever rolling currents roil
it's not the weight of gravity carried
nor the distance coursing burden's thorn
a faith in believing in this journey's unknown destiny,
how the shouldered load is borne

I was lost, alone in life's raging river;
in the river I did not drown ...

© ---
 Nov 2016
traces of being
there’s a hole in my sole
that helps me feel the ground
wandering alone
this long and winding road

a black sheep
never sheds its wool
forever garnered unworthy to be
glibly cast off by the fold

a greater loss than ever be known
washed away like season’s rain
changing tides do steal away
castles made of sand

it’s a hard journey
to carry the weight of the load
the gravity of obscurity,
the potholes in the road

comes a time, stalled at crossroads,
it just don’t matter anymore;
a time to carry on, a time for letting go
a time to walk another mile
in these worn out shoes, alone

I’m more than you’ll never know
a body in a soul
I didn’t even want the heart you broke,
it’s yours to keep --

I finally found my real name,
shed this invisible skin;
I won’t be me
when you see me again
I'm leaving the invisible world

there's never a breathe
you can afford to waste
wandering alone again
this long and winding road...

                                                 wild is the wind © 3.15.2016
Notes (optional)

some say, "you can't lose what you never had (?!)"

i need to keep reminding myself that destiny "is" fate... nothing more, nothing less...just what "is" can't steer the river

even knowing in your heart, "acceptance" may be just another word for giving up
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