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 Mar 2018
They say butterflies do not appear in Venice
But I saw one.
In the hot heat of summer,
Past the rickety abandoned homes
While passing through yet another alley
Of vintage clothing shops.
It flew and fluttered in a fragile nature
Right past my head and
Strangers overlooked it,
But I marveled in its beauty while
They talked about the bridges that were
Under our feet and the
Gondolas that ventured past us.
They say this and that but
I fail to listen because
This and that simply means nonsense
Because I saw one.
In that moment he was there
Whispering sweet Italian lullabies
In my ear
La mia piccola farfalle.
And I felt at home
From hundreds of miles away.
They say butterflies do not appear in Venice
But I saw one.
 Mar 2018
Kelly Weaver
Our home has an uneven foundation
The walls are crumbling and the support beams are rotting
And tonight, the roof finally caved in.
As my lungs filled with sawdust I covered my ears
I covered my eyes and hid from my fears
I didn’t wanna hear the screams or the tears,
I couldn’t bare to hear promises of suicide
And claims of pure hatred with a dash of cyanide
I couldn’t bare to see my home topple over
And I couldn’t bring myself to look at their hands bunched up into fists
They screamed until they couldn’t make a sound and I couldn’t deal
I couldn’t witness such a catastrophe without being scarred so I ran and I hid
I hid from their words and I hid from their lies
I hid until the worst of it was over
And then all was quiet.

When I opened my eyes, the walls were intact
The beams were solid, the floor was leveled
And everyone was smiling.
Their teeth were black with ash and soot
But they smiled wide, grinning ear to ear
And their voices were calm, the yelling had ceased
I uncovered my ears.
And though their mouths told one story
Their eyes told another
They were red and puffy, and I could see the pain that the damage caused
But they smiled on anyway
As did I.
the draft, however, remained.
 Feb 2018
"I have a hole in my heart."
Those were the first words he ever said to me,
As he tried expressing his feelings towards me.

"I have a hole in my heart."
Of course these words had meaning
Such feelings.
I could not say how I felt after that,
But my emotions cried a river.

"I have a hole in my heart."
I watched him clutch his heart,
Saw him moan in pain,
As his heart's depression finally gave in.

"He has a hole in his heart. "
When he told me this I never thought he meant literally,
Only emotionally,
A soft spot for me.

What am I supposed to do to help this boy
Who has a hole in his heart.

                                       Jonesy 2018 ©
Get better.
 Feb 2018
I became a girl he didn't recognize
With a voice he had never heard
And I stopped walking on water

I outgrew being his easy girl
His ever understanding wife
And suddenly,  I could do plenty wrong

I learned things
A whole new vocabulary
Ethical non monogamy

Words and definitions that felt like home to me
But perhaps they felt like rough, rocky terrain to him

I discovered a love of things long lain dormant in my soul

I filled my life with people who loved the same

I became inspired

Fell in love with the life I thought we might create

And my life became more my own and less a support of his

I started becoming more of all of me
Less just his wife
Less just the kids' mother

I found a girl I didn't know I had lost
Who I think, maybe, he doesn't like too much
He just doesn't know what to do with that girl or how the hell to love her.

 Feb 2018
Kara Jean
I'm scared
There is no exact map,
It's just faith in us

I contemplate what I'd be
You seem to see me,
My flaws and all

Do I regret,
Not at all
We hold eachother as we fall

We fight, sometimes there is a broken light
You never gave up on me

I still feel your heart beating
We restored eachothers beaten
I am your heathen

We never asked for love in the end
I say there is no end,
just our beginning

I will hold your hand,
long as you smile while we die
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