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 Jan 2021
HTR Stevens
The wind is whispering to the trees:
"Come! Come! Do speak to me."
The trees reply, "Please send the breeze
Our leaves break loose and free!"
 Jan 2021
She questions
All seeing and feeling
With hope for a future
She fights alone
And weeps in silence

We should listen

Deeply wounded she fights on
As parts of her die
Her vision never leaves the sky
Staring towards the heavens
With a prayer on her breath and resolve slowly weakening

We begin to hear

Small acts become large bolstered by numbers
She finds breaths become easier
Only as we fight for her soul
Can the world become whole
 Jan 2021
Stephen E Yocum
I was once a Wolf and
ran free in the woods,
Now I'm a tired old dog
that hides in the barn.
Such is the way of aging
and change.
Knowing one's place
Is a necessary perspective.
And the barn provides a
sense of serenity not always
found in the woods.
 Jan 2021
Stephen E Yocum
Being in self isolation is a challenge
for sure, seeing and looking at no one
else but ourselves in the mirror, or
talking heads on TV, it does not take
long to resent what you see, longing
for a change of scene, a breath of fresh air.

Deeply missing and wishing for real living
breathing people to see and interact with.
Even if prior to this, thinking and believing
I didn't really like or enjoy people in general.
We don't appreciate the real value in
what we have until it is taken away,
or we are told we can not have it.
 Jan 2021
Sk Abdul Aziz
When you've lived life a fair bit you realize two important yourself are your best friend and you yourself are your greatest enemy.
 Jan 2021
Paul Butters
We all carry Guilt.
Things we did
Or should have done.
Actions taken when red mist descended,
Hot blackness deep inside,
Or when we ran scared
Like a startled rabbit.

Sometimes we were just plain mean:
Doing things
Too bad to confess.
At times we “did our job”,
Knowing full well
That it was wrong.

We hate ourselves for what we did:
Adrenaline taking over
As we exploded and lashed out.
Cruel acts and gutting dumpings:
Things best unsaid.

But no good beating ourselves up.
No point blaming ourselves
For things we did as callow youths.
We cannot always help
What we do.
To err is human,
As they say.

We all have our flaws and demons:
Personality defects and fears.
Some have  anger issues
And autistic traits.
Fear of commitment,
Emotional dimness
And many other such things.
Stuff of heartbreak
And sorrow.

I, for one, never did relationships –
Just didn’t understand
What they were about.
So I was bound to do wrong

All stuff for lyrics of songs:
Songs of drifting apart
And breaking up.
Material mounting into Everests
Of angst.

But worry not.
We are not alone.
For evil acts,
Trouble and strife,
Division and violent clashes:
They all seem to be the general way
In these trying
Modern times.

Plenty to work on
In our collective quest
For Peace,
Including peace of mind.

Paul Butters

© PB 17\1\2021.
Inspired by hearing so many "breakup" lyrics on "Top of the Pops New Year 2021 Special".
 Jan 2021
Sally A Bayan

Afternoon and evening rains are signs
our monsoon season is nigh
yet, some wells stay in drought...isolation
can't just clear waters of stagnant emotions

i need water flowing like blood through the veins
water creating brooks below green mountains
been trying to make this water flow, but in vain

when poetry hides, days become a drag
it's like walking without protective clogs
while crossing hanging circles of fog
descending......from towering crags...


©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
July 4, 2020
 Jan 2021
Bipolar Hypocrite
I feel like I'm being pulled in two different directions.
On the one side, there's fire
and it'll scorch me and burn me
On the other, there's ice,
so cold it'll freeze me to
And if I choose neither,
I will be torn apart,
until there nothing of me
 Dec 2020
Ree Bunch
An elephant and a dog became pregnant at the same time. Three months down the line the dog gave birth to six puppies.

Six months later the dog was pregnant again- and nine months on the  dog gave birth to another dozen puppies. The pattern continued.

On the eighteenth month the dog approached the elephant questioning- “Are you sure you’re pregnant? We became pregnant on the same date ; I have given birth three times to a dozen puppies, and they have grown to become big dogs, yet you are still pregnant. What’s going on?”

The  elephant replied- “ There is something I want you to understand. What I am carrying is  not a puppy, but an elephant. I only  give birth to one in two years.

When my baby hits the ground- the earth feels it.

When my baby crosses the road- human beings stop and watch in admiration.

What I carry draws attention, so what I’m carrying is mighty and great!”

Don’t  lose faith when you see others receive answers to their prayers.
Don’t be envious of others testimonies.
If you haven’t received your own blessings- don’t despair.
Say to yourself, *
“My time is coming, and when it hits the surface of the earth- people  shall yield in admiration.*”
This piece spoke to me in so many ways,  so I wanted to share this with my HP family.
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