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I believe in GOD
And I praise Him!
His greatness can not be understood.
No matter where life takes me my hope lies in Him alone.
I'm hopeless without His grace and mercies.
I thank Him daily because He's worthy of all the praise.
There's no one like Jesus Christ.
 Jul 2016
James M Vines
When life does not make any sense and all things seem to be against me. I often get confused and disheartened. In moments when all that I hold dear seems to slip from my grip and confusion is all I can see. I will fall to my knees and become silent. I will listen for a still voice in the storm. In these moments I find refuge and solace. I hold on to the masters unseen hand. When I have no compass to guide me, I will walk forward into the night. For this is when I am truly tested, when faith is all I have.
 Jul 2016
Alice Smith
To whom else shall I shout praises?
To whom else shall I give my soul?

In my cries of desperation
and in the throes of agony
I shall bow to none but you O Lord!

For you have made me,
loved me
You alone have saved me
from the pain
of Satan's grasp
You have freed me.

There is none but you Lord
who gives life to the roaring ocean
Your majesty is proven
in the crashing waves.

There is nowhere to hide
from the majesty of the Lord
His gracious arm reaches all
even those who cry
none are spared from His glory.
I wrote this in a mental hospital a while ago so don't hate.
Stay tuned for more of this kind of ****** writing, coming to the internet near you soon!
 Jul 2016
WendyStarry Eyes
Lord, thank You for patience with me
Thank You for sacrificing Your Son
Whose patience has given the
Endurance of setting sinners free
I will "Lift up mine eyes"
And forever see
The lesson of patience as a challenge for me
Jesus was patient from the beginning and
Patient with us until His last day
His steadfastness to teach us His Fathers way
May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.
 Jul 2016
Jehovah God
Lord of all creation

i come before Your righteous Throne
a mere wretch saved by Grace
i seek Your very loving heart
i seek Your very face
i come before You humbly
of Pride remove

all trace

i see poetic genius
struck by hate and fear
i see the chaos of the world
in microcosm here
to Your servant listen Lord!
O Jesus Christ give ear!

i so want an end to it!
O God of peace draw near!

let the fight that's raging
this hateful, vengeful war
end with those competing
no matter what the "score"!
let them see the "tally"
doesn't matter anymore!

let the people, friend or foe
know they won't be free
'til peace comes to all poets

this is including me

Blessed are the Peacemakers
with You


in Jesus Christ's name I pray
i am by no means perfect. It is in a spirit of humility and love that i write this
I must admit that i have been
wrong at times, too

Thanks for reading and all your
personal prayers for
Peace here.

♡ Catherine ♡
 Jul 2016
James M Vines
When the night is long and day seems far away, I shall praise him. In times of sorrow when my heart is breaking, I shall praise him. When the heavens are silent in response to my prayers, I shall praise him. In all things, I shall ever praise God.
 Jul 2016
AD Sifford
I don't really know what to say
But I've got to say something
Because I'm buried deep in your grace
It's piling up on me
'Cause time and time again I sin
But you've forgiven me
You do not condemn me

Lord I don't really know what to do
So again I come to You
In hopes that you will give me the strength
I need to finally change
'Cause I'm drowning in this sin
This sin that's holding me
God come and set me free

It's time for me to be the man
You created me to be
O God, I need You; take my soul
It's in You I shall be free
I'd die to live for You, My King
And I'll do anything
Just take my heart and dig me out
From this sin that's holding me

I don't really know what to say
But I'm crying out to You
And I will do whatever it takes
Lord, bring me home to You
God cleanse my heart and wash my stains
O, make this spirit new

'Cause here I am, deep in your grace
Just crying out to You
From deep, I call to You,
God make this Spirit new

My merciful, loving God
So deep, I long for You
|Written 2011--minor edits carried over from song version, made May, 2013|

"Deep In Grace" was written on the same day, and the same two papers, as "One Click". For more background information on these poems, see my collection page Ignite, and the poem "One Click" (my second most recent self-written post before this one). These poems birth out of the same time period in my life and struggle, and follow closely after my Ignite collection.
God bless, and may this poem affect you in a positive way, and stir your affection for our Savior, and Creator, Jesus, The LORD, our God, as I certainly hope it does.

© 2017 A.D. Sifford.
I'm okay with you sharing my poems, but I ask that you show courtesy. Please be honest about the authorship by attributing it to my name. Thank you,
- Sifford
 Jul 2016
James M Vines
Let us cry unto Heaven in unison. Let our voices be heard over the harps of angels. Let our fears and our hopes become a joined song. Let our desires to be heard overwhelm the peace of glory. Let us reach out beyond the darkness and let us keep the powers of hell at bay. Let our supplications become sweet savor unto our God. Now let us all kneel and pray.
 Jul 2016
Stu Harley
a thousand
words to say
you can tell me
sweet words to pray
can heal this time
be a better man today
oh lord
everything will be okay
 Jul 2016
Jedi Ferrer
Grace Sparks

It's time to untangle
All of the doubts that keep me down
It's time to let go of the pain, the past
All that makes me cry
It's time to venture out
To where I'll grow and learn to soar

Surely I won't miss out
All that you've planned, the best for me
I'm singing out loud, the songs of faith
Let it resound
Sunrise is calling out, “The night has gone
It’s the end of fear!”

En-route to win
Swinging through the wind
In the freedom of Christ my King

Your loving grace sparks
Like a thousand northern lights
So I won't be lost
When you are my guide
(Jesus, you are my guide)

Fuelled by Your perfect love
I’m moving up, moving up
Burden-free and ready to take off
I'm rising up, rising up
I co-wrote this with a friend starting from an object writing session around hot-air balloons and connecting it with the moments in life where we need to choose to move on.
 Jul 2016
... don't pray for things possible.

Pray for impossible things!

(C) 6/30/2016
How could a woman with strep throat, double pneumonia, and severe infection in her bronkaids be completely healed in a day and a half? Her doctors were completely baffled. She had been on every antibiotic known to man. But she was pronounced completely cured. It has been chronicled by the doctors involved as a bona fide miracle.

How could a man who's a hardened criminal, murderer of 3 people, an unrepentant drug dealer and member of the Devils Diciples motorcycle gang turn from this lifestyle and leave the city he'd lived in all his life (overnight) for a new life as a Christian?

How could a woman who had battled severe depression all her life find true joy & happiness in Christ... OVERNIGHT?

I invite all non-believers to explain these things away. I witnessed these Miracles personally. Because I was the one who prayed. I have never prayed for the possible. Because I know the God I serve wants prayer for the impossible. I did not tell you of these things to glorify myself. I am less than nothing. A drug addict. An alcoholic. Used to lie, cheat, and steal for drugs. I was delivered from all of that... OVERNIGHT. CAN THAT BE EXPLAINED?

If it can, "Lucy, you got some 'splainin to do."

♡ Catherine
 Jun 2016
When you're down and feeling scared
You can talk to Me
Of this life you weren't prepared
You can talk to Me
You feel your pain cannot be shared
You can talk to Me
You cried out and no one cared
You can talk to Me

A husband who has lost his wife
You can talk to Me
The searing pain cuts like a knife
You can talk to Me
There is naught but pain and strife
You can talk to Me
No owners manual for this life
You can talk to Me

You don't know what you can do
You can talk to Me
Your body beaten black and blue
You can talk to Me
Of real friends you've only few
You can talk to Me
Of rememberance only rue
You can talk to Me

If you're tired of your rut
You can talk to Me
All the doors are locked and shut
You can talk to Me
When life has literally kicked your ****
You can talk to Me

Talk to Me
'Bout anything
Talk to Me
Comfort I bring

Talk to Me
I'll always be
Talk to Me
I'll set you free


You can talk to Me
You can talk to Me
You can talk to Me

(C) 6/29/2016
Yes I used the four letter word... ****.
Joyce Meyer used to it when she said,
"Get off your "but(t)s"!

Jesus is there for you, dear friend.
He always has a listening ear.
He's always there. He never sleeps.
Talk to Him!

I'm there too if you ever need me. I've been on the low with several people. That's why I have not been reading. People need to know there is actually somebody out there who cares. Since I am Jesus disciple, which means I am his emissary & diplomat, and I pray for people here too, I would very much like to know your cares and burdens. I do read about them too. And I pray for your needs. But I would also like to talk to you via your messages on the system here. I have gotten to know many individuals on this site. I've even given out my phone number in the past. Very discerningly of course. But I have.

I love you all very much

♡ Catherine
 Jun 2016
Traveller in time
Crown him with many crowns the lamb upon his thro
Sit back in your chair there is no air ,
Your lungs have burst , your crying.
There is no air anywhere, yet those around you are singing ,
Sing out loud to  their creator King ,
Yet inside me I'm dying .
What's with him , can't  he sing ? Why sit down extol him !
Extol him my creator King when inside I feel like dying ?
No air to breath , yet sing with ease a joyful song beside me .
I will rise again to give my King
The air he kindly brought me X
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