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 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
My heart is very heavy today
For a great poet is lost along the way
His words where always mesmerizing
That is not surprising
For every poem was a gem
For in every poem there are little pieces of him
He laid his heart open for all of us to see
A poet like him, will never again be
I feel very humbled that he took the time to consol us, before his finale journey
Now I must end this poem, for my eyes are just to blurry
 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
I want to take a shower from the inside out
 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
The liquor  has taken over
I don't ever want to be sober
The view from this side is not the same
On this side everything looks sane
It takes a twisted view, to accepte this life
To have the strength to endure the strife
Just leave me on the steps of intoxication
It's the only way I can deal with my situation
 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
Drown my screams out with your chatter
I'm unseen, I don't matter
Please don't give me another thought
In the grip of nothingness I was caught
Day by day I slowly slipped away
As I slowly faded to gray
You never noticed, you never knew
Noting in your life was askew
Once upon a time I use to cross your mind
The best erasing is done by time
Now I'm but a gray mist,that floats before your minds eyes
That before you can grasp the memory away it flies
 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
Will you take me for a ride
Blast the radio, as around the curves we slide
Will you listen to my story
Hold me tight when it gets gory
Will you be there, guide me
When in the darkness I can't see
Will tell me everything will be all right
You'll stand by me wail I fight
Will you bake me a cherry pie
When I have a sweet tooth, put a smile in my eyes

That's ok
You can go away
I'm to broken
The Lord has spoken
My edges are to sharpened
Only demons harken
I would only slice you apart
That would break my heart
 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
She glances up from her work
Only to see people acting like jerks
So she put her eyes down
She dosen't need to see people acting like clowns
She goes back to her job wearing a frown
For her no where can hope be found

The human race for her has been void of truth
Only ****** lies have been told to her, even in her youth
Her eyes have done glazed over
She no longer searches for that elusive four leaf clover
Her feelings have been tucked away
In a cobweb drawer and that is where they'll stay
Her heart had slowly tured to granite
There was no one that would love her in this great big planet

Work is all she has to make her get up out of bed
But thoughts are always swirling around in her broken head

Every day she begged for death to come
But all that knew this told her, she was dumb

"Look at all the beauty on this earth that could be found"
She agreed the sights where beautiful and very much abound
But for her it was just an oxymoron for all the agony it surrounds

She feels like a freak in a side show
People just stand and gawk as her sorrow grows
So she buries herself in work untill she can go home
It's her safe little dome

She locks her doors and turns off her phone
She lets no one in, there's no one to hear her groans
She really just wishes for love, she's so all alone
 Jun 2016
Pauline Morris
You are not the only one that's broken
Do you even realize how hurtful  those words where that was spoken
You voice is all I can hear
It keeps ringing in my ear
"Your an awful person"
Made my depression worsen
Do you realize what you've done
You didn't place in my hand the gun
You just gave me reason to pull the trigger
I wish your last words you would reconsider

Guess you don't care what your words cost
For it was only me that you lost
 May 2016
Pauline Morris
To be held by someone that knows all my corners
 May 2016
Pauline Morris
Drown my screams out with your chatter
I'm unseen, I don't matter
Please don't give me another thought
In the grip of nothingness I was caught
Day by day I slowly slipped away
As I slowly faded to gray
You never noticed, you never knew
Noting in your life was askew
Once upon a time I use to cross your mind
The best erasing is done by time
Now I'm but a gray mist,that floats before your minds eye
That before you can grasp the memory away I fly
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