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 Nov 2015
Grace Pickard
I secretly despise you
For your forced rejection of status quo
Your fascination with death and crows
Even though it's clear death frightens you
Your incessant opinion that you're a virtuoso
So loud, the ear begs to be free, says Van Goh
Yet, you act and strut around without a clue

I secretly hate you
For you disregard tomorrow
Focusing solely on your ego

I secretly envy you
Because at least you're good
At playing this game
 Nov 2015
and drums of skin
bring a song
we can begin

knowing flesh
sentient lark
bring us all
into the dark

pulsing pleasures
fly to the marrow
into the darkness
like a sparrow
the way is broad
the outcome narrow

hush my heart
into this way
love the night
and not the day

lust for shadow
shun the light
give your soul
without a fight

follow me
fulfill desire
sense the smoke
it's rising higher
you're coming closer
to the fire

come my children
death's sublime
slip to depths
you cannot climb
in the end

you are mine

(C) 2/11/2015
drugs ****.
 Nov 2015
It's funny how I fall in love with you
Looking back at you right now
You ain't the same anymore

Maybe they're right
People do change

You keep saying
"I'm still me"
But that is a lie

Heart's getting torn from your mistakes
Sorry was never been said

We keep fighting
And you're blaming me

"You don't get me!"
What the hell are you talking about?
Is it me or you?

I've done everything I could
But you don't give a **** about it

Now, tell me
*Who don't get who?
- Who Don't Get Who? -
 Nov 2015
we fell like the leaves
blew away in the wind
a warm heart only believes
that love will never end

i should have known
there would come a day
when the winds would blow
and birds would fly away

a bare branch heaves
swinging in the wind
there's no warm reprieve
the cold is setting in
 Nov 2015
The Flipped Word
Tired of writing the same old poem
Sick of humming the same old song
Thirst for a change of scenery
Someone pull me out of this dump

Driving in a circle
Reach right back to the start
Same old stupid ending
It's becoming too hard

Routine emotional wrecks
have lost their charm
I'm so through with all the drama
Feel like a ****** piece of art

So take those words back
Shove them right back into your mouth
Because I trust based on actions
Not what you say or how you sound

I might seem like such a fool
Because you say the same words each time
And I let you back in
But baby won't ever commit that crime

Its said that you should trust
People Based On their actions
And you'll never be fooled by the crust
Of their spoken contraptions

So open your eyes and watch me do
What I should've done a long time ago with you
Perk up your ears and listen up as I say
Welcome to solitude, Enjoy your stay.
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

If thou hadst heaven in the palm of thine hand's
Wouldst thou not cherish that heaven;
That love.


If thou hadst an angel in thine midst
Wouldst thou holdeth it closely;
To never let it go.


If thou hadst thine soulmate after a million year's waiting
Wouldst thou grabbeth it up;
Not questioning nor debating.


If thou hath found paradise
As I hath;
Wouldst thou treat him or her like a king or a queen? Or a material thing.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
Question is this,.. Do you treat your woman as a slave men? And a material thing? And just someone who's there next to you while your forgetting what's important?
And women the man next to you... Do you treat him as a king? Like a human being! Someone who does more than just pay your bills ? Loyal to him? Same for you men.... Question is do you treat your woman and man as a king and queen, for both men and women. No partiality here,... As tomorrow might not come... Remember what's important!!! Your loved ones..,, not the world and its materials.. The point I'm saying is if you had heaven finally in your palms.. ( your loved one) would you cherish it? That's the question...
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley

On this Halloween children art given load's of sugary treat's,
Whilst demon's roam, spirit's unseen and unknown,
Lurk around each abode, across the street;


Whilst the innocent adolescent's art having the fun of their era
Satan bringeth down the land of the free;
Through "tradition" and terror.


Not knowing the mask's meaning, the small one's put on,
The babes weareth Satanic horn's, with cutsie adorn;
As the lamented art more than alive, just beyond the dawn.


As tis this land worship's darkness, not knowing it's own becoming; blindness cometh out on Halloween, the night of false fun and adult strange release, a night to worship the unliving, as whilst they enjoy it not knowing, whom or what they praise is the beast.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
As Americans not to many know the real meaning of Halloween..Halloween comes from Ireland Celtic's..., part of mine heritage the Irish...
As tis the word boogieman comes from mine own scottsman. They used to call it a boogie, or bad spirit in Scotland! As where Halloween comes from NOW in tradition with candy is that back in depression days 1930s children were acting nuts going around throwing rocks in buildings so on starting fires, stuff kid's should not be doing though I've done mine share of wrongs as a child lol and still am not perfect... Anyways to calm kids parents started making candy apple's like what there Is Now the candy apple with caramel and nuts... and other treats they made to keep kids who were doing wrong from doing more wrong.. So buying them off in other word's instead of watching their kid's lol.. As well where the treat idea even came example back in the day long ago catholics ate a certain treat as people would go door to door asking for treats to eat for their loved one's departed soul.. They believed anyone who died in their family they thought might possibly be in purgatory they could eat these treats and pray for their loved ones in purgatory to get their loved brought into heaven, also the ancient Celtics had a festival celebrating the dead .... also a date to mark beginning of winter for them,The festival observed at this time was called Samhain (pronounced Sah-ween). It was the biggest and most significant holiday of the Celtic year. The Celts believed that at the time of Samhain, more so than any other time of the year, the ghosts of the dead were able to mingle with the living, because at Samhain the souls of those who had died during the year traveled into the otherworld. People gathered to sacrifice animals, fruits, and vegetables. They also lit bonfires in honor of the dead, to aid them on their journey, and to keep them away from the living. On that day all manner of beings were abroad: ghosts, fairies, and demons--all part of the dark and dread.  Then Christians came up with something which made no sense as a Christian I think the Christians back then were major hypocrite's as we now know as no ones perfect but as a christian seeing the Christians made up a  day to combat the Celtics tradition..All Saints' Day, also known as All Hallows, Day of All the Saints,Solemnity of All Saints, or Feast of All Saints is a solemnity celebrated on 1 November by the Roman Catholic Church of Latin rite and various Protestant denominations, and on the first Sunday after Pentecost in Eastern Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, in honour of all the saints, known and unknown. The liturgical celebration begins at Vespers on the evening of 31 October and ends at the close of 1 November. It is thus the day before All Souls' Day. Which is funny the only reason Christians did that back then was to compete with the Celts which isn't Christian at all,,actually very ignorant!!!! Ignorant from the fact the Catholics back then and Christian sects were doing there own worshiping the dead of their saints so on and Bowing to saints : as Christians are taught to not bow to statues, or worship idols, being called IDOLATRY. Anyways yes I used to love,Halloween As a kid.. What kid doesn't... Though it's funny we call this nation a christian nation, though nothing Christian of this land hardly, as so much hatred for Christianity is being seen Now,more than ever in world and American Christian rights being slaughtered out of schools so on..,and we wonder why the countries in shambles! Lol!!! Just the statement of this poem is its ironic we teach our children demons satan so on is bad here, while at the same time dressing up babes in devil horn's, and demonic masks, not realizing the masks they wear are based off of real demon's I literally battle daily being scratched by them quite often and taunted by them, as the world's all an most religion's agree on demon's,, its not some,myth, this is reality! One I and million's of other's deal,with daily, yet the nations children are dressed as such? What craziness and foolishness!!!! Worshiping a holiday for darkness not knowing hell lies,right beneath thy feet? Im sure the people who went to hell in thousands of accounts I read ( real,place mentioned by most all religion's) - " with real account's" .. I bet the people who have been to hell and back want nothing to do with this holiday as the people dont know what even a quote" fun tradition" represents, something very real. Not just a horror flick..thanks for reading!!! Lol know this one won't be popular based on " american tradition: though because its traditional doesn't mean its right... Seems the world forgot what right is and morality is.
Process by which plants make their food and clear our air using light,
They have no feet or hands but they make their food right,
Being self sufficient,I bet they've got no need to fight.
Nature is inspiring,
Birds always happily singing,
Guess their songs are never expiring,
And they're surely thankful for the air they breathe through photosynthesis,
Do we appreciate our trees enough?or maybe the point of their existence we miss?

Don't chop them off unless you       need to.
Kinda modified the definition to stress my point..
 Oct 2015
James Jarrett
Let your children grow cold
Cold and hard as stone
Let your hot tears never fall on their skin
Let them go to the ground
Alone and without you
May your sorrow and grief
Never see them again
Never give the last goodbyes
May you be given as you have given
Not a measure more
Nor a measure less
May grief and misfortune
Follow you for what you have done
For you have forsaken a mothers love
And denied her
Her dead son
There is nothing more despicable than to deny a mother her goodbye to her only son. A funeral held in secret with the only intent being harm while she weeps into a baby blanket. Sometimes I can't believe the depths of depravity that people will go to to be vindictive.
I feel us drifting
Drifting further and further apart
The same current that brought us together
Is ripping us apart
I'm going one way
And you're going the other
And there is nothing I can do to stop it
So I just sit there watching
Grieving the loss of you
Because I know its coming
I keep swimming towards you
Never giving up
But in the end I'm only hurting myself more
Because your still drifting
 Oct 2015
Luna Lynn
sometimes i think about killing myself
sometimes i think about free falling
stepping off into the unknown
forever a sketch in your memory
forever a pain in your heart

sometimes i think the world is better off
sometimes i feel i don't have **** to offer
crawling on bloodied knees
leaving a trail of hurt behind
leaving a signature of my failed attempts

sometimes i think you don't get it
sometimes i think you want me gone too
standing in sinking sand of doubt
crying out to an empty upper space
crying out to no one there to listen

sometimes i dream that i am better
sometimes i feel there's something more
clutching my chest in agony
clinging to hope
clinging to life

holding on is harder
(C) Maxwell 2015
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