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 Oct 2014
Amitav Radiance
Why feel miserable
When you have a choice
Don’t let your guard down
Fend off the barrage of accusations
Wanting to make you feel-
Turn away from the intimidation
When you can live big
Not let someone belittle your mind
And the big heart
That beats with love
For yourself and dear ones
Indomitable, the soul is
And you are a formidable force
To break those iron grips
Shatter their wrongdoing
And give yourself a chance
Life awaits you
And it’s beautiful out there
 Oct 2014
rained-on parade
There are stories in your eyes.

I never told you how
sometimes I fell asleep
with the thought that you
were perhaps the moon-

always disappearing
with the dawn.
I would awake with
but the shape of you
on my bed and the
gloom of you on
my skin.
 Oct 2014
My breath quickens as he draws close.
It's everything about him. From his tousled hair, unkempt beard, and those eyes of his.
Eyes that hold the universe.
Eyes that are the universe.
For me.
I am but the girl next door who made the mistake of getting too close to the stars.
And burn me he did.
Leaving scabs that are never to heal.
That can only be forgotten.
But how can I forget him when he has crawled onto my  flesh and taken proud residence?
How can I forget him when every insolent breath gives me a chance to hope?
How can I forget the stars that soar the sky every night?
But here is something that I have forgotten in my haste to love him,
You can only see the stars.
Never reach them.
And never for one, have them for your own.
I want him. I need him.
Like nothing else in my life.
I need to move on. I need to forget.
But I seem incapable of doing just that.
If you have any words of advice, I would greatly appreciate it :)
 Oct 2014
light swells
the horizon as
the clouds dock
their ships in the hills

sky limits
the view of all
but the brightest stars

see a
sad venus
a tear shaped
rhinestone on the
face of a blue

light puffs
up the dark blue
balloon. Lighter and
lighter before it
pops open with
puffy white

they'll roll
around inside the
big blue bowl
'til nighttime
when the

catherine jarvis
(C) october 4, 2014
 Oct 2014
Muggle Ginger
If you are going to shine in this world,
it is essential to know:

You will cast shadows.

People will hate you for
the darkness,
instead of praising you
for clarity.
Shine anyway.
 Oct 2014
Ann M Johnson
My remedy for a tough day is eating some chocolate
 Oct 2014
As we bow our heads..
In the shades right beneath..
Your family and friends..
Under this lonely oak tree..
We try to understand..
How a person can be..
Part of our lives yesterday,..
And today a memory..
As we close our eyes..
We all begin to see..
All these happy moments..
Tears drop from our cheeks..
We hold each other tight..
As we wish you the best..
You walk towards the light..
As we lay you to rest..
You're in a better place,..
And until we meet again..
Your memory will live on..
As we say goodbye to a friend...
 Oct 2014
A guy walks into a bar
In a posh high rise hotel.
He doesn't look the part,
He is not a swell.

He's in an off-rack suit
It's not tailored silk.
Orders up a drink,
A of milk.

He's tall, dark and handsome,
But his tie is just absurd!
He's got heavy glasses,
And looks just like a nerd!

Along the bar he heard a snort,
And a drunkard gave a sneer,
"Well, hey there kid,
The school's next door,
You're not allowed in here!"

He laughed aloud at his own joke,
And began to walk and sway,
A gap appeared as nervous folk
All slowly back away...

The drunkard called out to the nerd,
"What's wrong, kid, beer too fizzy?
Or is the truth just what I heard,
You're a no-good, yellow *****!!!

The handsome man was cool,
He didn't break his stride.
He pushed his glasses up his nose
And took the drunk aside.

The enebriated idiot
Looked him up and down,
But followed him to the window
Said, "Watchoo wan' here clown?

The dark man smiled coolly.
Said, "I'd like to make a wager.
Just a couple thousand bucks.
You know. Nothing major.

I'll bet you, my drunken friend,
I can jump out - but then
After I'm out this window,
I'll come back in again!!

The drunkard looked
him up and down,
And grinned an evil grin,
"If you wanna JUMP,  go right ahead,
This bet, I'm gonna WIN!

The handsome man just
Gave a wink,
And jumped out on the ledge.
He took one look o'r the brink,
And leapt over the edge!

The drunkard gasped
In total shock!
"My god, he must have died!!"
When in a flash there came a knock
The man climbed back inside!

The handsome man
Straightend his tie
"It's time to pay your dues!
Unless, of course, you'd like to try,
Or are you scared you'll lose...

"Scared!?!!" The drunk was livid!
"Well! I'm no chicken, friend!
I accept! " And so he lept!!!

And promptly met his end.....

The tall, dark handsome person
Went back to his drink.
He finished his milk quietly,
And tipped the keep a wink.

The barkeep, looking sour,
Said, "Well. More cleanup work.
Superman, I like you,

But sometimes you're a ****.

(C) Tryst
(C) SoulSurvivor
I had a BLAST doing this!
Tryst is a comic genius!
I'm so glad to have been able
To write with him!  :-D
 Oct 2014
Musfiq us shaleheen

It has rounded
when you can't see the end of the road
you seem those eyes have a limit
but you see the sky that moves beyond the limit

It has looped
when you loved her first since you have been missing over the life
you are growing older
but you can't see the end that is beyond the death

It has dreamed again
when autumn is glowing with shrubs of white flowers
you have looped within your dreams
dreams are running with drifted white clouds, its gravity beyond the imagination

It grew love
when you told me a simple word, its feeling is more than the love
now the toys of early day's have broken
but still the broken gadgets have glittered beyond the lights of hope

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
sometimes love, hopes and dreams are beyond...................
 Oct 2014
I have to
go out.
I want to
stay in.
Please leave me
to myself.
The effort of
Conforming to
a Saturday night
will **** me.
I don't care if
you'll have a spare
Leave me alone.
I hate getting ready
I hate being friendly
I hate crowds
I hate noise.
I loathe Saturday.
I love my insanity.
13:53 BST
 Oct 2014
Amitav Radiance
Words dance at the poet’s tune
A grand symphony of feelings
Tugging at the heartstrings
The space between the words
Is where the magic lies
Music which enthralls the soul
Woven with the words
Which flowed from the pen
Birthing a poetry
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