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 Oct 2014
Arrange my mind's galaxies and planets.

Sedate angry asteroids and burning comets.

Align for me my heart's constellations.

Clear the clouded nebulae in my intentions.

Turn the moon gently to look upon me,

So I may find the sea of tranquillity...

Clouded, dishevelled mind. Want peace...
 Oct 2014
Ashley Lopez
We all have monsters in our closets we'd rather not wake up.
When we do, it's for someone that'll protect you.
I woke mine up for you.
Where are you now to protect me?
It has been 3 months..
Three long months
Since I found you in your room....

Still, still as a sleeper
I thought you were just passed out...
Still...I could not wake you
My heart just raced...

Still, I tried to shake you
I thought you would awake...
Still...your lips looked blue
Still, was your body as he laid  you on your back

Still...I had to call 911
I tried to resuscitate....
Still...I thought I could save you
But you would not wake

Still...the sound of sirens
Many people rushing in
Still...I thought they would save you
But my heart just breaks....

Still... is the sounds in your room now
Still and gone is your loving voice
Still my mind can't comprehend
That my first born no longer
walks this earth...

Still... is the night
Still... is my heart
Still... are your sisters and Dad
Still... is our life
...Without You...
I still can't believe your gone...Angela Michelle Faye Martin...
Don't forget your Mother's love and my arms wrapping you in a hug....
Love Forever....Mom
 Oct 2014
Gwen Johnson
How wind storms so violently, how peace finds no place.
How danger seems to look you right in the face.
So how do you stay alive in a world with so much hate?
How colors seem to fade.
How I see that look that look on your face.
How do you find a place
when wars never fade and the dark keeps you awake?
Will hate ever fall and bring peace to us all
in a world with so much hate?
You hate the world until it falls to the ground
then realize it was great but that’s what happens
to a world with so much hate.
 Oct 2014
Vanessa Gatley
Me or her
Before I lose it
I don't want
I'm jealous kind
I care for  you
Would you treat me right ?
Are you the
1 ?
 Oct 2014
Dr Strange
You know I'm tired of playing this game
Always chasing the right girl away
All because I'm too blind and stupid chasing after the wrong
Why am I playing this ******* game
It's like I'm allergenic to the truth,
And just enjoy beating my self as if I'm slave
Like seriously what the **** am I doing with my life
Ruining it, maybe
Because I'm sure as hell ain't making it better
I mean look at me battle scares are bruises imprisons my body in the jail ceil in monopoly
Only if it were a game
But no, this real life
This is reality, what my life will be based off of
But stupid ol' me treat it as if it was a ******* game  
Why can't I get it through my thick skull that is not a ******* game
Am I retarted or just that slow
It is as if my ******* chained my arms to the **** floor and threw away the ******* keys
What the **** am I doing with my ******* life
Why am I throwing it away as if it is worthless tool
Am I really that much of a fool
Just sitting down on this stool watching the clock tic
What the **** am I doing with my life
No seriously someone please tell
Cause clearly I'm not bright enough to know
 Oct 2014
bcg poetry
Next to my alarm clock, on my bedside table, I keep a note
It simply says:
"It was a dream. He's still gone."
And every morning when I wake up with a smile
And roll over to trace your lips good morning,
I see the note
I don't have to read it anymore
I know what it says
I memorized it like I memorized you
 Oct 2014
Paula Lee
I know you were smiling down from Heaven
as  we had your Memorial Service Yesterday,
I know you were watching as we gathered in your name
Each of us sharing our favorite memories we had of you.
There wasn't a dry eye to be found
as we each mourned the loss of you in our own way.


I will remember you in the rising sun and its going down,
I will remeber you with each snowflake that gently
swirls to the ground,
And I will remember you, your soft spoken voice
The most beautiful sound.


No one can ever steal the beauty of you,
the love you brought to our lives,
Your Spirit Soars today with the Angels
but the memories will always survive,
My blood and yours forever intwined.

 Oct 2014
Michael Duong
I once met a girl
who became the reason why I was smiling everyday
but I was young
I was stupid and I stuffed it up
but honestly she was so amazing
borderline perfection
but I swear I fell for her
and I fell for her hard
she had me telling strangers how great she was
she was the kind of girl you write songs and poems for
the kind of girl you'll drop everything for
she was the one who changed me
leaving a mark I would never forget
a void I can never fill
and now I just feel so ****
She was the girl who made me write my first poem, She was the girl who left me breathless with a pounding  heart and racing mind.
 Oct 2014
Haydn Swan
****** up,
tuned in,
tripped on the up game,
out on a whim.
 Oct 2014
Arcassin B
By Arcassinburnham

I had a hard life,
And nobody knows the struggle,
Not quin,
Not Elsa,
Not frank,
Not falen,
Not rhymes,
Not silver,
Not Midnight,
Not Dani,
Not Connor,
Not soul,
Eventhough my soul,
Is in a choke hold,
Devil may have got piece me,
From the story he told,
I feel depressed as fuuuuuuuuck,
I've been on road to failure,
Long enooouuugh,
Tired of being tired,
Of not having goooooooooood,
Credentials in my life,
Get the rope and hoooooooook,
And hang myself,
Til I got no feeling,
To your emotions mean nothing,
Your just squealing,
Put me down long enough,
And I'm willing,
To do something I don't want to do,
Are you joking,
I just hate my life,
So ******* muuuuuuuuch,
And you think its funny,
I hate being in loooove,
And I don't need your pity.
im done being alive
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