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 Jul 2018
Jude kyrie
Maybe one clear summer night
a nearby star will
and create a giant black hole.

So powerful
the sun and moon
will be swallowed
into its unknown depths.

so fast even
the earth will disappear
Into its ravenous depths
At the speed of light

perhaps then my love
I would think of you
for the last time
Nerds need love too
 Jul 2018
Desired Dreamer
Darling,My Demons,
they lost their
way in your arms...
Here I am using Demons as worries...
 Jul 2018
In just a few weeks
our big day will arrive and
I can't stop smiling

I sometimes try to
find the right words to express
my love for you babe

But no words can say
how much I truly love you
You know I love you

And I know you love
me , through all our hardships we
have found a sweet place

to live , my heart beats
fast through excitement and I
keep acting silly

I'm lying down on
bed looking up at ceiling
smiling to the big

universe of stars
I cant see the universe
It's inside my mind

But that's how you make
me feel , so loved and special
and you accept me

as I am , even
my faults , as I not perfect
But your perfect for

me , I hope one day
you will read this and know how
much I love you babe

Sometimes we silent
But just one look into your
eyes is all the words

I ever going to need **
** for my dean **
 Jul 2018
Pagan Paul
Speak to me, your acolyte,
from high upon your chair.
Gaze down at my simplicity,
catch me with your stare.
Reach out with your fingers,
touch me with your smile.
Embrace me with your heart,
and lay with me a while...

...The gentle waves of lovers grace
fall soft across your perfect face...

...Whisper to me, your apprentice,
from the pillow next to me.
Gaze across at my paradise,
catch me with your need.
Together we painted the dawn,
but at the ending of the day
its time the curtain descended
and closed our passion play.

© Pagan Paul (2017/18)
 Jun 2018
Listen to rainsongs
My head rests on lover's chest
His arms, my haven
Based of a dream I had.
As much as I have trust issues, it hasn't fully killed the inner romantic.
Call me naive.
Be back soon!
Lyn ***
 Jun 2018
In the sand,
We met each other,
And names exchanged between friends
Turned into faces with personalities,
Characteristics, and ambitions.
In the sand,
We played together,
Building homes out of sand,
Pouring our heart and soul
Into the project,
And each other.
In the sand,
We walked together,
Side by side, hand in hand.
Bright sunsets become a backdrop to
Meaningful talks, important words,
And shared smiles.
In the sand,
We partied together,
The firepit blazing under the stars,
Music blaring and friends dancing,
Their forms basking in the fire’s glow.
In the sand,
We argued,
And harsh words were hurled,
Not unlike the terrible stinging sensation
Sand creates when trapped in your eye.
In the sand,
We parted ways,
Under the same sunset backdrop,
And I watched your footprints
Fade away.
In the sand,
I lay there lonely,
Babies crying and mothers yelling
All around me, with me trying to
Fathom the reasons why you left me.
In the sand,
Like a loyal leatherback sea turtle,
We came back to our beach, and
With tears in your eyes and
Sand in your hair, you apologized.
In the sand,
You apologized for your selfishness,
The way you jumped to conclusions,
And you confessed that you had never,
Ever forgotten me and our beach.
A year later, in the sand,
You went down on one knee,
And after saying yes, I thanked God above
That I had fallen in love with you
In the sand.
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