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 Jan 2016
Jimmy Hegan
Darkness is roming around the gujarat
White clouds disappering from guarat
Ground is becoming red
Sky is crying for help
But everyone else is becoming blind
Human's are becoming animals
Animals becomes humans.
 Jan 2016
Because his Christian father so esteemed
that German protester who dismissed the pope,
His name reached heights few would have ever dreamed
In our days of easy change and godless hope.

A posthumous nation drones: yes we can,
forgetting he was a Baptist preacher
a theologian - perhaps  Republican...
I remember him as a  scriptural teacher

Calling his country back to God. The haters
closed their hearts to the righteous prophetic word
(as today's deck-shuffling race baiters).
Many who play that card haven't heard

Those words from Amos, that thundered sentence.
speaking of more than merely civil rights.
Such lines should spark nation-wide repentance
as long as we still keep him in our sights...
MiLK it fresh from the sacred cow right HERE:
 Jan 2016
Mohd Arshad
I have a God
Like yours
And he is one!

I have a sky
Like your earth
And with you I live!

I will sleep on dust
And you will come next
And others will follow!

At his court,
When all meet,
Poetic justice at its best!
Notes (optional)
 Jan 2016
m i a
why do i always fall for the
pretty boys
pretty boys
who always treat me like
little toys
little toys
why can't i fall for the
good guys
good guys
who can actually see the sadness
in my eyes
in my eyes
this kind of a song, hope you enjoy it. <3
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Hallow thou art, mine
sacrosanct wayfarer;
Sacred heart, raiment
Of January's start,
Thou art the
Of spring
And summer's sunshined arise in full-bloomed mesmerize.
The firth of thee, circulates inside of me.
O' Asian delicacy- thou art that righteous tree of
Life. For thine way's art insight's, ******* to the human thought, for thine countenance canst not be store bought. O' thy intelligence canst not be door taught. Destined Jane, O' foreordained, I knewest thee, thou knewest me, in bygone land's.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
wayfarer is a traveler, especially one on foot.
sacrosanct means holy.
Firth is-mouth of a river.
Raiment is ones clothing.
Bygone means- belonging to an earlier time.
Countenance is ones face or ****** expressions and features.
Hallow means- to make someone or something holy. Or something holy. Hallowed means past tense
 Jan 2016
They may pretend, with their swords looking of pure gold
Saying they fight for the good because of the colour they dress in
the uniforms standing for righteousness
But don't be fooled
If you look closer
You will notice that the darker shadows of their armor are not delicate sewings but the blood of innocent
and their emblems on their shirts are nothing but blinded praise for their cruelty
 Jan 2016
Commuter Poet
Was pink
Then orange
Then pink again
Before blue
And black

Seagulls improvise with the wind
Skybound shadows
Dancing in twos and threes

In my mind
Confusing messages

I realise how important
Relationships are

A brave face
On what is wrong
Will no longer do

I must see things
As they truly are
And transform

Stand in the truth
Do not fear what others say
Live in it

Sunset was



18th January 2016
 Jan 2016
Jude kyrie
The inner ciity school was big and noisy.
I remember being scared and overwhelmed.
When I saw her for the first time
a cornucopia of colors In her flowing sari.
She floated no sound of footsteps.
Her skin perfectly brown
oh she was the most beautiful lady
I had ever seen.
I think she loved teaching more than life.
She wld break an adult meetng
to tend to a childs needs.
.Saying we must reschedule
I have a very important
meeting with my student
I must attend to.
she taught us patience and respect.
To listen to each other and to learn
from each person we spoke with.
she brought animals to the school
and introduced us to new species.
Everone wanted to be with her
when she taught us the class was silent
and every swoosh of her sari could be heard.
she stood by the open window of the classroom
Once and said listen can you hear it
I said its just silence Miss
she smiled and said no
it is the most beautiful
sound in the world
it is the sound of learning.
she would ask what new thing we had learned
since last she saw us.
A color a poem a book.
I think I learned how to learn from her.
She basked in her small successes.
Later she told us of the nurses a doctor
schoolteacher author and poet
that had spawned
from her class.
Now when I visit England I always try
to see her in her small retirement flat.
she pours green tea that she says comes from
the foothills of the himalayas still teaching me.
As I recount for her all the new things
I have learned in the years since I saw her last.
I am a pilgrim of divine , rugged convocations with my maker . Longing to trek the swaying fields of Newfoundland ..
At the rock encrusted deliverance with countenance eastward , overlooking the living waters of Norse legend , with mirrored thoughts of exploration and homeward voyage .
Copyright January 10 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Jan 2016
30 years now I've been here
A drop in the bucket
A lifetime full
Realizing that the majority of my 20's
Have been spent loving and caring
For those who's hands have been helpless
Plans laid out that I drew blueprints for
Coming together in squeeze tights ends
I need to learn to let go
Blowing out candles one by one
Each their own silent wish
A milestone reached
*Happy Birthday to me
 Jan 2016
Mohd Arshad
A poor man
Gives a soft word to someone
He is the richest person in society
Notes (optional)
 Jan 2016
brandon nagley

Happy birthday, diaphanous balm,
Mayest this span of time greeteth
Thee; with Good health, and loving


Maligayang Kaarawan, archaic
Gem, mayest thine smile brush-
Stroke the aisles, of carbuncles
Of never-ending friend's.


Bon anniversaire, mon amour,
Mayest thine Satin-silk moonlit
Eye's, be a guide to the deaf and
Blind, mayest the heaven inside
Thee, be the richness of the poor.


Harúmena genéthlia, Earl, like
The lost and hidden pearl's,
Mayest the luster of thine
Memories, be kept safely
Locked, under thumb and key,
To openeth later, in sanctity.


Penblwydd Hapus, Filipino
physician whom hath saved
Mine life, soul-mate, Queen,
Wife, mine bearer of this heart,
Mine carrier of all that's right.
The beam of nebula delights,
The diamond in mine might,
Mine-Queen, O' Jane
Mine Wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diaphanous means delicate.
Carbuncles-a bright red gem, in particular a garnet cut en cabochon.

In the beginning of each line I say happy birthday to Jane in all different languages.  Happy birthday queen Jane! May God bless you this birthday! As I look forward to many more of your b day's with you! To cherish you love you and forever be thine own as thou art mine! I love you sooooo much Reyna! Happy b day queen! Sorry poems not the best but more surprises to come for you tommorrow! I love you more queen! May God bless your b day and may you have a happy wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday QUEEN JANE!!!!
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