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 Jul 2016
Thank you all so much for your prayers. I am resting now and feeling better. I looked up the problem online and don't feel it's necessary to go to the hospital.

I am going to take a short break. I'll be back online tomorrow 7/19/2016.

♡ Catherine
 Jul 2016
Walter W Hoelbling
when daily news
over weeks and months
reports events that  far exceed
most people’s homespun nightmares

can we react as poets
and not be seen as cashing in on the sensation
like all the media have come to do without regret?

It may be wise not to give in
to the temptation to create ******* of violence
but try to just suggest the essence of catastrophe

a lonely high-heeled sandal on the roadside
one flip-flop much too small to fit adults
a tough man crying without shame

there are events for which we don’t have proper words

this does not mean we should keep silent
Apropos the massacre in Nice on July 14, 2016
 Jul 2016
We're headed for a deep, deep valley
Poison sky in Tornado Alley
We had best not dilly-dally
Our Creator's got a running tally

"What's that list?" You may ask?
Well. What's that blood within your flask?
Amantalado's got a cask
While in luxury we bask

Amerika, Amerika!
Wearing tight blue jeans
You've lost your fight,
you've lost your might
You live beyond your means!

Amerika, Amerika!
You'd best buckle up!
Ask God's pardon!
Grow a garden!
'Coz you are out of luck!

Do you know they use CHILDREN?
Little girls & boys!
They cut their tiny fingers
While making all your toys!

There are those who aren't so Slack
At sitting on a donkey's back
Haul Coco leaves to make your crack
So politicians make a stack
While these peasants live in shacks

And here on the homefront....

Pregnant mothers will not cry
While their unborn babies die
They swallow the hook... Believe the lie
Just want their piece of the pie
And then roll their eyes and sigh
When told of Jesus... my oh my...

What happened to the Golden Rule?
Horrible bullying in schools!
Prayer no more used than stone-age tools
Non believers stubborn mules
Christian's made to look like fools!

As our Spirits atrophy
While we think that we are free
Each day a new catastrophe...
... The IRS still has its fee

We walk into the Serpent's Maw
He likes his meat ****** and raw
While the Ravens creak and caw

We Institute Sharia law!

Wealth is meant only for a few
Folks! They are a Motley Crew!
This is not the place I knew!


Here's a message. It is TRUE!

WE ARE MANY... they are FEW!!!

Please allow me to be bold
This BS is getting old!
Break the *******! Break the mold!

'Cuz folks, you're being mind-controlled!

It's coming in from your PC
It's coming in from your TV
You are fed false history!


Back to God's list. He's checking it twice.
Amerika... are you naughty or nice?
You're marinated in your vice!
Hear this message! Hear my voice!

'Cause pretty soon


Oh, please hear me! I may offend
But it is out of love my friend!
I don't expect this work to trend
I will click and just press "send"

I wish you only blessing.


(C) 7/16/2016
Don't believe the filth & dirt
'Cause the political party wears a skirt

Don't vote Donald Trump today!
Christians! There'll be HELL TOUPEE!!!

Folks, from all the garbage seen

I do believe I'm voting GREEN!!!

Thanks to ConnectHook for his boldness.
It's rubbing off!

 Jul 2016
Ann M Johnson
I regret to inform you, my friends,
that I may be offline for an extended period of time.
Due to intense visual migraines.
I will Greatly miss you all and your wonderful poetry.
I plan to return when my health improves so I need to
temporarily bid you  adieu.
 Jul 2016
I'm not a perfect person
I still have rough-edged vice
Although I've sought and I've been bought
By the Lord Jesus Christ

On my last poetry venue
I was sure a geek
I made many enemies
On the website Poetfreak

I was green as new-mown grass
On the internet
I also dropped my med therapy
Was as crazy as it gets

I posted several poems
Of suicidal bent
Not one person commented
Not one message sent

So I said I was in hospital
For suicidal thoughts
I even had an alias
Who said that I was caught

In a cycle of depression
That I needed help
I needed people loving me
Yes. I did this in stealth

Then I felt so guilty
That shame had so much clout
I posted an exposé of what I'd done
So the truth would come out

Most people were quite good and kind
They understood my pain
But some were mean and hateful
And my guilt remained

So I made another alias
His name was Steelrelease
I wanted for to be a man
So I'd have respect at least

And boy did that become the case!
You know how males are
They respect their stronger ***
It looked like I'd go far

But there were flies in that ointment
As it did ensue
I became so popular
The women liked me TOO!

I met a little teenager
Who was suicidal
A little waif of a girl
And I could not be idle

And so I befriended her
I had her full respect
I should have known the outcome
Due to my male ***

When I did discover
What she began to feel
I could no longer lie to her
And so the truth revealed

Again some stayed by me
For they understood
But others were quite vicious
In that poetic neighborhood

I knew that I would never have
Chances to write free
So I made up other avatars
Other people I could be

Again and again I was found out
And I became blamed
There was a poet "Lucifer"
Who thought I should be shamed

He made several postings
Detailing my sins
Had many of his own
But poets he did win

Though I was repentant
He hounded me no end
I tried to get away from him
But he posted again

Then all of a sudden
Some ****** SPAM APPEARED!
Under my own avatar
It was very weird!

Somebody had hacked me
And posted that foul spam!
I know I didn't post it

I guess it didn't matter
That I posted again
That I had not done it
But that poem did not trend
It really mattered not
I tried to make amends

I had written poems
For poets on that site
No less than 50 people
Got a special write

I did not do that out of guilt
For I found that I enjoyed
The gratitude of people
From my work so employed

In the end I left Poetfreak
For he kept up his stuff
Lucifer was ruthless
And I had had enough.

So that is my story
I have now come clean
Some folks are unforgiving
Some folks are downright mean.

But I was in the wrong, you see
So they still laid claim
To my very character
They still rail and blame

Here on this good website
I'm friend to age and youth
I don't do what I did before
And I tell the truth

But you all know that there is talk
By a crazy one
That I still have aliases
In many minds has won

I don't support this person
But neither do I blame
He is bold and he's a troll
But he's totally insane.

Please forgive me people
I want for you to know
Now I am quite honest
Wherever I go

I am a minded writer
And I am a part
Of the HP community
And I have a HEART!

So can you have compassion?
I want for you to see
I have a arranged to be so changed

Please folks. Forgive me.

(C) 7/8/2016
Now I've come clean. Everything I said about it is true. Now. Can people start owning up to their own stuff? Please?!!
That's the only way this other situation on the site of Hello Poetry is ever going to change. It is only when people start to assess their own faults that they can see they don't have a leg to stand on with others business.

In the Bible it says character assassination is tantamount to ******. I don't know where that is. I'm not a Bible scholar. But trust me it is there.

Will folks just please forgive me so we can go on? I'm truly sorry for what I've done in the past. The past is the past. Let us bury it.



 Jul 2016
A poem, that's not a poem
but gets 2 thousands reads
lands on the Daily
and makes my heart bleed
So much fighting, back biting,
such inverted sense
of there own
proliferate nonsense
Drowning out the artful voices
of the souls that bleed
poetic choices
Sitting in their towers
built from dung
measuring  how meanly
they are hung
while many other voices
chime in and you can't hear the truth
crowing inside the din
it's like an ache in a tooth!

Some truly beautiful poems
that will hold your heart,
most bearing their souls
and simply enjoying the art!
Connecting on a level
that cares little for 'hearts'
just waiting for someone to say
'Hi, I feel what you wrote'
Not caring about figures, or charts

Be you one voice under one name
or one voice under many
If one is a vitriolic persona
rest assured the others are just as ugly

I'd have to give HP
a 2/10 this week

Sadly it's impossible to articulate
while being drowned when trying to speak.
Just to wrap it up ;)
 Jun 2016
Mike Hauser
I just learned that my friend and fellow poet
Amy Perry has been missing since Monday 6-13-16
She was last seen in Vista, California and could be in Las Angeles. I know that she has struggled with mental issues in the past and I just hope and pray they find her safe.  I posted the last poem we collaborated on you can go to for a picture if you live in that area. She's very tiny at only 5 ft.
 Jun 2016
Damian Murphy
Eighty five dead today in Iraq
Following three suicide attacks.
But why is there no worldwide outcry?
How many innocents have to die?

As the death toll continues to mount
It seems these deaths somehow do not count.
Is it because they are "over there"
That so many of us do not care?

Have we not learned  from what went before,
When we could and should have done much more?
Each life should be equally precious,
If we think otherwise, shame on us
I saw a report of these deaths on the news and was surprised by my own reaction, or lack of of it. It made me wonder...
I am still waiting to hear from the surgeon whom is going to operate on my neck as far as they know that its not cancerous but they want to clear out the spurs burs in my neck thanks love you all.
 Jun 2016

Stop wishing away the lines on your face.
Every line means you smiled!
Stop wishing away your stretch marks.
For every one of them there is a grateful child.
Stop wishing away those extra pounds.
It means you have food to eat.
Stop wishing away your corns and bunions.
It means you have shoes to put upon your feet.
Stop wishing away your grey hair!
It means you've had many years to enjoy life.
Stop wishing away imperfections,
perceived by others lies.
There is someone out there
who sees you
as perfect in their eyes!
Badges of Courage!
Not shame.
Stop wishing them away.
 Jun 2016
a poet i did not know
i sail through life blithely
mouthing prayers
but do i show
the love of God Or do i
forget it as i go

a poet i did not read
a poet who passed on
joining the ranks in heaven
yes, that mighty throng
does he look down
and smile on us
now that he is gone?

a poet i did not read
a poet who knew Christ
perhaps better than myself
when cut comes to slice
perhaps now i'll
know meaning
i'll take my
own advice

the advice i give my family
the advice i give my friends
you never know the poem





(C) 6/8/2016
Chris G Valliencourt

please read

Please. Let's love each other.
Put aside our differences today
in honor of Chris.

I think he would like that.

I will be off site today for a while.
I'm going back to my wellness camp.
 Jun 2016
Francie Lynch
Two sluggers emerged
From Louisville;
One fashioned from ash,
One molded from Clay.
One is The Greatest.
The Greatest
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