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 Jan 2016
My heart physically hurts because all I want is for you to love me.
 Jan 2016
as i wish
upon a star
this lonely
new year's eve
i won't be
going anywhere
and yet i will
not grieve
i only hope
the gift i wish
will surely
be received

i ask
in heaven
for the blessings
of your youth
that you'd dream
just as a child
and those
dreams will become

that ink would flow
from wells so deep
that starlight's
in the quill
that the parchment's
as endless
as the measure
of your

and then
i would that
where they shook
wherever you look
in the

that each star
that winks above
as far as
you can see
will be a blessing given
and you'll know
it's from



your friend

 Jan 2016
If I am kindling,
you must be the spark...
Much alive in the darkest dark,
lifting all shadows with
finesse and flair.

     If I am flame,
     you must be the air and wind...
     Unfettered and free...
     Cradling my infancy.
     Only to nurture and inspire,
     to groom flame to fire.

If I am faltering...
And almost extinguished,
you must be the hand...
Bearing the confidence and belief...
Awaiting the moment most opportune,
to align yourself in rhythm and tune.
So we could...
Continue to
burst forth into light.
So we could...
Resume our journey forth with might.

     Let us be our own deterrent
     from the darkness
     that comes with morrow's set.
     Hand in hand, we must...
     Because together...
          And only together,


Happy New Year to all!
 Dec 2015
Don't press pause on real life..
Cause in just a blink of an eye..
Everything changes,
In front of you.
It's so wonderful.

And don't spend your days angry
Just spend a moment sulking :')
Cause every-thing right now is temporary..
..I'll too, just be a memory.

So won't you live a little,
And remember me?
Bump into me 5 years later,
With a different hair colour;
Oh go out there, and live your dream
Send me messages now and then,
And i'll get a pen and some paper
Oh won't you live life, cause there will never be another..
At least not one like this,
Oh you are beautiful I must,

Clocks are turning,
Earth spins..
My mind wakes up to the thought
Of "are you okay?"
.. Almost everyday.

But next year I'll care for me too
I'm 18, hey, lets get a tattoo-
Of an Ed Sheeran song..
That'll be a memorable one,
For sure.

Oh won't you promise,
To stay so strong?
I know that sounds patronising
But in the poems i've been writing,
I've found strength in this place here between my lungs;
Yeah these words from the heart;
I hope they light up the dark,
For you
I promise I'll never fade.
I'll still be annoying as hell
And maybe sappy as well
And will I ever move on?
Only time can tell.
But for now darling just live
Oh everyday is beautiful,
I must admit.
Proudest achievement of my year is possibly this poem actually.

Hope you like it.
Keep your eyes out on Sunday for new stuff.. X
 Dec 2015
Walter W Hoelbling
how hard
   under earphones
   oozing Viennese waltzes
to accept
   your absence

   in blinding sunlight
some 37,000 feet
above the Atlantic

          * *
 Dec 2015
Ann M Johnson
Traveling Business Man Blues

(Tune of Folsom Prison Blues)
  I hear the whistle blowing as I see the train go around the bend. It has been so long since I have been home I don’t even remember when. I’m stuck in my man made prison working every day, while my lady and my kids play. My wife likes to drive her BMW while my kids have all the latest high-tech- gear. I saw the pictures on Facebook because I have not seen my family in well over a year. My father always said son be a good provider while mother pleaded me not to forget to be a good family man. The airport lost my luggage again it got stuck in Reno while I am here in LA. At night, I get so lonely while in my motel room I sit alone and silently cry. Maybe this is normal for the life I’ve chosen of being a traveling business man. Yet every time I hear the whistle blowing I have thoughts of home.
  I get to thinking do my wife and children miss me as they eat their meals? The times passes so quickly, I fear my youngest will be full grown by the next time I return home. I have an inner struggle between work and family and it tortures me inside. I wish to be free from this prison, it was too easily to get ****** in. In this lonely life, I am living it is hard not to get the blues. I would trade a thousand dollars just to be the one to tuck my youngest daughter into bed and kiss her cheek and tell her good night in person. I am stuck working yet again to close yet another big deal. Instead, of another high priced  meal with a client. I would trade it in for a home cooked meal with my family even just once more. The money was nice at first but each day it is costing me so much more. I seem to be drifting farther away from my family with each passing day. I wonder does my family still love me now that they barely see me or just love the money I’ve sent home. I hear the whistle blowing and I wonder if I would die tomorrow how would my epitaph read? Here lies a family man, or more accurately here lies an absent father imprisoned by greed.
I am in no way a match for Johnny Cash, I am only a poet and student with barely any cash.  This is a work of fiction not based on any person. I heard someone sing Folson Prison Blues, over my break from school and my imagination started wandering as evidenced here. I hope you like it anyway.
 Dec 2015
I said I liked that song you played
Cause it matched your heartbeat
And I would have danced with you on the 17th, if I didn't have two left feet

Oh you've got everyone falling for you, and you don't even realise..
I was just one half of an
Unrequited love poem
Until you came along
And took me by surprise

..Like a heartwarming sunrise.

You're fire,
I'm fire
Together we can never tire..
You're the truth
I'm a liar
I said it's just a crush
But it must be more, to inspire..
My songs,
My poems
Together we can always find a
Way back home
You're the spark
Awakening my nerves...
Oh together we make

The last of the trilogy.

Also new youtube video to end the year here;
 Dec 2015
Earl Jane

I don't understand,
Why people would say I am good,
I am not good,
I've been bad,
I am just trying to be good.

I don't understand,
Why people would say I am beautiful,
I am not beautiful!
When did I even become beautiful????
I never was,
And will never be!

I don't understand,
Why people would say I have a good voice,
Did they even hear me?
I sing only in my room,
My voice should only be heard by me,
'Cause never in my life did I have had a good voice.

I don't understand,
Why people would say I am smart,
I am never smart,
Never did it happen,
I am dull,
I always fail.

I don't understand,
Why people would say I am lucky,
You don't know my life,
You don't know what I have been dealing with,
I am not lucky,
I am dying and it's not lucky.

I cannot see the good in me,
'Cause I never have good in me,
All are bad with failures,
All are just trying,
But they never work,
All are not enough,
In all I do,
There's always people who look down on me,
And step me hard down to hell,
'Cause I don't do enough,
And never did I do enough.

Sometimes I always feel,
For many years,
That I just wanna hAng myself,
Or cut my throat,
Or overdose myself,
Drink toxic stuff,
Jump from a high building,
In any way I could **** myself,
Just to be free from pain,
It's ironic I am good giving advice to other people,
They said I helped them,
Never did they know,
That I never helped myself,
I guess it's better,
We can help other people,
Though honestly,
I am never good at advising,
Since I can't even hear my own words.

I don't understand,
Why life is just so unfair to me,
I can only see darkness,
Where's the light?

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
Just wanna save this... :) I am okay, I am just overacting.....
 Dec 2015
Realeboga M
I've got a common set of insecurities.
A wide variety of trust issues.
A closet filled with I can't love you's.

I've got a tainted heart,
Painted all over with cracks,
Wrapped around in bandages,
Filled with holes where hope escapes leaving me less whole.

I've got a broken mind.
One which over-analyses each concept of the world to avoid further damage.

I've got hitched breaths and broken voices.
Wirings in my head,
Cocked up screws running my emotions
Forcing me to hide and avoid commotions

I've turned into a literal device.
I've been given limitations.
Turned into a personification.
Talk about a huge oxymoron.

I've been turned into the world's biggest metaphor,
An allegory of what people shouldn't be.
I've been made into some anecdote.

They believed  I would succumb to the notion of pain.
That I could be battered and tattered into some emotional mess.
To wallow and swallow the hurt,
To writher and turn hollow.

The thought assumption is that the final process of completely annihilating a person.
They must be tantalized and blown to smitherings with ones past.

It's the perfect analogy of a literal masterpiece that comes with a lesson.

However the forgotten loophole of meeting a person willing to stand by us has been casted off.
With the assumption our feelings have become one as machinery.

They forgot we could be Wall E and Eva,
We could defy the code.
We could stand tall, fight the pain and feel better.
This is dedicated to one of my friends who's finding love. And escaping yea a lot
 Dec 2015
Walter W Hoelbling
my love is like a glowing rose
that grows in an ebony chamber
forever there to stay alive
forever to remember

forever to remember there
how strong once burned a fire
it fied the sun and blinded day
so high it dared aspire

some day a storm again
will blow through open doors
   will stir the slumbering ember
and raise a flaming rose of love
that burns the ebony chamber
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