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 Nov 2017
Find a passion
Exhausts your pain
 Nov 2017
My life rarely fits
The picture I draw up
In my head
I have this idea life perfect life yet it's all just a facade.
 Nov 2017
I sit here and mourn
the lost of love
that never happened
Down to the forest
We harness our mind
Tears of freedom we create

Written by
Martin Ijir
 Nov 2017
Hearty laughter and untamed voices,
Bright red lipsticks and brazen choices,
Bold heels studded with some virtues-some vices,
Tongues laden with sharp, unabashed spices
Go out and out, and be proud, women,
The time is right, to be loud, women!
 Nov 2017
I tried to lay with another sin
But all I could exhale was your name

Pry you out of my mind
You can't love a ghost
Will there be a day when I don't think about you ?
 Nov 2017
My eyes roll back
As the world fades.
exhale desolation,
And let my phone die just like the feelings inside me.
 Nov 2017
Tell me great painter?
Do I end up Happy?

Or was my fate decided the day you chose to paint me black and grey?

No pastels of vivid lush meadows
Or bright sunsets

No; just soft hues of inky misconfiguration
Blurred lines on page
Depression as its finest. Questioning why i was born this way. What is normal?
 Nov 2017
Assault so hungry for your bones
Your shadow resides on my wall
Void in my chest
I hope you can find rest
 Nov 2017
Oh how I want to be loved,
And accept love
But how my pendulum swings
From crowning myself worthy
To fearing I'll never be good enough
 Nov 2017
I want to be there for others who need me.
But I am barely there for me and when myself shouts for my embrace, I kiss it with violence.
Self destruction
 Nov 2017
I hope you find someone, someday
Rare, beautiful, and brave enough,
To rob you of your emptiness
Maybe just maybe the person might even be me. Might of been me.
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