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Another barrier gone
And finally, my lies can end,
For five days a week
And two afternoons
I can be comfortable,
Safe in my skin,
I can sing and write
Of wings and dresses
Of being weak and loving it
Of looking in a mirror
And seeing me looking back
Free to dance and giggle
And look sweet, look cute,
Look pretty
And be unafraid
To feel pretty too
To smile at the world
With the giddy joy of a child
For this is my start,
This is my beginning,
I am May,
And I am a confident,
free, pretty and happy
I met you today,
With you I am complete,

I've been waiting so long,
But finally you're here,
And I'm happy,
I looked in the mirror,
And made a promise to a girl.

I told her not to be afraid,
I told her never to doubt herself.

She was trapped,
I told her she'd be free one day.

I told her not to worry,
That this world would be kind to her.

I told her I'd do anything to bring her here,
To let her escape.

She looked me right in the eyes,
And she smiled.

She smiled a beautiful smile,
Joyous, beaming, grinning.

She smiled a pure smile,
Not forced, not a hint of sadness.

She cried three tears,
Of unrelenting relief.

And she whispered back,
So quietly.

I got so close to the mirror,
My breath clouded over her lips.

She whispered,
I will be strong

And when I drew back,
The mist of my breath,
Formed a heart,
One heart,
Between the two of us.
Joy could be,
Nothing but lies,
As could love.

But I could not care less,
These lies are kind.

Such a blessing,
Radiant friendship,
An understanding,
Gilded with laughter,
Warm smiles,
And a subtle sense of:
*I am home
It seems we are all searching,
I have realised now, the heart demands love,
I had begun to think all my yearning,
Would never find the right person for me,
Yet a light, concealed at first, led my soul,
And at last, I can clearly see the path.

It seems we all need a path,
To bring reason to our endless searching,
Ev'ry breath and ev'ry step takes my soul,
Closer to the one who I know I love,
All I ask is that you would accept me,
And put an end to this constant yearning.

Ev'ry day that I'm yearning,
I keep losing sight of the only path,
I know that you've already rescued me,
But for some reason I still kept searching,
No! You're the only one I'll ever love,
For your perfect words have captured my soul.

I have but a single soul,
And for you it has always been yearning,
So take it's from me, take it all, my love,
And may it help guide you along your path,
Now that I've found you, I can stop searching,
All I can do now is pray you'll keep me.

Things always looked bleak for me,
Until you came and inspired my soul,
With brief hesitance, halted my searching,
Now realised,  you satisfy my yearning,
I'm sorry for making harder the path,
That caused us both to fall in blissful love.

After so long I've found love,
But had it not with such great force hit me,
Perhaps I would still be on the wrong path,
In truth I've no choice but to trust my soul,
But I would still choose to end this yearning,
I'd always find you through all my searching.

Perfect love has taken my soul,
Shown me a way out of this yearning,
On this path, there's no more searching.
Just you and me forever
The most beautiful city,
Filled with love,
Every intricacy,
Of each subtly carved feature,
Fills the mind with wonder,
Its river flows through all,
Calming the mind,
With its perfect whispers,
Of perfectly chosen words.

In the dark,
Its bright lights,
Call to me,
Lead me with their peaceful smile,
Away from harm,
Conflict is known here,
But Paris stays strong,
Not submitting to fear,
Never giving way,
And forever,
Paris stands.
For so long,
I believed,
That to find joy,
Needed a change in me.

For so long,
I maintained,
That happiness could not,
Give me more than pain.

For so long,
I decided,
That to keep smiling my heart,
Has to be divided.

For so long,
I condemned,
Myself to despairing,
Until the end.

But after so long,
I've realised,
I can be happy as I am.
There is nothing I can do for her,
Her eyes glistening with tears,
Her sobs echoing through my heart,
I left too early,
Far too soon,
But I had no choice.

I trust him to care for her,
For long enough that she might move on,
That she might remember how to smile,
Without me,
Holding her hand,
Her life is now her choice.

I will always care for her,
A child who knows more pain than I,
Who knows more pain than most,
Her youth ended,
Long before,
She had outlived innocence.

Perhaps she will be stronger,
For learning to deal with despair now,
So that she will keep smiling later,
And lead the most,
Beautiful life,
That she truly deserves.

Look forward my darling,
Don't forget me,
Know that I am still with you,
For as long as you need,
Keep smiling.
Live, and love living.
He stands,
Eyes closed,
Fighting with his mind,
In utter peace,
Breathing slowly,
Within him,
Nothing but growing warmth,
Pulsing through him,
With every mellow beat,
Of his yearning heart,
Slowly calling,
In a glimpsed moment,
Of panicked caring,
Soon dying down,
Into pure bliss,
As her smile,
Embracing his soul,
As he steps forward,
In endless trance,
In hopeful steps,
That hardly dent,
The expansive miles,
That separate their hands,
That keep them,
For their eyes to meet,
And share in,
Perfect joy.

Though his eyes are closed,
He finds love that keeps him,
Though unable to compare,
With the day when,
He can let his eyelids rise,
And still see her there.
I have been writing a poem every day for 2 months now :)
I am halted,
In my falling,
My head turned,
To the glory,
Of the sky.

I am rescued,
From my fated,
Decline into,
The darkest days,
Of my heart.

I am restored,
From the shadow,
Of a tired,
Struggling soul,
To new love.

I am unchained,
Free to survey,
The beauty of,
Daylight's dancing,
Across clouds.

I am afraid,
That over years,
Or lonely nights,
My joy will fade,
And perish.

I will be strong enough,
To get out of this alive,
And without scars,
Or else,
Face up to the pain,
I have caused.
There are short moments,
When the whole world gets caught inside a bubble,
Made of the brightest gold.

Launching fireworks instead of missiles,
Taking shots with cameras not guns,
Giving gifts not bombs.

For a few days we forget how to hate,
Relearn love,
Live without fear for at least a while.

Dancing and cheering,
Laughing and singing,
Decorating and Playing.

Replace the dodging and screaming,
The crying and pleading,
The hiding and running.

Inside that bubble,
All is good,
For as long as we can celebrate,
We can be kind.

— The End —