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 May 2015
Just Melz
The sky is such a deep beautiful blue
It makes me think of you
Knowing that it's your favorite color
The stars are shimmering just right
Like the twinkle in your eyes, so bright
Thinking of the coming night makes me wonder
How could a simple color change my mind?
Who in the world said that love is blind?
Seeing the blush in your cheeks when you smile
How you know what I'm thinking by looking in my eyes
How you can see through my disguise and little white lies
Dreaming of your laugh lines drives me wild

So, as I walk towards my life late at night
The sky becomes a deeper midnight blue
And there's nothing I've ever seen in your eyes
That could ever make me stop loving you
Actually inspired by the color of the sky last night, it was beautiful.
Taste the moon, my friend

listen it will sing at night

a generous portion of love

with dark colored  sun filled glass

causes this somber sad expression

fills this anguish of mine

to melt my tears of hate....

Let me feel the moon in my bones

behind my wounded heart of mine

a ballad, oh moon, you do sing

from the deepest part of my mind

harbors past missed opportunities

of events through my lifetime~

The moon is raining my tears at night

feeling the sadness of many a years

bounds to my very soul

to take my pain of the disturbed peace.....

The world has gone mad

my life is your equalizing song

rain moon rain, with all your might

Let me radiate in your light....

Let's taste the moon tonight...

Debbie Brooks
 May 2015
Let me be captured by the night.
Engrossed in the conversation
between the stars.
Syncopated twinkling like...
thousands of fireflies
trapped within sealed jars.

Let me be enslaved by the moon.
As I drink her glow in
greedy insatiable gulps.
Her beam with an agenda...
As the landscape she sculpts.

Let me be ensnared by my solitude.
But I hear crickets...
Chirping and chipping away at my
bastion of dreamstate.
Persistent calls
I try to shun
that never abates.

Let me be trapped in my thoughts.
So I could harness...
And immortalise them in
indelible careless scribbles.
Erecting and...
Rebuilding them from the
rubble of conflicting squabbles.

Let me be overwhelmed
by the mess of my being...**
Let me wallow
Then emerge strong from this
decrepit state of mind.
Let me breathe heavy from my
punctured lungs.
So I could heal in time before
true solace
in this dark,
I would find.
 Apr 2015
Sugar sand beaches reach the horizon
Water so far it is naught but a glimmer in the distance
Sitting in the warmth of that powder-like earth
The sun seems to set over a desert
Purple and pink in smoking swirls of Heaven
Sopping up the beauty in open pores
Ready to receive all that is offered
Watching the sun begin to slumber
As Luna's light begins to shine in bulbous splendor
The glimmer seems to twinkle as brightly as the stars as they awaken
Multiplying by the moment
Mesmerizing, as the lights seem to grow
The air changes, a little cooler now
The sand turns to black glass glistening in the moonlight
Slowly taking over the horizon
Watching the twinkling onyx reflect the night sky
Almost hypnotized by the melodic whisper
The only evidence of life within the breezeless air
As black meets gray, the warmth of the water glides further
Swallowing the shore inch by inch
Blanketing all as it comes upon its farthest outstretched reach
Bathing in the warmth of black water,
Stippled with the most brilliant twinkling reflections
Wrapped in the heat of the night
Consumed by the darkness, by the stars, by the very heat of the earth
Slowly, deliberately, the water rises
Basking in the beauty of a sea that came to greet all who care to notice
As the ripples and waves wash over the footprints
Erasing the day and birthing it anew
The moon smiles its bright smile
The sand swims by unseen
And the stars shine like the brightest diamonds
in the light of the moon
 Apr 2015
Liz And Lilacs
I ripped open the night sky
to see the mysteries behind the facade.
But the constellations wrinkled
and the moon was torn
the stars winked out
and fell from the sky
and I ruined the beauty
looking for something real.
 Apr 2015
Sam Temple
Who dares disturb our quiet sleep?
With observation dark and deep,
looking around our peaceful plane
wondering about a friendly keep.

A little horse so very plain
Struggles under a chilly strain
Looking back at the driver’s eye
Ready to run the path again

Quietly the snow does fly
Coating the land in pearly white
A silent night without a peep
Leaving the stranger filled with fright

Be gone intruder, flee this deep
Upon your horse to make the leap
For we are cold and want to sleep
…for we are cold, and want to sleep
 Apr 2015
Almost Lover
We don't have a love like the rest
I compare it to Anastasia and Christian
You are so cold and dark inside
You can't provide love in my life
You can't save me from the demons in my mind
But I love the way you feel inside.

It's hard pretending I do not care
I wouldn't have it any other way
The way your thrusting inside me
Pulling my hair, and I scream.

Down on my knees looking up at you
This is what we have to offer
A secret life of ***, and I can't be your lover
But the way you grab me, pulls me away
You can take all you want
Just stay,  my fifty shades.
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