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 Mar 2015
Mohammad Skati
تطير الغيوم                                                                                                                     من مكان الى مكان                                                                                                             مسرعة و غير ابهة                                                                                                           لنا نحن على كوكب الارض ..                                                                                              تسوقها الرياح                                                                                                                  في الشتاء البارد                                                                                                                و لكن الامر يختلف صيفا                                                                                                    فليس هناك رياح باردة                                                                                                      بل مجرد امطار صيفية مفاجئة ...
 Mar 2015
Mohammad Skati
Unfortunately and regretfully ,                                                                                 Two pretty hearts got broke endlessly                                                                         Simply because they exaggerated life too much ...                                                      Their love was shared one day,but                                                                                 That ugly divorce scattered them permanently                                                           For ever and ever ...                                                                                                         They were just a few and little sparks that                                                                    That destroyed eternal love they had gained some day ,but                                                                  Later everyone and everything got vanished ...
 Mar 2015
Mohammad Skati
If a girl is engaged to a would-be groom,then                                                         It's better to get ready for                                                                                            Their step seriously or                                                                                                 It will more time to think about it ...                                                                          The more time any engagement takes,                                                                      The more headaches will arise as a result ...                                                               Every pretty girl dreams about                                                                                    Getting married anytime ...                                                                                         Time flies ...
 Mar 2015
Mohammad Skati
Everyone has eyes ,but                                                                                                A poet has a cute eye                                                                                                   Simply because he looks                                                                                            Around differently ...                                                                                                   A poet looks at things from                                                                                           A different perspective that                                                                                         Makes his feelings and his                                                                                           Emotions go elevated anytime ...
 Mar 2015
Mohammad Skati
ارى العالم من خلالها                                                                                                                و يرى العالم نوافذي الجميلة ...                                                                                                       لبيتي نوافذه الجميلة                                                                                                                      التي تأتي اليها اشعاعات الشمس الجميلة                                                                                              كل يوم ...                                                                                                                                   كنت و مازلت و سأظل                                                                                                                 ارى العالم من خلال نوافذ بيتنا ...                                                                                                    البيت الذي لا نوافذ لها                                                                                                                     ما هو علبة فارغة ...                                                                                                                     احب بيتنا و احب نوافذه ايضا ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
She hides herself                                                                                                             Behind that counter                                                                                                       Sipping her cup of coffee alone ...                                                                                   She thinks that I                                                                                                                Can not see her ,but                                                                                                              Assuredly I can see her ...                                                                                                   She never offers me                                                                                                    To drink her morning's                                                                                                         Cup of coffee ...                                                                                                                    I smell her delicious coffee                                                                                         Whenever I sit in the cyber net                                                                                         She works in ...                                                                                                             I love morning's cup of coffee ,but                                                                              Not when I am in the store                                                                                          She works in ...                                                                                                             _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
I am one-faced,but                                                                                                   Some are double-faced ...                                                                                         What if I am double-faced and                                                                               Some people are one-faced ?!                                                                                  I am always one-faced                                                                                             Simply because that makes me lovely                                                                    In some other people's eyes ...                                                                                  If I am double-faced,then                                                                                        People will start backbiting me anytime ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Before huge blizzards happen ,                                                                                         There must be complete readiness                                                                                       From those emergency crews just                                                                                                            To clear streets fully to us anytime ...                                                                                                                                                   The crews' wonderful readiness is                                                                                     Something great and fabulous ......                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Salt's piles must be available just                                                                                       To get it spread on the grounds .......                                                                                         If those emergency's crews are not                                                                                           Ready,then it's better not to come                                                                                      Simply because readiness must be                                                                                       Fully without any hesitations anytime ...                                                                                There are a few blizzards extending                                                                                   Global and all emergency's crews                                                                                                        Must be prepared here and there .....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Whatever went before                                                                                                 Is to be called our past                                                                                                  Simply because that's it ...                                                                                            Our loved ones passed away                                                                                       And all our good and bad recollections                                                                        Happened in that past ...                                                                                             If you don't have a pretty past,then                                                                             Wait until you make a new past                                                                                   With your present and your future ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
A certain divorce means to distance                                                                           Oneself from someone or from something                                                                 For different reasons ....                                                                                                 A man can divorce a woman                                                                                          For many different reasons ...                                                                                       A woman can divorce a man                                                                                        For any reason ...                                                                                                               Anyone can divorce our world                                                                                         Just for any trivial , can't he ?                                                                                             A divorce is an easy thing ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Evil and all ugly evil-doers                                                                                         Will fall inevitably                                                                                                          In the good-doers' hands anytime ...                                                                               God is just and                                                                                                              His Great Justice will prevail ...                                                                                     Tyranny and tyrants                                                                                                     Will inevitably fall ...                                                                                                      Nothing bad will remain                                                                                              Simply because the good will prevail ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
If imitation means                                                                                                    To do the same ,then                                                                                                This is something not well                                                                                        Simply because it should be                                                                                    In another and better way ...                                                                                 We can imitate ,but                                                                                                With our original way ...                                                                                         We don't imitate by copying things                                                                        As they are,but                                                                                                         We do our best to have better things ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
عندما كنا صغارا                                                                                                              كنا نفتش عن البزاقات  على الصبار و                                                                                     على الحجارة                                                                                                                   في بستان الباطوس                                                                                                            قرب مدرستي العتيقة ...                                                                                                      كنت و جمال و علي و                                                                                                        اولاد حنيكير                                                                                                                    نشويها لنأكلها ...                                                                                                              كانت لها رائحة نتنة !                                                                                                          كنا نشويها على صفائح التنك  ...                                                                                           انها حياة الشقاوة و الطفولة البريئة ...                                                                                 و هكذا تمضي الايام ....
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