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 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Life is pretty and wonderful ,but                                                                            It turns ugly                                                                                                              When we mess up with it anytime ...                                                                      What do you think about wars ?                                                                            There is nothing pretty                                                                                             Like peace ...                                                                                                             Love beats hate ?                                                                                                     We are guilty !                                                                                                          We are guilty !
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
One plus one make two ...                                                                                       Maths is not just numbers or theories,but                                                              It's a great mind and more ...                                                                                  It was a problem to me                                                                                            To solve a problem                                                                                                    When I was a student ...                                                                                          Later on I loved maths ,but                                                                                     I'm still not able to solve some problems ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
The pretty sun is still                                                                                                   In its pretty bed                                                                                                             When a pretty dawn                                                                                                   Comes out to us ...                                                                                                      From behind my window panes                                                                                I look at that pretty dawn's coming ...                                                                          This thing happens everyday                                                                                       Simply because that's the way                                                                                       With it anytime ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
There is nothing pretty like                                                                                        Those moments of true contemplation                                                                       Simply because you can get a lot out of them ...                                                                  We only need to look around us                                                                                 Just to look at ourselves                                                                                               In this wide and great universe ....                                                                              ليس هناك شيئا اجمل                                                                                                               من لحظات التأمل الحقيقية                                                                                                               لأنكم ببساطة تقدروا   ان تنالوا منها الكثير ...                                                                               نريد فقط ان ننظر حولنا                                                                                                     لنشاهد انفسنا                                                                                                                   في هذا الكون الواسع و العظيم ...                                                                                             _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
A war on us means to come to us                                                                            With that bad intention                                                                                           Just to harm us anytime,but                                                                                    A war in means that                                                                                                 You are erupting a war inside                                                                                 Only to harm us ...                                                                                                   All wars are ugly and absurd ...                                                                              We are all against any war                                                                                      Anywhere and everywhere ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
مفشط تفشيط                                                                                                                    من دون تشفيط                                                                                                                 و اعد فوء التبليط ...                                                                                                          مفشط من تئلو                                                                                                                  و اعد بالبيت لا بيكش و لا بينش ...                                                                                       الحياة عندو خلطبيطة ...                                                                                                      عم بيفصفص بذر و عبيد                                                                                                     و عوجا و لوز و جوز ...                                                                                                    حب الكستنا شغال معو ...                                                                                                    واحد معو مصاري                                                                                                       و لا بيكش و لا بينش ...                                                                                                 مسبع الكارات                                                                                                              و بليد و غليظ و دمو تيل ...                                                                                             هيك حالتو كل يوم ...                                                                                                     اكلو مرعى و الت صنعة ...                                                                                           _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
حيتما  يفيض كأسي                                                                                                                 اعرف عندها                                                                                                                                 ان صبري قد نفذ !                                                                                                                            حينما تصب كل الانهار و الجداول و كل البحار                                                                                    في محيطي                                                                                                                                 فعندها اعلم ان الجميع                                                                                                                 قد نفذ صبرهم ...                                                                                                                         هكذا هي الحياة احيانا ...                                                                                                                     حينما و عندما                                                                                                                                      و عندما و حينما ...                                                                                                         لا فرق بين حينما و عندما ...                                                                                                       فعندما يقع المرء ارضا                                                                                                                   فهذا يعني ان السكاكين                                                                                                                ستنزل عليه نزولا ...                                                                                                                    فقط عندما و فقط حينما ...                                                                                                              ليس هناك فرقا واسعا                                                                                                                   بين حينما و عندما ...                                                                                                                   _____________________
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
You hide ,then                                                                                                                   I seek ...                                                                                                                                I hide,then                                                                                                                                You seek ...                                                                                                                         This is life ...                                                                                                                         Hide-and-seek ...                                                                                                               If nobody hides nor                                                                                                               No one seeks ,then                                                                                                                This is something else ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Latakia ,                                                                                                                          Al-Lazzikia,                                                                                                                     A pretty city that is located                                                                                                In our hearts and in our minds permanently                                                           Taught the whole world                                                                                                    The First Alphabet ever ...                                                                                                  The City of Ugarit was born to                                                                                       Teach the whole humanity how to write ever ...                                                              No one knew anything about writing                                                                               Before it ...                                                                                                                لاتاكيا ...                                                                                                                      اللاذقية ...                                                                                                                     تتموضع المدينة الجميلة                                                                                                         في عقولنا و في قلوبنا دوما ...                                                                                                       ولدت مدينة اوغاريت                                                                                                                 كي تعلم الانسانية كلها                                                                                                               كيف تكتب ...                                                                                                                          لم يعرف اي واحد اي شيء                                                                                                        عن الكتابة قبلها ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Those passing clouds leave faraway and                                                                   We too ...                                                                                                                          Those who passed away anytime ,then                                                                          We will be inevitably following them one day ...                                                           Everything goes away and                                                                                            We will go with everything one day ...                                                                               We look like all other things                                                                                              That left ...                                                                                                                       We are here only temporary ...                                                                                     This world is not everlasting anytime ,but                                                                It's just a station towards immortality ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
When touched ,                                                                                                            It means one's emotions and one's feelings                                                                 Have got touched anytime ...                                                                                          There is no way to touch your pretty feelings                                                                Simply because you are very sensitive ...                                                                      If someone is not experienced                                                                                        With others' feelings and emotions,then                                                                        It's better to keep away from                                                                                                Those sensitive people anytime ...                                                                                     One's patience is not infinite and                                                                               Is not endless ...                                                                                                             People have certain patience and tolerance                                                              Towards others' weird acts anytime ...
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Everything falls including rains and snows                                                           Including trees' leaves                                                                                              Anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                                  This Winter is extremely exceptional                                                                      In everything we know or we don't know ...                                                          It is cold and every cold                                                                                           Everywhere ...                                                                                                           We love Winter greatly and dearly,but                                                                   This Winter is only different from                                                                           All those Winters we saw before ....
 Feb 2015
Mohammad Skati
Everyone and everything feel cold                                                                               In February's days                                                                                                          Simply because they are cold ...                                                                                    I can say that February's days are very cold                                                                And your hearts feel cold too ...                                                                                      It's difficult for someone                                                                                              To feel cold anytime ,but                                                                                             In this month we feel cold greatly ...                                                                               Nothing can challenge February's cold days                                                               Simply because that's the way ...                                                                             February is the heart of Winter that                                                                          Felt by all of us anytime ...
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