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Chineze May 2018
I wanted to try again with the dying ember for a countless time
As I remembered there was nothing worth going back to,
The smoke ebbed and died.
Now I know I would never try again
Chineze Sep 2017
Honey, don't you think it's time you stop hurting yourself?
To all those hurting
  Aug 2016 Chineze
uzzi obinna
I have cried the tears of the distress,
Borne  the pain of the hurt,
Felt the loneliness of the bereaved,
And the agony of the distraught;

I have bled the blood of the pierced,
Borne the pain of the broken-hearted,
Endured the shame of the abused,
And the confusion of the disappointed;

A black cross inprinted on my back,
Wailings of little children haunt me,
Ashes of loved ones in my sack,
And many skulls and bones to bury;

Crows dominate my chapel at day,
And owls are my visitors at night,
Dragons parade the burning altar,
Bats above blur the moonlight;

Eyes that see in darkness- answer me,
My past unchanged but my future- re-design,
Illuminate the path way that lies ahead,
Give me a third eye and make me divine;

Find me before my throat is slit
The murderers of my loved ones visits,
They call out from the enchanted woods,
Prepared to tear me to innumerable pieces;

Take me to the lake and hang me,
Before the horrors of the dark prevail,
And the termites in my grave rejoice,
Let me drown in the sacred grail;

Let the witches wail in surprise,
When their cauldron becomes empty,
And their synagogues come to ruin,
While i rise to everlasting suprimacy.
  Jul 2016 Chineze
Valsa George
For long, my house has been lying deserted
My gate has not been opened wide to let in anyone
No guest has so far come to visit me
Tired of distant wanderings
I have come here to listen to the beat of silence
Occasionally broken by the sound
Of birds' laughing wings overhead
Here I have brooding shadows for company
Hermit like I wrap myself in my solitude

Now abruptly when you announce your arrival
I feel excited and equally perplexed
What shall I serve you? I am at a loss
My hearth has not been lighted for long
And my kitchen pots remain empty
I know I should serve you
Something chilled or warm
In my menu, I have a simple surprise
But not of the edible kind
Nor delectable to your palate
But as I have known you since long
I hope it will appease you

In poetry’s platter
I shall serve my thoughts warm,
Garnered in the lonely hours
Of my solitude!

The only dish I have!
  Jul 2016 Chineze
The only part of my day
That I look forward to
Is when I go to bed
And lay there making up scenarios
In my head.

I think of comebacks
To 8th grade bullies.
I think of witty retorts
To my mother's snide comments.
I think of intelligent things to add
To conversations I had months ago.

I think of all the things
I was too scared to say.

And in my mind
I say them.
And pretend how things would be different
If only I had the courage to speak.
Chineze Feb 2016
Your journey has been a one of struggles all through
A fierce contention between life and death
But you strived and survived all these years
What happened now that all of a sudden
The young seedling have been deprived of light,
Shut out completely when its first bud broke free?
My heart is torn;
I’ve brought flowers, you can’t feel
I’m painfully penning down words, you can’t read
I wish your heart would beat again
And your beautiful eyes will open just one more time
So we could have 5 minutes together
Reminiscing on good old days.

Busyness and distance made our hearts grow apart
Forgetting that someday we all will end where we started from
Total nakedness, holding nothing from where we came
Surrounded by human beings
And not life’s fleeting things

Yet, I am comforted knowing
There is a place for angels in human flesh
A place of surpassing peace
A place I’m sure you will never miss

You treaded this coarse earth with blistered feet
But there in your true home, you will walk on golden streets
Though your body was consumed by sickness and disease
In your glorified apparel it will find release
There were times you wondered “why is my course in life like this? ”
Honey don’t worry you are on your way to a place where all your tears will cease;
And to your troubling questions, you will be given the long- awaiting keys.
  Feb 2016 Chineze
uzzi obinna
Ocean water wash up my feet,
Chilly rough sand underneath,
Behind me a torturous pit,
Within me a burning seat;

Onwards i'll be with the stars,
At will visiting venus and mars,
Away from the hurts and scars,
From his cruelty and lies;

I have finally closed the door,
To hurting me anymore,
From now i'll forever soar,
But not dragged on the floor;

I gave my heart, he took it all,
I was rend apart, he made me fall,
But now i run, i will not crawl,
my past i burn, i regain it all;

I have made a solemn choice,
No more silence to my voice,
If i will, i'll make a noice,
And stand in confidence and poice;

I will win and never loose,
Although i suffered hatred and abuse,
I'll put myself to reasonable use,
And watch my achievements reproduce.
This is dedicated to every woman who have suffered one form of abuse or the other and have lost her self esteem as a result.
You can still do great things if you can see the value in you.
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