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 May 2015 Chelsea Patton
 May 2015 Chelsea Patton
you are my fuzzy vision when I stand up too quickly.
you are the sweetness at the bottom of my hot chocolate.
you are peaches and plums and black berries.
you are my sixth grade secret and my tenth grade regret.
you are bitten nails and shaking hands and warm hugs and soft skin.

when you are next to me I try to breathe you in.
and when you are far away I try to find you in these words.
I try to find you in your photos.

I can always find you in the song we listened to while you told me you were falling apart.
I see you in the picture of you smiling I took of you the day you told me you weren't sure that you would be alright.
When I look at a clock I can hear you whispering that you want to die into my ear as I tried to hold all your pieces together. tight. tight. tight.
In case we forget
It's all written down
Days go by
And by and by
Forward we seem to move
But forget
Forgetting and forget
As all things move
Don't forget what's in the past
It's all written down
Don't call past
Loves up
Someone's bound
To throw something up
Or throw someone out
Forever from their lives
Or at least find out
Where they find themself now
I know you'll forget me
One way or another
50/50 chance
I'll leave or you
But until then
I will savor up your love
Drown in your kisses
Dance through the arguments
And I won't blame you for the day our love comes to an end
Our love can't possibly last with the life I'm forced to live
waiting for it to come....
the second spring.......
when every leaf is a flower....
falling in bliss....
fluttering in the cool lavender breeze.....
making me to fall like them .....
in love.....again and again.....
The    time   has    come..
To   say    Good    Night..
God     keep   you   safe..
In     the     moonlight...

Think     of    me..
In    your    dreams..
Remembering     that..
We    are    a   team...

Farewell     for   now..
We'll    talk    soon...
Enjoy    your    time..
In    the   light   of   the   moon..

dont lodge your love in your heart.......lend it.....
your heart has space for some one else too.......
love is an untamed force......
when we try to control it .....
it destroys us....
when we try to imprison it it enslaves it......
when we love someone with the expectation of being loved in return its  wasted .....
keeping love away due to the pain you've felt in the past is no solution to your problems........not everyone can handle loneliness......
I was never meant to fall in love with you.
Love lives in books,
And on billboards.
Love is loud.
Love is unkind.
You made love pick me up at my door,
While being pulled by four white horses.
You made love beautiful,
And caring
Tangled, but easily unraveled.
Love was not something I was supposed to experience,
At least,
Not with you.
You see,
I am missing more pieces than I ever even started with,
And it hurts to know that you would forever be
Picking up after me,
Carefully trying to put them back where they belong.
As I gracefully dance off the cliff of cliche,
I'm going to say to you,
You're much too good for me.
I was never meant to fall in love with you
Love lives in books,
And on billboards,
And in you.
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