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 Jul 2015 celey
 Jul 2015 celey
The sky knows
how much I wanted to reach you.
The stars heard
the never ending wishes I had
to hold you through.
The rain saw
the tears I poured
synchronous to its droplets
when I was thinking of us two.
Old photographs have tracked
every gaze I made
before I let go and start anew.
This is the poem I made that I also posted on Tumblr.
Exuberant ecstatic rapture
    Sardonic denigrating quip
    Joisting up an oaken rafter
    The cabin of a sailing ship

    Lucid eloquent recumbence
    Surreal retrospective grace
    Endless ocean’s myriad turbulence
    Infinity would set it’s pace

    Imbue spontaneous induction
    Exude efficient transience
    Exhort the mystic symbiotic construction
    For the course of our intransigence

    Litigant ludicrous licentiousness
    Coquettish audacious impunity
    Lecherous libidos atrocious impertinence
    Would pound id’s shore horrendously

    Derisive subjugated nuance
    Extol intrinsic unity
    Nebulous wisps of shaded quiescence
    With breeze and sky make harmony

    Predilect effluent effusion
    Tenacious taubla tapestry
    Alleviate the torrential confusion
    Acquire efficience for flights symmetry
 Jul 2015 celey
Shanna Stylee
The bad feeling you had when you knew you should've stopped what you were doing.

                          Nervous                        ­sick inside
The bad feeling went  numb & you started to  panic

                          .          .          .

May­be since then, you've felt the supreme nausea, and kept it secret no doubt.

When no crisis occurs, are we all fools to feel relief?
Is to be caught in the act not  the same thing?

not as plain to see
the answers lie within your soul
perceived as instinct .
It wont go away..
 Jul 2015 celey

the raw
wounded words in
Braille awaiting
a tender, gentle touch

waiting for
a voice

the silent ones
stare upward at the sun
their eyes streaming tears

notes that resonate
they fall into uncaring soil
silver seeds screaming
with none to listen

do they not listen to us?
the fortunate with full
rich operatic tenors


i have heard them

the two words as eloquent
as a simple "i love you"

those two words?

I read sometimes and tears
come to my eyes.  There are many
who want SO much to let the pain
out, but don't know how

If someone reads this and
needs help, you can contact me
via the site message system


 Jul 2015 celey
Pride Ed
those days;
just like old television shows
on a retro box.
black and white, silent pictures
that make my head hurt.
whimsical musings tarnished;
a damaged Charlie Chaplin film—
a lifetime burning
on the **** projector
4 hours away in an Ohio Autumn.

these days;
a blue wool hat i wear in
90 degree weather,
always misplaced the first of
and Hypothermia is the name
of my favorite child.
i dropped everything
to cradle it because
it’s insane how heavy an
August shadow can be,

and yes! i’m the red gloves
found under the bed
several months too late,
the drunken mess that got
thrown in the leaf pile
by the curb last year,
the 3am snowfall that everyone
******* about on facebook…

spring just isn’t the
same anymore,
and people still *******
about that too.
 Jul 2015 celey
Mike Hauser
She ain't nothing but a cereal killer
She's ****** with a gallon of milk
If you need convincing, Cap'n Crunch is still missing
And that Chocula guy is down for the Count

She ain't nothing but a cereal killer
Gets her Kix pulling off her Trix
As she bids them Cheerio being more in the know
Than a bowl of FrankenBerry buried below Honey Oh's

She ain't nothing but a cereal killer
Winning them over with her Lucky Charms
No way to deny she eats them alive
As she Frosts Tony the Tiger like Corn

She ain't nothing but a cereal killer
Finds pleasure in the Shredding of Wheat
Using Fruity Pebbles to go along with her evil  
As she spoons out her ***** deeds

She ain't nothing but a cereal killer
Easily making history out of Rice Krispy treats
What ever you do keep an eye on her Fruit Loops
That kind of crazy nobody needs
Now that you mention it...Why yes I do consider myself a serious poet.
i am afraid i do not belong in your arms anymore, love.
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