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 May 2017 Caroline K
Madison Y
white lace and
fishnet stockings, baby
soft lips and wide
green eyes. she ain't naive,
she's resourceful, using
what God gave her. burns
cigarettes like incense,
just to make dust
fall on the shiny redwood
dresser, float like
ghosts in the air. it's how
she knows ghosts
are real—how she knows
she's real.
a girl with golden earrings
black hair
her sister is not laughing
I'll take my mum with me
where the Jasmines go
the girl with golden earrings
in a blue skirt
will die in the middle of her balloons
with no memory of her stories
'' don't play with the water tap
look at you
a wet mouse you are
oh cute naughty babe
how playful you are
how playful you
it's good to learn
look I'm drawing a flower
where's my yellow pen ?
i want to draw a nightingale ''

دختری که گوشواره هایش طلایی بود
رنگ موهایش سیاه
خواهرش نمی خندد
من مادرم را با خود خواهم برد
به جایی که یاسمن ها می میرند
دامنش آبیست
دختری که گوشواره هایش طلایی بود
میان بادبادک هایش خواهد مرد
قصه هایش یادش نبود
با شیر آب بازی نکن ))
نگا تو مثله موش شدی
نازی شیطون بلا
چقد تو بازیگوش شدی
چقد تو بازیگوش شدی
خوبه از من یاد بگیری
ببین دارم گل می کشم
مداد زرد من کجاست
می خوام یه بلبل بکشم
(( می خوام یه بلبل بکشم
 Jan 2017 Caroline K
There was a moment in between the fighting and the screaming when I remembered what passion we both held.
Stuck there silently breathing and staring at the wall wanting to cry and laugh at how this blew up so quickly.

There was a moment between the wanting to pack my **** and move away and you begging me to stay I remembered why I loved you.
Stuck there silently thinking if I could just get the words out maybe you'd let me go.. maybe you'd want me to stay more.

I was tired of feeling broken every other day while you continued to grow without me.
I was tired of the silence I left on my tongue when you told me I was utterly useless in this relationship.

So there was a moment there between the looks of sadness and pain where I saw a glimpse of what we used to hold before the regret and contempt.
Stuck there silently watching you run your hands through your hair.
Stuck there silently feeling tears fall down my face as I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.
I will never try to convince you to love me
I will never climb mountains for you to see me
I won't waste effort on someone who
Will never match effort for me

You will never find someone who loves you
How I could have loved you so deeply
You will never find someone who cares
As much as I could have for you

Every day I walk alone I'll be stronger
Every time I walk alone I will see
Every day I walk alone it'll be worth it
Because I'm not with the one who's not meant for me

I'd much rather be here alone
Than with someone who doesn't deserve my company
 Sep 2016 Caroline K
Randhir kaur
I don't understand this life at all,
There is no sorrow but my eyes are always filled with tears.
What is it which makes me down in dumps??
I don't understand this pang at all,
There is no complain but I keep blaming my Waheguru.
What is it which makes me down in dumps??
         I have learnt that everybody have a smile and happiness but one is disturbed to see that on the other face.
Because one's smile becomes someone's pain...
 Sep 2016 Caroline K
Cynthia Jean
Such a hunger
     holy hunger
         and thirst
              such joy
                   such peace

A Holy Place
      to be

Such a memory
     to return to

The Presence of God
      is in that place.

Cj 2016
a simpler time to return to....forgotten for a moment....the memory brought to life once again by another's poem....thank you!
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