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 Aug 2014 Carly Cochran
I see you are doing just fine without
The girl you said you'd never leave,
The girl you said you couldn't live without,
The girl you said you loved,
The girl who's not ready to say goodbye,
The girl who's not sure she'll ever be ready to say goodbye,
But I see you're doing just fine without me.
 Aug 2014 Carly Cochran
knuckles rubbed raw by
teeth so sharp and blunt
a tongue rough and silent

violent retching
self-harm for a throat
already held by a noose

she promises

one more cookie
one last bite
one last calorie
one last breath

the toilet bowl is her best friend
and she hugs it close
when no one can hear
 Aug 2014 Carly Cochran
we are just a bunch of girls dieting because
starving is in,
emaciated is in,
you won't be loved if you're not thin.
kinda feels like love itself is thin..
 Aug 2014 Carly Cochran
 Aug 2014 Carly Cochran
You can hide in the blankets
but you can never run.
It will follow you to the deepest of seas
and the highest of mountains
in the closet or under the bed.
Because all you will be running from is
You create your demons.
You are the monster.
There is a way to keep them out
there is always a way.
But you have to pick thoes weapons and
Run into the battle at full speed.
Don't stop for even a moments hesitation,
because within that hesitation
there is a crack in your armour
in which your demons and monsters can get through.
To fight you have to remember
nobody will save you.
This fight is yours
and yours alone.
Remember to make yourself better you have to start somewhere.
That somewhere can be here right now.
So make the decision to win this fight against yourself.
The mosters and demons do not define you at all.
If someone says you can't
you better show them you can.
You make the decision.
You can die.
You can fight!
Stay Strong
i'm invisible
you see right through me

you see me
but you never notice me

you talk about me
but never to me

you know who i am...
**but you dont know i exist

— The End —