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6.4k · Mar 2017
Sleepless Night
Brad French Mar 2017
Oh sleepless night why come tonight?
Curiosity lead me astray
Now sleepless night show me thine telescopic sight

Oh sleepless night why torment me?
Thou came at a strange time in life
Sensuality cover of my sanity

Oh sleepless night why hinder rest?
Youthful travels delay gateways
Yesterdays, break of day, spiritual decay

Oh sleepless night how do you rest?
Time passes yet you do not lay down
Sleepless night show thine sunday best among the rest

Thine heart shalt rest no more,
Find eternal peace by the shore.
3.1k · Jan 2017
Brad French Jan 2017
Suffering in a new way
Suffering is never enough
Suffering has no end
Suffering will harm
Suffering does not care
Suffering lingers
Suffering will ****
Suffering equals love
Suffering found a way
Suffering in my life
Suffering won't be the death
Suffering will be the beginning
1.4k · Mar 2017
Zombie Video Games
Brad French Mar 2017
I’m a zombie at heart
Viewing the screen all day
No life breaths in my heart
Staring at the screen everyday
Watching the fallout right before my eyes
Look outside, don’t you see?
You can be whatever you want to be
I’m just a zombie at heart
There isn’t much left
Medicated to the bone
Left untamed by depleting hearts
Oh so alone
Or am I?
1.3k · Mar 2017
Polluted Zeus
Brad French Mar 2017
Rain falls quietly on my windowpane
Drowsiness overtake my own sedation
Truthfully I'm lost dropping down in vain

Clouds cry sometimes
Often sublime in a lifetime
Clouds cry sometimes
Often sublime in a lifetime

Yet finding peace in time
Is dropping down softly
For you and me to enjoy in summer time

Clouds cry sometimes
Often sublime in a lifetime
Clouds cry sometimes
Often sublime in a lifetime

Whatever happens during the storm
I'll be there, and I mean no harm
Listen to Zeus's masterful charms

Clouds cry sometimes
Often sublime in a lifetime
Clouds cry sometimes
Often sublime in a lifetime

Oh rain falls quietly on my windowpane...
Scribing  my pains away into the night
Charmed by the God of Rain

Clouds cry sometimes
Often sublime in a lifetime
Clouds cry sometimes
Often sublime in a lifetime

Don't worry loved one
Your not the only one
Oh, listen to the rain, its begun
Well here's a new form I rarely use. Lyrics are quite new to me.
Brad French Apr 2016
Across the dung smell
I pick the fungus
She taunts me,
Yet I only want a snack.
As the reddish horizon sets, far away in the distance, I shine…
This mildew infiltrates-
Sets its sites on my stomach
Oh, my intestines
My eyes
Heaviness ventures fourth-
This burden I carry,
Shares the land among us.
The complexity of nature calls to
Only because I found her…
My eyes now see the stars,
Glowing, shifting, & reminding me,
Of what it’s like being one.
Comment please. Let me know how I can improve my work. Thanks.
675 · Feb 2016
Me and Telly
Brad French Feb 2016
Me and the telly,
Sat in the room like jelly as my stomach grew smelly,
I and telly (my longtime friend) have had time,
We sit together and have no time to pick the time.

Telly lets me choose what I want to play,
Flipping through endless channels my way,
I sit in the room with telly for hours,
Only to enjoy the glorious controlling superpowers.

Oh and I can’t forget about the little grey remote,
she loves me more and more like a favorite quote,
Her gentleness arouses me to the point,
Of her electric red joint.

Still telly tells me what to do, how to act, what to say…
Telly tells me lies, secrets, truths, and all I can do is pray.
Telly answers my prayers day by day.
All telly can do is keep me happy and gay.

I turned the remote off,
And realizing reality is not what it seems,
Telly shows me views I can never express with words,
But only emotions can deny only to lie.

Yet again, turning off and on again, and again.
Once more, I do not feel like leaving telly.
Me and telly are bros and don’t expect hoes,
after all, I and telly are just average Joes.
668 · Feb 2017
My Black Trench Coat
Brad French Feb 2017
My black trench keeps me safe,
Safe and warm from the storm.
Often seen as harsh without faith,
Often keeps my breath warm.

My black trench coat travels,
Just like myself along the sidelines.
Can't wait to trek the gravel,
Unseen faces follow the guide-lines.

My black trench coat hides the pain,
Hides all my cares of this world inside.
All of the cares of this life in vain,
Now are you ready to meet by curbside?
628 · Feb 2016
Brad French Feb 2016
Say this prayer,
Never again I swear
To be unfair or unjust
Bring me to trust
Your magnificent words
That led me as high as birds
Souring above twilight
And deep into the night
I pray to you,
The only color I see is blue
Tired and helpless
I need your bless
Your words that comfort and control
Please intercede my soul
Bring me to peace
Ready to release
Hear my plea,
As I am on my knees
Empty as I feel
Fill me with your zeal
Blood drips from my hands
Let me understand
The way to forgive
And the way to relive.
558 · Mar 2017
Irresistable Lute
Brad French Mar 2017
Keats I can feel your pain deep below
Poetry is slowly killing me, Oh the flow
Help me find the musical glow
It’s up to her music’s poetry to save me
Or is it all in my mind?
Or is it to unkind?
I could do better than that-ignoring her-
I relax in my poetic space for awhile
Looking at this page of doubt
Fixating my mind in spheres
The glorious sound of music’s hell
She screams in bed while I play her shell
I think about all of her leers and fears-
******* her makes me move
Playing the lute, or should I say electricity
I only found out she only knew
I’m only there for her new-news
Irresistible love games and screws
She’s trying my luck- It’s time to leave-
I guess hashtags matter.
540 · Feb 2016
Snow Falls
Brad French Feb 2016
Snow falls to the unseen ground,
Like her pale body once did before me.

(falling, just like snow)

Your heart feels cold, empty and weathered.
She knows I feel her anxiety creeping up this ***** of pain.

The ice has encased us in this ***** room,
Along with our sadness, and woe.

(falling, falling, just like snow)

Then out of a glimmering crack in the window,
Her presence filled the room like an ancient shrine.

I see her beauty shining like reflections on the ice.
Yet we both are lost, trying to find the cure to the poison.

Trying and trying to help her out of this melancholy…
But your heart keeps falling away from mine.

(falling, falling, falling, just like snow)
527 · Feb 2017
Denmark's Darkness
Brad French Feb 2017
I have seen many faces in my day,
Not one I have forgot,
Only to catch her in May,
She came all the way from Denmark to stay.

Shy as I was, down by what once was,
Denmark’s girl was there to kept my secrets.
Sarah swept me away, angelic beauty.
She cares not of societies troubling regrets.

I think she doesn’t mind my company,
Random conversation shines the day,
Wearing darkness, black for days.
Black like my dreams, bring me to my knees.

Not effected by our decaying world,
Neglected like always.
We share the darkness,
Black as her dress, she lingers in my dreams always.
This is dedicated to a friend I met. She hails from Denmark.
488 · Feb 2017
Keats was Punk
Brad French Feb 2017
Punk music fills my head with noise
Keats opens up doors in my mind
Poetry calls my name, yet it's a choice
Keats leads me to the kind only to find
His poetry speaks to me.
Running through the pages,
Opening the doors,
Keats opened up my heart.
Now it will be hard to part.
Brad French Mar 2017
Nothing can hold us back baby
You make me nervous
Maybe we can go to the show-
Where the amplifiers take out lives
Lift us high above then send us back down low
Oh baby you’re a fairy, musical fairy

Now were at the show time is slow;
Your worshiping the band no one knows
Page would have felt the waves-
You send down my soul
In the land of falling so low
Musical fairy lingering so low

Pick up your make-up and wig
Its time to go go go
Around the stage here were go-
Feeling the music in my soul
You are too baby I know
Musical fairy show me where to go.
Went to a show with a girl that is immersed in music just as I am. Here's a poem dedicated to her.
Brad French Mar 2017
Hydra among the icy waters
Her love encased among the frozen ones
Wraps me in an icy blanket among the dead
Serpents kiss on her brow
Now I’ve fallen into her lap or another trap
Poseidon discovers a trick to disarm
Yet she slips past his watery grasp in waves
Much of her troubles flow into me
Her heart, blue as the waters laugh
Slide among the creek beds
Freezing anything in her path
If only I could get out of her legs
419 · Jan 2017
Band with no Name
Brad French Jan 2017
We are in a band, but its nothing serious.
Me and my friends sit in the room,
Adoring the music thats so precious,
Yet we can't escape the gloom.

Tinted windows and tinted eyes,
Our favorite bands playing so alive,
Outside gives us our inspiration,
Ridged condensation.

Anthony on the guitar,
David must have rewired,
Always I write the prose,
But that's just how it goes...
418 · Jan 2017
Brad French Jan 2017
I'm a slave to religion,
slave to words,
slave to the internet,
slave to money,
slave to oil,
slave to the outdoors,
slave for my mother,
slave to love,
slave for you,
slave all my life only for you.
413 · Feb 2017
Star Doves
Brad French Feb 2017
I must profess, I love you, In every formation.
Love comes yet swiftly flies to the ocean;
then to illustrious moons above.
Love illustrates soul entwinement
Planets, stars, and vessels align
Only to consummate  embarkment

Foul creatures of the deep...
Beware of the wayward dove...
For love again then flows...
404 · Feb 2016
Past Residence
Brad French Feb 2016
The residence we reside in can be a bore…
All we are leaving behind has defiantly been done before.
Friends, acquaintances, relatives are left behind…
Traveling to this distant small town is like pressing rewind.

My past life arbitrarily radiates our oncoming destination.
Vivid, yet vague, memories fill my mind as we arrive in town.
We look down the one lane street as she asks a question.
Much of these replies are flying around.

Old school house, baseball field, and cracked stones come alive.
Passing these often lucid memoirs;
They remind me of a better time once we arrive.
All I want to do is remember…

All I need to do is show her,
But show her my past, and most of all the future.
We don’t know what’s to come around here.
From here to eternity, all we can do is try to mature…
402 · Feb 2016
Snow Falls(revised version)
Brad French Feb 2016
Snow falls to the unseen ground,
Like her pale body once did before me.
She stares at me begging for answers,
How am I to know how her angel wings glow?

(Falling, just like snow)

Your heart feels cold, empty and weathered.
She knows I feel her anxiety creeping up this ***** of pain.
I am in D e n i a l, yet I only hear her endeavor.
We talk violently with a sting of tears and a rough push in vain.

Ice has encased us in this ***** forgotten room,
Along with our sadness, and woe.
Bittersweet feeling in this tomb,
I diligently urge her to let go.

(Falling, falling, just like snow)

Her presence filled the room like an ancient shrine.
Then out of a glimmering crack in the window,
The shimmer hits her beautiful radiant skin,
My Verano, a lovely innuendo.

Her beauty strikes me again and again like the winters breeze.
Yet we both are lost, trying to find the cure to the poison.
Petty comforting words intending to levitate.
She still denies me still, tears in her eyes, and as I get on my knees.

Trying and trying to help her out of this melancholy…
But your heart keeps falling away from mine.

(falling, falling, falling, just like snow)
393 · Feb 2017
Free The Lexicon
Brad French Feb 2017
Lexicon in my Soul
Thoughts and Memories
Store in my Heart
(roam free)
Lexicon in my Soul
Love and Hate
Color tainted in Hue
(roam freely)
Lexicon in my Soul
Haunted and Scared
Faintly I see You.
(already flown)
(in progress)
381 · Feb 2017
Paralyzed by Pain
Brad French Feb 2017
So I found her sitting there,
She notices my moves...
Now I can't breath.
Paralyzed by her test.

Asking simple questions to pass
Only to pass the time.
Oh God, why can't this
This moment last forever.

So I was just walking along,
Around the corner I found her,
All sad and alone...
Oh will you listen to me?

Now I am beside her,
I don't know how to help,
Help her through her pain,
Help her through her pain...

Among the tiniest grain,
Deep ranges of space,
I will wait there.
I'll be waiting there up there somewhere.
377 · Feb 2016
Cliff Thoughts
Brad French Feb 2016
Staring off into the deep cliff I have known my whole life.
Down the rocky rock face, and green tree bushes everywhere.
The everlasting encampment calls me once more to dose,
And I lost myself again through my persuasive being.

Using the green rouged plant to calm my darkness, I view the cliff.
Knowing this enchanting view so adrift, and yet so beautiful in its presence.
Realizing it’s not worth being under the influence of the plants around me.
My fault, needs to fall, its making me feel at one again.  

This fault has grounded my sorrow twofold.
My hopelessness has been ever-present that still ensues.
I can’t keep trying to view the cliff dazed and confused.
Sitting near the edge up close to these high cliffs.

This encampment suits my lazy desires.
Feeling like the greenish perch fixed along its edges.
Seeking rejuvenation and patience through this moment in time.
Just because you want it, it doesn’t mean you need this pastime.

She dances off in the distance, like a distant creek ever flowing.
My pain is off the bluff falling to the path below.
No more views with its tempting persuasion.
Her love numbs this pain oh so worthwhile.
366 · Feb 2017
Dazed Classroom
Brad French Feb 2017
She sits next to me
Figure stunningly shining
It's hard not to be shy

Some-day you'll talk
Some-time you'll see
You belong to me girly

She sits next to me
The star in the sea
Girl, set me free
343 · Feb 2017
Oh Doc
Brad French Feb 2017
Oh doc you got me
I believed you for what its worth
Numbness and pain

Oh doc, ha, you had me
I trusted you, but its to late
Insomnia and ruin

Oh doc, what the hell?
I could have died.
White lights and blackness!
343 · Feb 2016
Soul Soul Music
Brad French Feb 2016
Music fills my yearning soul,
yet my thirst will not be filled entirely.
I’m tired of the half empty bowl,
of popish songs flooding the airwaves frequently.

Generations past set the highest bar,
lyrically flowing sounds by verse ascending into the universe.
I drive endlessly looking for beautiful song star,
that one song that will immerse.
338 · Mar 2016
By The Fire
Brad French Mar 2016
Smoke rises from luminous light burning by the fire.
Sitting here my soul finds peace by the fire.

Ruby, tangerine, and ebony dance circling the wave of warmth.
Glancing above, unreachable stars find a place by the fire.

My ancestors left marks in the wood where they once rested.
Just as I am, storytelling, beside by the fire.

Whispers in the forest ascend into the silence of smoke.
Yet I find myself pondering, what they once said by the fire.

Desolate, as I am, speculating how to inspire a new song.
Now voices are coming back like a shadow by the fire.

Took the thought beside the fire once carried by bones left behind.
The spheres tell me what I should be, oh what to write, all I want is peace by the fire.

Moving into my occupied spirit with invites of old.
Brad is my name, here my voice, my words, my breath by the fire.
Brad French Feb 2016
One tree, in my vacant overgrown yard.
This plant has no soul, no feelings, nor eyes to view its surroundings.
All the tree knows is its deep roots underneath the soil.
Yet the tree once felt the pain that once bothered me.

Rain falls blissfully to the ground,
fixed to the ground the tree absorbs its health.
The tree has no need for me.
However I find comfort in such a massive plant.

So many moons pass,
so many suns rise and fall,
seasons pass, time flies like a never-ending light.
Yet the tree stands still absorbing whatever it can so survive.

Passive souls fly past the tree.
We never take the time to realize how blessed we truly are.
The tree, so calm and patient,
waiting for the next rain.
315 · Feb 2017
Whorish Season
Brad French Feb 2017
Words surround me like flowers in early spring,
They consume my thoughts day by day
Lingering like a seed waiting to bloom
Thought their bite is like a bee-sting
Words find their way into my life
Leave quickly like a wayward girl
Distant callings summon me
Yet the callings send me to believe
That the seasons intertwine
Blending into a musical balance
Like what once was before
Her love for me once grew
Now left to tame the shrew
Sometimes the phone rings
Only to leave me hanging onto her spring
Leaving this page of doubt, shattered by a *****.
312 · Feb 2016
Brad French Feb 2016
Finally, down the hole, and my sanity is at ease,

(slowly now)

down the tube of troubled voices,

down the crawl space of gluttonous noises,

down into my soul that yearns for rapture,

down and slowly moving into that acid pit of nature,

down the uttermost glossy (yet slimy) hole of transition,

down into my gut of learning expedition,

down the hole of false prophesies,

down into my innermost colony of my apologies.

Almost directly down into my grumbling stomach.
Sliding down inside my broken fallen soul,
taken for a reasonable fool, now engaged only in my own scroll.
Dissolving, tumbling, sliding, falling, (the chemical) stops abruptly at its destination.
I feel the numbness of colors take over me in a slow explosion.
Sensation, condensation, formation, fills my skin and bones with longing tranquil paradise.
The chemical has hit my yearning void in this twisting concise surprise…
311 · Mar 2017
Hydra(in progress)
Brad French Mar 2017
Hydra among the icy waters
Her love is so soothing
Wraps me in an icy blanket
Serpents kiss on her brow
Now I’ve fallen into her trap
Poseidon discovers a trick
Yet she slips past his watery grasp
Much of her troubles flow into me
Her heart, blue as the waters
Slide among the creek bed
303 · Feb 2017
At The House Show...
Brad French Feb 2017
Eyes around us floating in the starry night
Lashing out against the wind into night
Their voices carry only to start the fight
Screaming so loud, so so loud
Guitars such a beautiful sound

Eyes around us,
Down on the plane
Searching the realm
Meeting new souls
Hearing new tolls
Troubling thoughts

Eyes around us,
Seeing past the evil
View the spectacle
Traveling faster by waves
Beating in our hearts
Music lives in us.
294 · Jan 2017
Standing Here
Brad French Jan 2017
I'm still standing here among the thorns,
scattered and torn,
behind the scorn,
I'm still standing here.

I'll stand here til time ends,
til the break of dawn,
I will love you baby,
I'll wait a lifetime, only for you, babe.

I'm still standing here,
ever since you left that cold night,
distracted by your greed,
darling I see what you need.

Mabye, I'll learn to be myself,
darling you tricked me this time,
I'm running out of this bind,
Yet I find myself still here.
My poetry has had a darker tone ever since I went through a rough break up. I will be still working on many different pieces for this theme.
285 · Feb 2016
Underneath The Oak
Brad French Feb 2016
She was sitting there underneath the old weathered oak.
Seeing her glimmer as I chocked,
I walk towards her as her shining eyes meet mine,
I had her heart kept close like the pocket watch time.
From underneath the Oak, shade was our friend,
talking to her makes my sadness float down the bend.
At once I realized how much this feeling,
grown into some kind of sonnet sinking.
At the end of our time(together) we made our way home.
Her hand felt as soft as before and we started our roam.
Glancing back at the Old Oak, silent yet not lonely,
I realized this could be my fate fondly.
Brad French Feb 2016
Like a Red Moon,
shining only for a few.
Its light cast down,
for all to see.

Fleeting moments,
Won’t be around much longer.
I guess that’s what we (humans)
Are bound for…

We grow into ourselves,
Wonder why we are here,
Grow old, and set in our ways.
Fall down dead.

Not you Red Moon.
You come out every two decades or so.
Hiding wherever you hide.
I saw you tonight blooming.

Act before it’s too late,
View the nature of the stars.

Not you Red Moon.
You come out every twenty years
282 · Jan 2017
Brad French Jan 2017
Walking along her muddy waters,
near the greenish stream lacking followers.
Alone walking endlessly,
I found an old TV.

Picture the electronic device,
laying there helpless.
No upgrades or features,
nope not even electrics.

Looking back at it now,
I see a pun.
Laid out for the few to see,
only in my dreams.
275 · Feb 2017
Brad French Feb 2017
Looking back on it now,
I must have seen it coming.
I did see it coming.
Oh yes I saw it arrive at my door,
The box in the corner.
Now the electronic sits on my floor.
No sound yet said the hoard.
I feel torn as I open the cardboard,
Only to discover to my surprise,
The electronic mind control device.
271 · Feb 2017
Brad French Feb 2017
She left me here alone rotten to the bone,
Undoubtedly, I decided to love poesy like stone.
My careless intentions wrong,
Must have been the haze almost free.
Everyone cares not for me,
Rescue me poetry from my dark light.
s-u-m-m-e-r = *****
264 · Jan 2017
Brad French Jan 2017
The girl I know is so far away,
she makes me wait for her, day by day

I can't see her until shes free
she just let me be.

Her name is unfamiliar,
I rarely see you around here.

Darlin' why make me wait?
I lost my best friend,
and you just keep me hanging here

This girl I know doesn't know my side,
she is so far away now, and not by my side.

I just don't want to know,
I'll just leave now.
Lyrics in progress.
250 · Jan 2017
Brad French Jan 2017
Oh Jone's how to act?
your spirit is lost
torn and dazed
lost forever faded
Oh Jones
your sad face
old and weathered
once you could hang
now your just a fang
under my skin again.
237 · Jan 2017
Brad French Jan 2017
Stepping outside to feel her embrace,
Summer calls my name.

She's more than a friend,
I'm in love with her warmth.

Summer is here for me in the night,
She is there for me during the night.

She's shining for me constantly,
Listening to me attentively.

Summer's breeze comes once a year,
I've been with her sunlight for years.

Struck by her grief,
I'm missing summer's breeze.
233 · Jan 2017
Brad French Jan 2017
When I saw her for the first time,
It was right then, and there
I knew she had me.
Under control.

Looking back on the past,
Hiding like a refugee,
I tended to her needs,
Only to end up with leads.

Looking into her eyes,
back then,
I should have learned
Now I'm stuck.

Love races around like a virus,
Now I'm sick,
Dying in this life.
Alive but time is not on my side.

Under her spell,
she rushes to concoct
the potion
223 · Feb 2017
Brad French Feb 2017
Blake wrote his marriage to hell,
Keats wrote his pain to the death,
Wordsworth wrote for himself,
What a loner.
I am tortured to the brink,
Sin has made me this way,
No turning back to the light,
I am scribing from my soul.
Hiding as a mole,
I am once again,
Alone again.
213 · Jan 2017
Brad French Jan 2017
I tried for you,
Oh my
on my knees
I'm begging for you
Oh girl...

You've messed around before
I heard it from a friend
Oh no,
look at you now,
so happy but so sad.
211 · Jan 2017
Brad French Jan 2017
Its been a long day,
waiting for my check,
working for my cash,
no time to play.

Looking to play,
no time for that life,
suit and tie...die.
see what we've done,
creativity shunned.

We could sit here together,
Letting the wind and waves take us,
quit work and run away away.
My dear, there's no time to be afraid.
205 · Jan 2017
Brad French Jan 2017
Warm weather hits my face,
Last chance to feel the rays,
Burning lighting in the dark haze.
Must escape this maze.

Killing our lives with potions,
Distracted by machines,
Have we forgot?
Our mother has no time left.

— The End —