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 Jul 2017 mk
She began to paint one night,
Never having taken a lesson in her life.

She didn't know what she was painting,
She didn't really know how to either.

But she picked up a brush,
And began to speak.

Her bristles spelt out words,
Her colours make the canvas scream.

The works she had done before spoke the stories of her heart,
The tales of her memories.

Anyone who had seen her canvases saw genius,
Saw light.

But when she looked at them,
She saw nothing.

She knew what they meant,
Each story embedded in her brain.

Her pain, and her hurt,
There for people to critique.

And the paint she used,
Seemed so bare and bleak.

She had been so desperate for colour,
She had tried to draw it from her skin several times.

But no one knew,
And no one ever would know.

Because in the end,
the only colour she really wanted to see was black.

Because these greys she saw as she stared at her work,
Told her she would never be able to understand how beautiful her words were.
this was supposed to be happy but nothing really goes my way.
 Jul 2017 mk
 Jul 2017 mk
I wish you really ran to me
The way you used to
When all crashed
And all was broken

I wish you run to me still
The way you write you want to
Because all is breaking
Once again
Including 'us'

I wish that poem was actually for me
But I know it's not
Because if anything
You're running everywhere
But to me
 Jun 2017 mk
My love I promise you to give you my triumphs my failures (more failures than triumphs for now) my life my time my love everything....I promise to always be worthy of your trust and to support you and love you when we face our struggles and our tough times.
Since the day our paths crossed back in 2015.... you've loved me annoyed me frustrated me and challenged me in the best of ways and I promise to always love you and annoy you and even frustrate you and challenge you to be a better version of yourself
And I do not believe in a lot of things but today I wanna tell you some things I do believe in
I believe in sunrise and sunset
I believe in the rain and sunshine and I believe in beauty of life and nature
And I believe that all these things are so so so much better when you have someone to share them with and I want YOU Minha to be that person in my life and most of all I want ME to be that person in your life
And I swear there are 3 words stronger than I love you
And that is
I choose you
I choose you to love forever
I choose you to share my life
I choose you to grow old with
I choose you to have little babies with
And choose you give you my all
And my all may not be enough
And it may even be less and it may even be bad
But it's my all
My everything

I promise to try to give you my best
And to protect you from the winter cold and even the summer heat
And to love you in and out of bed
And I promise to get you the food of your choice
And the juices you want
And the drinks
And to give you my jacket in the cold

So please be my friend and be my lover

I love you Minha
Still isn't enough to make it up to her....
 Jun 2017 mk
 Jun 2017 mk

I count things in 5’s

one cat
two cat
three cat
hula hoop
tote bag

My notes are organized Cornell style
but it can’t fill the void you left.

Light switch
one slipper
two slippers

I’ve got my life organized down to the the minutes
but you aren’t in any of them.

Long distance.
We’ll see.
 Jun 2017 mk
Benji James
At Least
 Jun 2017 mk
Benji James
2017 and I'm still writing
2017 and still no one likes me
Let me take you back to 2011
Back to when lyrics were
Jumping out of me
Like visual scenes
Back when I was an emotional mess
Where every song ends
With me dead
The razor blade cuts
All of  them scars
All that blood
I called Art

I've been looking around
And nothing has changed
I'm still the mess that was made
I still crave that attention
I still end my nights in depression

I'm still looking for something
That can save my life
Keep failing at everything that I try
Sometimes it's an effort to even smile
At least I can admit it
At least I know I'm like this

Doctors keep prescribing me pills
With this, I can't even deal
Drug addict
I just won't be
They get poured down the drain
My soul is damaged
Beyond repair
In a pitch black room
You'll find me there

I've been looking around
And nothing has changed
I'm still the mess that was made
I still crave that attention
I still end my nights in depression

I'm still looking for something
That can save my life
Keep failing at everything that I try
Sometimes it's an effort to even smile
At least I can admit it
At least I know I'm like this

Happy go lucky
That's supposed to be me?
Guess you just don't really know me
And all the things
that run through my mind
Every single night
I'm lost in life
And I can't seem to find
A map that shows me the right direction
They said life's all about perception
And my perspective
Is that I'm just dead and floating

I've been looking around
And nothing has changed
I'm still the mess that was made
I still crave that attention
I still end my nights in depression

I'm still looking for something
That can save my life
Keep failing at everything that I try
Sometimes it's an effort to even smile
At least I can admit it
At least I know I'm like this

©2017 Written By Benji James
 May 2017 mk
The overwhelming stench
Of body odour and sweat
will only smell like home
once you've chosen to accept
that a smell is to a person
as a leaf is to a type of tree
choose your scent, for I choose me,
in solitude I choose to breath.
Don't look at me, it wrote itself.
 May 2017 mk
 May 2017 mk
i drip my arms over your tired shoulders.
my hands cascade down your paper-thin back.

you're always crying.

and you're terrible wings tremble, but my dew-soaked fingers are
and unkind.

this is why no one can love me.

my heart is ill and beating with the strength of a
dying light.

pulsing off and on and off and on.

i carry scissors.

while i hug my poor self,
i clip my wings with the ease of a

there is an end somewhere
but not here.
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