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I love my *******
One, slightly bigger than the other
I could not live without them!

All my love to all the women
saved by mastectomies,

Sisters, allow me,
to sip,
at the well of your Courage.
Dedicated to all the strong beautiful women who are living pockets of love and strength who have lost their ******* through mastectomy.
Today the train wasn’t packed
Although moving space, it lacked
Someone got their bag caught in the doors, fact
And a woman elbowed me without much tact.

Luckily the man on the platform always has a smile
Which makes me happy while I wait a while
So I’m not in a bad mood at the end of the mile
That I travel, then queue at the escalator in single file

It is a relief to reach the suddenly cool air
And the breeze calms me as it ripples through my hair
I am then in no need of a jacket as I settle in my chair
And I forget about the cost of my journey’s fare
I’m cheerful in the morning
Then the clocks tick over into another time zone
I hope that the phone does not ring
Because if it does I know who it will be
I can hear the snake in your tone
Like a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes
The voice with no face
I sit rigid while the others speak down the line
Yet you signal me out
Making me feel like a sparrow amongst the doves
More than friendly emails
More than friendly offerings
Telling me to keep things
Just between us

There is nothing to keep.

You are a poison across the sea
And try as you might, you cannot affect me.
  Sep 2014 Blackheat deShanti
There was a time
I sat alone

empty heart
broken soul

I spoke not
for words escaped me

my fingers trembled
bones all aching

I thought it better
for no one to know

I wanted to leave
but had no where to go

'Give me your password!'
I demanded,
and I opened  Horrors.
  Sep 2014 Blackheat deShanti
Kate Lion
take me to a swimming pool that has not been peed in
with no grass or dead wasps floating around my bare skin
one newly installed that hasn't corroded yet

take me to fresh snow that has never been walked in
let me feel the crunch beneath my feet as i step into fresh turf and smile
knowing that they are all my footprints
knowing that i am the only one who has ever touched this ****** powder

take me to a coffin that has never been opened
a faceless, nameless beauty
one that nobody else knows about

and i will treasure it
like it is my own
because i am an old nobody, too
Thoughts form in my head




Until . . .

My mouth opens

My tongue flip-flops

Words reform

Tilting inside each other


Into a demented figure

Then a volcano erupts

From my inner

I scream

I cry

I shout

But the pen touches my fingertips

Quieting the beast in me

“Bleed me”

It whispers

I did

The pen bled my pain

It bled my deepest thoughts

Seemingly only ink cures

My dyslexia
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