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  Jul 2017 liebling
Persephone Springs
She came to him one day and said
That She wished to fly
He met her gaze and shook his head
And begged her not to try

Her lips twisted and brows knit
As She failed to understand
Just why He wanted her to quit
And be content on land

An oath, She made, to herself to see
The stars She would explore
Although He said no just let it be
And wished to hear no more

She asked him why She shouldn't go
And why He so loved the ground
For She dreamed of soaring to and fro
And living amongst the clouds

He looked at her, sighed and said
That this journey would only lead
To disappointment in the end
As She would surely not succeed

Encouraged by his stinging words
She set out to do even more
She promised to be just like the birds
To not just fly, but to soar

So for a time, through night and day
She tried again and again
Until the morn She found her way
And rode, gracefully, the wind

She glided, majestically, here and there
And also far and near
And so She told him so, with love and care
That He had nothing to fear

Yet, on the ground He wished stay
And still refused to go
So the two went their separate ways
She flying high, and He perched below

Through his eyes, his sorrows fled
His heart a heavy stone
Because He had known how this would end
With her free, leaving him alone

And He remembered the day She said
That She had wished to fly
For it was not She he doubted, but himself instead
As He had never dared to try
liebling Jan 2017
I know
why we close our eyes
when we kiss:
so that we never see things
close enough
to realize
the truth

*nothing lasts forever
liebling Dec 2016
Little droplets of blood,
Like little sprinkles of rain
Sadness was like a flood
Only dammed by my pain
My roses had turned to ashes,
With petals made of glass
On my arms were gashes
As I waited for this feeling to pass
The world spun so fast,
Holding onto a knife
I was gazing at the past,
Unsure of my life
For you never know what tomorrow will bring,
If with sorrow you will cry or if with joy you will sing
4.20.2016... this was a sonnet I wrote for an English assignment. I didn't end up turning it in (along with a few other sonnets I wrote which I might post soon because of the slight fear of being sent to the counselor's office, but I feel like sharing it since tomorrow is the New Year and it's this bright fresh lovely opportunity for everybody. Thank you for reading :)
liebling Dec 2016
I can't tell why
I'm crying

Where are my tears coming from?
Are they coaxed out by the fingers down my throat, coming up with the acids in my stomach?
Or are they because of the pain leading me to do this to myself?

Blurring things together,
Making my reflection as distorted
and fat
and bloated
as I am in my mind

I can feel the flesh settled on my bones.
The fat waiting there,
wishing I could skim it off with a knife
I know it must be as soft
as butter

why am I doing this
why am I crying
why am I killing myself from the inside

I can't tell why
I'm dying
liebling Dec 2016
The world
it was made
It was made to fade

for all of us
to fade away
to disappear
to dissipate

there is no purpose, no plan
nothing for this world--
but there is one for me,
for you,
for everyone, they get their own purpose

their own plan

to the world, nothing may matter
but to me, everything can

anything can matter to you

yes, things may fade, they may disappear

but the scars I've laced through my skin,
they don't fade for me
the regrets I have,
they don't fade for me
who I love,
they don't fade for me
the things I choose to matter,
they don't fade for me

through it all,
you won't fade for me

you will always matter

I let myself

after all

I was made
to fade
December 2, 2016

— The End —