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 May 2017 Autumn
Abby Lock3
My plant is siting
on top of my desk
and silently growing
without evidence.
It never tells me it needs to be fed
so it sits there and grows
until it is dead.

My lover is sitting
on top of my bed
and talking of loving,
but my thoughts remain unsaid.
I know our relationship will not survive
he has no chance,
all that I touch dies.
 May 2017 Autumn
Abby Lock3
We stand in the rain
on the last day I will see him
for months and months.
His eyes are fixed on me,
and a tear seeps down his cheek.
He reaches out a calloused hand
and takes mine.
Kids skip past us
up and down the stairs.
They slide down the ramp beside the stairs.
The adults stand inside, behind the glass church doors,
talking, singing, laughing…
But I cry, and my tears spill down my cheeks
and no one can see them,
except for him
standing across from me
in the early September rain.
The flowers are still blooming
amongst the rock décor
beside the concrete stairs.
But I cry,
And the tears roll down my cheeks.
His hair is light blonde and drenched
as it is, I can see his scalp.
His red polo is now maroon,
his jeans are dark already and I cannot tell
that they are soaked.
His wet hand is gripping mine,
“Don’t forget me.”
The single tall oak tree beside the church
sways in the wind.
Its dead brown leaves
break off the branches and twist away
with the gusts of wind.
“Don’t forget me.”
The parking lot has accumulated
puddles of water, a sheen
that reflects the thick grey clouds overhead.
He is staring at me, so I say
“I won’t.”
But somehow both of us know…
We know.
Maybe it’s the wind,
maybe the clouds.
And I cry, and my tears are hidden
by the early September rain.
 May 2017 Autumn
Abby Lock3
 May 2017 Autumn
Abby Lock3
The tall, white building on M-80
fills with people each Sunday morning.
Cars line up in the parking lot
on the white striped asphalt.
The people file into the building
and seat themselves on red cushioned pews.
The ***** and piano play “Onward Christian Soldiers”
dimly from the front corners.
Women’s dresses tangle around their knees
and high heels blister their toes.
Men’s ties choke them
while they sing, but hymnals are held high.
When the children start to fall asleep
parents pinch them.
The highly-starched congregation stares straight ahead,
and the words of the minister
bounce off their heads.

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only,
deceiving your own selves.”

Outside that building
the regal white steeple
reaches up to the sky.
And only the steeple
worships God.
 May 2017 Autumn
Abby Lock3
Gardenwindow, looking over the backyard,
Spring and Summer and Fall are lovely
But Winter is hard.
Going outside and
Wandering through my garden,
Down past it to the stream,
Walking along, as if in a dream.
It’s Spring time right now,
The air seems excited.
And there’s buzzing and sniffing,
The male species is fighting.
Continuing to wander out over
This garden, there are
Wonders in Summer,  
That the Winter will harden.
Even now the flowers are ebbing away
The trees are all changing,
Things start to decay.
Drifting, tilting, fluttering leaves
Are falling, are falling,
Are falling from tress.
The ending of Fall brings with it this fear
The Winter is coming
So keep all those you hold dear.
The icicles form
And with the snow comes a cost—
My gardenwindow is covered
With layers of frost.
I can no longer see
outside to my garden,
But I can see my reflection,
And it gives me no pardon.
The gardenwindow looks deeper,
Looks into my soul…
It sees parts of me
That were never whole.
It sees all my motives
And it cries out in shame.
The only thing I’ve ever worked for
Is personal gain.
Thanks for reading my first published poem! If you liked this poem, stick around. There will be more to come :)
 Apr 2017 Autumn
Timmy Durden
I remember sending you a picture of my map.
The map you gave me.
I called you that night,
and told you about a ****** Jaws mural.

I remember driving to see you in October.
And kissing you in your grandparents empty house.
Not knowing what I was doing,
But knowing it felt right.

I remember the hellos and goodbyes,
and not knowing when I’d say hello again.
All the times we spent apart,
always wondering who had your heart

I remember when you said you wanted me,
In my bed on christmas.
You made me so happy autumn.
You make me so happy.

I remember the countless reunions,
and not believing you're actually there.
How beautiful you are in the morning.
Kisses behind your ear.

I remember worrying.
And wondering.
And hoping you were true.
Hoping it was real this time.

I’m ready to be with you.
For a whole summer.
To kiss your lips when I want to.
To be mine.

I’m glad I sent you the map.
I had no idea when I sent it,
That we’d plan a trip across it.
Must be meant to be.

I think its all been worth it.
I love a girl named autumn
 Apr 2017 Autumn
Krista Joy
Teach me how to love Lord.
I don't trust myself with such a precious thing.
Living in a world with no honest leader.
Every single day comes a new victor,
using the people's heart to paint the picture of fear.

When will we escape the rampant greed running amuck?
Become our own leaders and stop giving a ****.

When asked questions like these, the defenders only have a mouthful.
The reins of power should be in the hands of the masses,
known as the powerful.

They shake at night with terrors of their past.
They finally understand they have worn a fake mask.

When will we stop eating from a government feeder?
Finally equalize and balance the power teeter.
We must, living in a world with no honest leader.
 Apr 2017 Autumn
Krista Joy
They would never truly know how much their kinds words had touched her
How many times she would replay them in her head on a bad day
And how many times they helped heal her
They would never truly know
because a thank you would never be enough
 Apr 2017 Autumn
Krista Joy
 Apr 2017 Autumn
Krista Joy
Take care of her.
Feed her when she's hungry.
Let her rest when she's tired.
Give her comfort when she's weary.
Love her when she feels unloved.
Extend her grace when she thinks she is unworthy.
Encourage her when she worries about failure.
Tell her she's beautiful when she can't see or feel it.
Believe in her when she loses sight of her vision.
Show her kindness when she starts to tear herself down.
Take her for a walk when she wants to isolate.
Dance with her when her mind is flooded with chaos.
Sing her songs when words no longer make sense to her.
Be the safe place she can run to when she needs to retreat.
Offer her your shoulder when she needs to cry.
Pull her in tight when she needs a warm embrace.
Please take care of her.
She is you.
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