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 Apr 2017 Autumn
stare at a blank white wall for hours
let it's emptiness consume you
then you'll understand
what it really means to feel blue
 Apr 2017 Autumn
I grew up outside with the sun on my face
not indoors to the glow of a screen

I grew up acting and playing pretend  
not inside watching actors on a screen

I grew up going on walks with my friends and my dog
not alone texting friends through a screen

I grew up empowered by the skills I learned through play
not lost and behind because I stayed inside all day
 Apr 2017 Autumn
 Apr 2017 Autumn
perfection is overrated
should be outdated
A misconception that
leads in the wrong direction
A selection  of  delusions
based on opinions
A reflection of a society
full of illusions
A collection of deception
that leads to self destruction
A thought that should be
rejected instead accepted
 Mar 2017 Autumn
Time freezes
 Mar 2017 Autumn
when you tell me what happened
my body fills with ice
the whole world freezes
dust falls like snow around the room swirling in slow motion
other people seem warm and happy indulging in an ignorant bliss
but the same room feels bitter cold
the ice cracks and my voice breaks
my eyes fills with hot tears
streaming down my face to melt my frozen mouth
the dam breaks as I gasp for air and begin to cry
I blink a few times and hang up the phone
the room suddenly feels too hot
and I begin to feel dizzy as time rapidly picks up
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