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 Jan 2016 Arielle Dawn
I took some of your pills
Hoped you wouldn't mind
Made me feel good again
You were exactly my kind

It was fun as long as it lasted
But as fall passed, winter came
You were out of pills for me
Really made me go insane

You blended all my colours
Too late to turn it back
Mixed it all together
Now there's only black

And now im looking through my space
Looking at the bed that we ****** on
And the floor where you sat
Still craving for you makes me feel like a *****

But i guess i can understand myself

Because what's a life worth living,
when you know what you're missing?
You used to look at me with ur heart
And you would fill mine with joy
Eventually your heart grew cold
And i would feel myself getting paralyzed
In the frost
And you left me behind

Where did you go
Our happy days seem so long ago
Yet we're still sleeping in the same sheets
Yet i still smoke to eliminate stress
But it's only a timekiller

It's just a waste. waste. waste.
I should walk away
But if you call for me
You know i'll come
But you're already gone
Just fearing one day soon
You'll be gone forever
And i'll sit there in silence
Smoking my last cigarettes
 Jan 2016 Arielle Dawn
The heart,
not what it used to be
Its chambers are diffrent since you left
There is no more art in the gallery
White walls, no light
Its not empty though
The space, filled with your absence
and whispers asking

*"Where did it go wrong?"
 Jan 2016 Arielle Dawn
You were so free and full inspiration
When we first met
I loved all your colourfull thoughts
Like a beautifull bouquet

Some of those thoughts were poisonous
Things i couldnt see
Somehow fate split us
Because of our hunger for diversity

We saw each other while in blossom
But do we like each other without leaves
We stole each others freedom
So i think that makes us thieves

Attraction by powerfull vivid visuals
But our colours left us blind
Losing ourselves out of sight
I guess thats just the curse of having a free mind
thoughts just clashed which caused love to break
I surrounded myself
in the walls
of her

and suffocated
Not necessarily bad, but when you can love someone so much you wrap yourself in it, and in a sense suffocate happily. Yet at the same time, it could hurt you in return.
How the satin essence of glowing white
blankets the chilling night
with such warmth
and such love
does the wood feel
as animals lay tonight
in a deep and peaceful slumber
caressing the deep wood
in effortless affection
 Jan 2016 Arielle Dawn
Walk on water
Breathe in air
When will everyone
Start to care?

The bad decisions
The silly rhymes
Im not ok
Although I've said it a million times.

I just want
For you to notice
To take my hand
And fix my brokenness

But I'll just sit here
Alone and unaware
Since no one here
Seems to care
 Jan 2016 Arielle Dawn
 Jan 2016 Arielle Dawn
Magnetic feelings with the might of gravity,
visceral caring, deep and unbounded.
My body charged with pulsating energies,
excitement everytime we exchange words.
A brief moment the moon bonds our souls
Far distance between us, yet so connected.
Always learning from one another,
open minds and open hearts in convosation.
A touch not yet felt within the physical realms,
the only feeling that we are yet to share.
I Look beyond your astonishing graceful beauty,
to find a soul of intriguing purity.
I hope that this emotion can last forever,
for I would fade away without it.
Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we shall know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.
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