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I am no doctor, no laywer, no architect
no teacher, no painter, no designer
no psychologist, no musician, no writer
I'm just a simple guy
trying to be famous
in an infamous world
where everytime everything is open for everyone
except me.

And I fear
I will be left back
while all others drive along their ways
they've found in their lives
and I wonder
if I couldn't be one of them
driving along a simple route
enjoying to view outside
glad that I am.
 Sep 2014 Anna Vigue
just for a moment
darling, I beg you
don't move
don't speak
don't laugh
don't feel
don't ****

just for a moment
darling, look at me
stare at me a lil longer
wouldn't it be good this way
with less people to impress

just for a moment
darling, you and me
THE moon upon the wide sea
Placidly looks down,
Smiling with her mild face,
Though the ocean frown.
Clouds may dim her brightness,
But soon they pass away,
And she shines out, unaltered,
O'er the little waves at play.
So 'mid the storm or sunshine,
Wherever she may go,
Led on by her hidden power
The wild see must plow.

As the tranquil evening moon
Looks on that restless sea,
So a mother's gentle face,
Little child, is watching thee.
Then banish every tempest,
Chase all your clouds away,
That smoothly and brightly
Your quiet heart may play.
Let cheerful looks and actions
Like shining ripples flow,
Following the mother's voice,
Singing as they go.
You deserve to be happy
You deserve that smile on your face
That smile that we don't get to see often
You deserve to get what you want,
what you desire

Don't apologize for what's in your heart
Don't apologize for what you want
Don't apologize for who you are

Have fun

Oh dear self
You deserve it all
So take it
Without feeling sorry
Without feeling guilty
Just take it all
and be
Start taking care of yourself, self. You owe it to yourself to be happy.
 Aug 2014 Anna Vigue
 Aug 2014 Anna Vigue
People always ask me:
"What do you plan to do?"
"You need a job, something
to do."

But what if I don't want a job,
but instead I wanted
to be, not do.

So I said "I'd like to
be a book, filled with
wonder and words."
"A book?" they ask.

Books are filled with
darkness and light,
wonder and delight."

Books are not only beautiful,
but also helpers.

I've learned most of
what I know
from written words.

Wouldn't it be nice
to be made of

The question isn't "What
do you want to do?"
"What do you want
to be."
 Aug 2014 Anna Vigue
Mitch Prax
Suddenly, the future doesn’t look so bright
Guided by a lighthouse without a light
Like a ship finding its way back to land
Misdirected, you’re buried in the sand
 Aug 2014 Anna Vigue
Calvin Baker
It's exciting in a time when

is in.
           and the most creative thing is to march along

Little secret whispers in posh scarves, sleek dresses, angled suits
              Strive for imagination in prison.
It is rife with discontent.
                           Influence chained.
                           Desire subdued.

              All we care about now is blending in
like it's the newest way to

                           STAND OUT.
Why he did it?
Does it matter?
We can't comprehend that this comedian has died.
He's not the first.
And most likely won't be the last.

Let's remember him for the good times.
The laughter and joy brought to our eyes.
The memories left in our minds.

Things happen that only a few understand.
Which also is written concerning this man.
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