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Mar 2016 · 443
Bad Cops
archwolf-angel Mar 2016
Beings of untold stories
The words out their mouths
Blunt and fearful
The look on their faces
Stern and frightful
The glares they give
Cold and deadly

Unapproachable once or twice
Maybe for several months
Never imagined as nice
Stepping on their toes did not seem too wise

Miraculous gatherings
Opening of the hearts
Soft tender tales flows out of their lips
Secret wonders of getting things done

They seem like they could be
The witches of the darkest forest
The devils of the deepest hell
Your worst nightmares

But beneath all that, I believe
They are the warmest of hearts
The gentlest angels
Your sweetest memories

This is about...

...the bad cops' unspoken stories.
In love with the scariest yet the most respected ones. The badasses.
Mar 2016 · 725
Waiting • Loving
archwolf-angel Mar 2016
Another night of loneliness
One more night of the cold
Gently missing
Your hand that I want to hold

Another breath of nicotine
One more breath in sigh
Silently wishing
That you could be by my side

Another call of cheerful laughters
One more call disconnected in between
Desperately hoping
You are still thinking of me

Another goodbye by the plane
One more look of your face
Naively anticipating
The day we both remain together in one place

*In love, in smiles, in happiness
To the ones who are living apart from their loved ones.
It's tough, but most things are. In hope, all will be worthwhile.
Mar 2016 · 398
archwolf-angel Mar 2016
The day I chose to light that stick up
The day I chose to hold your hand

                 I fell trap to every breath I took from it
My heart fell for you

                 Many people have said its bad for you
The warnings, whispers of unsightly stories

             Some understood, its atrocious addiction
Your charms, your kind precious heart

                                             I inhaled once or twice
                                          more than I should have
A kiss or two, tender gentle skin contact

                        Its scent attracted me more every time
That cologne you use,
that shirt I love that you wear

         The contents harming me pieces by pieces,
                                                           I took no sign
Little tortures, little toleration, little lies

                               I had thoughts if I should quit,
                                      I've said it more than once
Letting go of you could send me sighs of relief

                                            But I always turn back,
                        Took another breath and another...
                                                      ­      Just one more.
Gentle holds and seductive touches, sounds of love spreading

                                  I can't stop

                                                           It's dangerous,
                                                                ­     tempting
                                     and unbelievably addictive
Keep me close

                              I've gotten used to the comfort,
                                 I've embraced every moment

  And I know it's going to be hard to move away

You are worse than...
Inspired by Panic! At The Disco's 'Nicotine'.
Feb 2016 · 526
Cursed with Flaws
archwolf-angel Feb 2016
You're lazy
She only needed some rest
You're untidy*
The slight mess gives him comfort
You're clingy
She only needed some love
You're bossy
He only wanted to take control for once
I don't like how you ask so many questions
She doesn't want to misunderstand you
I don't like how you talk so loud
He wants you to hear him
You're selfish
She has never stopped caring, give her a break
You don't care
What did I say before?

Curse her with flaws
Hatred swallows him whole
When will they be truly appreciated?
They will never know

When will you stop judging?
You killed him on the inside
Tears flooded their veins
Start clearing your plain sight

Demons are for real
They are not fantasies
They sleep under our beds
And haunts us every night in our sleep

Your curses feeds them
Your unnecessary comments keeps them alive
You don't know them at all
For you aren't the ones living on the edge

.... **with all these lies.
No one is perfect. Perfection is a lie.
Feb 2016 · 524
Addict of The Weak
archwolf-angel Feb 2016
The midnight moon gleams amongst the stars
Night falls gently upon
The dark sky filled with sorrows
The cold unbelievably torturous

Bites of the negativity
Happiness on its deathbed
The smiles we had through the day withers and dies
Only droplets of tears dominant in our eyes

For what is worth, we always do our best
We score, we celebrate
We are victorious
We are the brightest in everyone's eyes

But underneath the darkest skies
We fall prey to the saddest woes
We fall to our knees and beg for mercy
To the endless torturing of the addictive poison of weakness and every of those
Torturing one's self could be an addiction.
Jan 2016 · 428
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
Listen to the woes of the drowning souls
Mandatory patience required
His heart so pure
It took everything
Not once his sighs came forth

Based upon the old stories of humanity
While all of us have lost our humility
He showed her the reason
So she will never forget
The gentle songs of responsibility

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who is the kindest of them all

She sees his face clouded up in her head
The wonders of his beliefs
She will always be in awe

Her gratitude will not end here
The songs they sing shall not be done
She could never forget
The light he has shone
Jan 2016 · 805
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
I am the lion
That leads his pack with pride and honour
Who protects his loved ones

I am the pillar
That supports every building formed upon it
It would never let them fall

I am the buoy
That does its best to save every life
It will pull you away from danger

I am the joker
Who laughs the most under the ridiculous
Who makes sure you stay happy

*I am the cub
Helpless to the wondering hyenas

I am the tiles on the floor
Supporting weights and lifting hearts

I am the anchor
Sinking to the bottom of the sea

I am the broken
Laughters lost, tears overflowing
To the masked.
Because I respect you.
Jan 2016 · 468
Lost & Found
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
Wonders in the midst of what isn't worth
Gentle screams to have only met disapproval
Quiet emergency alarming the soul
No one saw it though

I wish upon a shooting star
That you may take the happiness along
Even when we are far apart
I could feel it within you

Questionable forsaken thoughts
The gentle screams continues on
How much longer can we go?
As far as the horizon I suppose*

I wish upon a shooting star
You remain the way you are
For you are the hope I hold on to
It's become hard to live without you

Wonders in you that is what's worth
Gentle screams are gently heard
The soul starts to breath accordingly
Thank you for finding me
You saw me, and I saw you.
Jan 2016 · 394
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
Simple symphonies all around
The touch of simple sighs
The hunger for affection
So deep
So painful
It hurts her on the inside

The promises
They broke
Under your own tender lips
The signs keep showing
The scars reappearing
You do nothing about it

What more can she ask?
Her desperate screams goes silent
She just needed you there
Where were your showers?
Where were your words?

The soul so gentle and warm

Catch her before she goes
You don't know a thing
Her heart is leaving you soon
Aren't you afraid of it?
Keep her closer, why don't you?

You are losing her....

Aren't you afraid at all?
Jan 2016 · 2.7k
You, Me, Reality
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
He watched as she spoke
Her gentle lips moving seductively
The scent of her perfume haunting him, inside and out
Confusion in placement of words

He could find no explanation for himself
No excuses
No reasons
He was mesmerized, flooded with infatuation

The desires he had would haunt him again
At night…
During the day…
Her dark brown eyes blink right back at him
Her smiles, enthusiastic with charm

*I saw you smiling, beautifully engulfed with happiness. If I were to list the things I love about you, I could never be done with it. I saw you blush at the words I say, and I wish I could tell you them every day. Light touches on your face to feel your cheeks, firm hugs connecting body heat. Even if it was just for a second, I had you close to me.

And then you pull away
To go back to reality
Back to the reality we both will ever be facing
The reality in which
You are not with me
But him.
forbidden love.
Jan 2016 · 559
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
If I could smile
It will be your endless words of encouragement
Your contagious laughters
Your gentle firm hugs

If I could cry
It will be your shoulder to lean upon
Your heartwarming care
Your listening ears

If I could flare
It would be your reliable attention
Your arms to hit
Your worries

If I could score
It will your countless cheers
Your happiness for me
Your celebration

If you could be there
It will be my gratitude
My love
My everything

Because you are my light.
To the friends who listens to me all the time, thank you.
Jan 2016 · 221
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
Her world was perfect
She had nothing to lose
But she lost her footing
She fell through the loops

Millions of wasted
Millions of sigh
Thousands of crying
The days went by

She started to scream
They came to haunt
She was losing her mind
Be it dusk or dawn

Uncover her weakness
Uncover her whole
Make sure she falls
Through every hole

Dozen of screams
Dozen of woes
*Help me please
Don't leave me alone
Appreciating little things.
Jan 2016 · 206
Sentimental Strength
archwolf-angel Jan 2016
Subtle sighs in the midst of breaths
The words I hardly say
Voices travel around your thoughts
But forever keeping myself at bay

The taste of the dreams
That I have lost
But new found fate
I have come upon

Watch me fly
Above the skies
See me soar
Way up high

Subtle screams in the midst of living
Life will only keep scarring
Do not fret
Fill yourself with hope

We will always be building bricks of stone.

— The End —